updated 11/06/2013
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - I.O.O.F. ![]() & Allamakee co. Iowa |
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is a fraternal organization. In the US, it was founded in Baltimore, Maryland, on April 26, 1819. In 1851 the IOOF became the first national fraternity to accept both men and women when it formed the Daughters of Rebekah ...... from Wikipedia
Mr. J. Moir, JR., is having his building shoved right up, and it is going to be a vast improvement to the street where it is located. We understand that the upper portion of the building is to be used by the Odd Fellows for a lodge room.
~Postville Review, March 1874 ~contributed by S. Ferrall~*~*~
Lodge No. 266, I.O.O.F., Postville, meet every Monday evening, in their new hall. W.H.S. McLeland, Sec'y and T. Symms, N.G.
The Odd Fellows of Lansing have just dedicated their new hall, which is claimed to be the finest in the state.
~Postville Review, May 1875 ~contributed by S. FerrallThe following persons were installed as officers of Postville Lodge, No. 256, I.O.O.F., last Monday evening.
N.G. - Jas. McAdam
V.G. - A.F. Watson
Rec. Sec. - R. N. Douglass
Per. Sec. - Carl Holter
Treas. - John Moir, Jr.
~Postville Review, Wednesday, July 7, 1875 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville Lodge No. 266, I.O.O.F., installed the following officers last Monday evening:
N.G.- Jas. McAdam
V.G.- S. C. Baily
R.S.- H. A. Stowe
P.S.- G. Blanchaine
T.- J. Moir
~Postville Review, Saturday, January 13, 1877 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
At its regular meeting Friday evening last Postville Lodge I.O.O.F. elected the following officers for the six months term beginning January 1, 1905:
Noble Grand, A. S. Burdick
Vice Grand, E. D. McWilliams
Secretary, Fred Luhman
Treasurer, Dr. C. H. Flynn~Postville Review, Friday, December 9, 1904 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
New Lodge Officers. The following will preside over Postville I.O.O.F. for 1908.
Noble Grand, George Fay
Vice Grand, Wm. Harris
Past Grand, W. C. Dresser
Secretary, A. J. Phillips
Treasurer, James Gregg
Trustee, Wm. Harris
~Postville Review, Friday, December 20, 1907 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville Lodge I.O.O.F. - District Deputy Grand Master, J.M. Barlow, installing officer for the Odd Fellows, was here recently and installed the following officers:
James Gregg, N.G.
J.P. Ellis, V.G.
George W. Fay, Tres.
F. Suchaneck, Warden
H.J. Schuette, Comd.
Wm. Weihe, I.G.
A.F. Schultz, O.G.
Wm. Durno, R.S. to N.G.
O.C. Sander, L.S. to N.G.
I.J. Allen, R.S. to V.G.
J.W. Campbell, L.S. to V.G.
F.W. Eaton, Chaplain
W.J. Hanks, R.S.S.
Ed Knodt, L.S.S.
~Postville Review, July 23, 1909 ~contributed by S. Ferrall
Postville Lodge, No. 707, I.O.O.F. Officers:
Nobel Grand, Geo. S. Tuttle
Vice Grand, J. W. Campbell
Secretary, Ira G. Riley
Treasurer, Geo. W. Fay
~Postville Review, Fri., Jan. 13, 1911 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville Lodge, No. 707, I.O.O.F. officers for 1912:
Nobel Grand, Ira G. Riley
Vice Grand, Frank Suchaneck
Secretary, Geo. S. Tuttle
Treasurer, George W. Fay
Warden, A. J. Phillips
Conductor, John F. Palas
Chaplain, Talcott Bollman
Others mentioned but whose office titles were smeared: W. C. Dresser, Wm. Weihe, F.W. Eaton, Geo. J. Schroeder, John L. Gregg, Henry J. Schuette, A. R. Campbell, E. R. Smith
~Postville Review, Fri. January 5, 1912 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville I.O.O.F. officers for the first term of 1913:
N.G.- C. H. Freidag
V.G.- J. L. Gregg
Secretary- G. S. Tuttle
Treasurer- G. W. Fay
R.S.N.G.- Wm. Weihe
L.S.N.G.- B. W. Lange
R.S.V.G.- A. S. Burdick
L.S.V.G.- A. J. Phillips
Warden- J. W. Campbell
Chaplain- V. G. Bollman
Conductor- J. F. Palas
R.S.S.- J. A. Fisher
L.S.S.- C. F. Meier
I.W.- Wm. Weihe
O.W.- J. P. Ellis
~Postville Review, Friday, January 24, 1913 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville I.O.O.F. officers for the first term of 1914. Meeting nights- every Friday.
Noble Grand - G. A. Brooks
Vice Grand - O. C. Sanders
Secretary - J. W. Campbell
Treasurer - Geo. W. Fay
~Postville Review, Friday, December 26, 1913 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville Lodge, No. 707, I.O.O.F. bi-annual officers for 1915:
First half-year: Noble Grand, D. C. Bloxham
Vice Grand, Ira G. Riley
Treasurer, Gaddis Brooks
Secretary, A. J. Phillips
Warden, J. P. Ellis
Conductor, A. S. Burdick
Chaplain, J. W. Campbell
R.S.N.G., Chas. Freidag
L.S.N.G., C. F. Meier
R.S.V.G., Frank Suchanek
L.S.V.G., Frank W. Eaton
R.S.S., W. C. Dresser
L.S.S., John L. Gregg
Inner Guard, Wm. Harris
Outer Guard, Wm. Weihe
Past Grand, Otto C. SandersSecond half-year: Noble Grand, C. F. Meier
Vice Grand, Carl Sander
Secretary, A. J. Phillips
Treasurer, G. A. Brooks~Postville Review, Fri., Jan. 29, 1915 and Fri., June 11, 1915 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
At the regular meeting of the Postville Lodge, No. 707, I.O.O.F., held on last Friday evening, the following officers were elected for the coming term:
Noble Grand, John L. Gregg
Vice Grand, J. E. Welsch
Secretary, A. J. Phillips
Treasurer, C. F. Meier
Captain Degree Staff, I. G. Riley
~Postville Herald, Fri., December 12, 1919 ~contributed by Reid R. JohnsonPost Rebekah Lodge Number 48 was instituted last Saturday night at Masonic Hall, the officers being installed by Margaret Schechter of Marshalltown, assembly president of Iowa, assisted by E. W. Cutting, past grand master, and Mrs. Josie F. Cutting, past president of Decorah, and Georgia Quigley, past president of McGregor. Twenty-five members of the Elgin lodge put on the degree work. The next meeting will be held on Sept. 11th, when complete arrangements will be made as to time of meetings etc. The following officers were installed:
Noble Grand - Amanda Phillips
Vice Grand - Sevena Schutta
Secretary - Marie Davis
Treasurer - Hattie Weihe
Warder - Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks
Conductor - Louise Thoma
R.S.N.G. - J. W. Campbell
L.S.N.G. - Lizzie Wegner
R.S.V.G. - Malinda Schultz
L.S.V.G. - Emma Meier
Chaplain - Gwendolyn Campbell
Inside Guard - Louise Bloxham
Outside Guard - Chas HothMembers- Herman Schutta, Louisa Thoma, Carrie Ellis, J. P. Ellis, Charity Harris, Wm. Harris, Chas. Wegner, Lizzie Wegner, Ralph Davis, Marie Davis, Arthur Schultz, Malinda Schultz, Orma Schultz, Elvin Schultz, Emma Meier, C. F. Meier, Luella Krogman, Mrs. Florence Davis, John W. Powell, Minnie M. Powell, Chas. H. Hoth, Sophia H. Hoth, Frank Suchanek, Geo. S. Tuttle, Alfred T. Schultz, Geo. W. Fay, J. W. Campbell, Gwendolyn Campbell, A. J. Phillips, Amanda Phillips, Eva B. Fay, G. A. Brooks, Elizabeth Brooks, Wm. H. Weihe , Anna Weihe, Hattie M. Weihe, D.C. Bloxham, Louise Bloxham, Sevena Schutta, K. E. Kenney.
~Postville Herald, Fri., Sept. 3, 1920 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
At their last regular meeting on Friday the local lodge of Odd Fellows installed the following officers:
Noble Grand - Wm. J.
Klingbeil Vice Grand - Chas. H. Hoth Treasurer - C. F. Meier Secretary - A. J. Phillips Warden - John L. Gregg Conductor - G. A. Brooks Inside Guardian - Ed F. Thoma Outside Guardian - John Powell |
R.S. N.G. - L. E. Thoma L.S. N.G. - Herman Schutta R.S. V.G. - Eldo Kluss L.S. V.G. - Chas. Wegner Chaplain - J. W. Campbell R.S.S. - Wm. H. Weihe L.S.S. - D. C. Bloxham Trustees - Wm. H. Weihe, Geo. S. Tuttle, Wm. Harris Degree Captain - G. A. Brooks |
Postville Herald, Friday, January 20, 1921 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Post Rebekah Lodge No. 48, officers for the 1st & 2nd terms of 1921.
First term: Noble Grand-
Mrs. Amanda Phillips |
Second term: Mrs.
Carpenter and Elizabeth Fasse of Waukon, installing
officers. |
Last Thursday evening Post Rebekah Lodge No. 48 observed annual Roll Call and Homecoming and sixty members were present to answer. This lodge is the youngest of Postville's fraternal orders but has about eighty-five members at the present time. After the Roll Call the following new officers were elected for the first term:
Noble Grand, Mrs. Amelia Sander
Vice Grand, Mrs. Milda Leui
Secretary, Mrs. Marie Davis
Treasurer, Mrs. Celia Sander
Trustee, John L. GreggThe degree staff then conferred the work upon five candidates in a most creditable manner, this being the first time they did the work without outside assistance. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Rounds, Mrs. J. H. W. Schroeder and the Misses Lydia Schukel and Bernice Phillips were the new members taken into the order. After the work those present partook of a dainty luncheon served by the refreshment committee.
~Postville Herald, Thursday, December 15, 1921 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
On last Friday evening Postville Lodge No. 707, I.O.O.F. installed the following officers for the first term 1922:
Conductor - J. P. Ellis Chaplain - Wm. J. Klingbeil Inside Guardian - Ed. F. Thoma Outside Guardian - H. A. Lange R.S. V.G. - Chas. Freitag L.S. V.G. - Chas. Wegner R.S.S. - Peter Service L.S.S. - J. H. W. Schroeder Past Grand - Chas. H. Hoth |
~Postville Herald, Thursday, January 19, 1922 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Post Rebekah Lodge No. 48, I.O.O.F., installed the following newly elected officers for the second term at their regular meeting on last Thursday evening.
Outside Guardian - Chas. H.
Hoth Inside Guardian - Mrs. Emma Meier R.S. N.G. - Mrs. Amanda Phillips L.S. N.G. - Mrs. Rachel Harris R.S. V.G. - Mrs. Mattie Service L.S. V.G. - Mrs. Bertha Gregg Past Grand - Mrs. Amelia Sander |
~Postville Herald, Friday, July 20, 1922 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville I.O.O.F. officers
for the first term of 1923:
~Postville Herald, Thur., Jan. 18, 1923 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
District Deputy Grand Master Brooke of Waukon was here to install the newly elected officers of Postville Lodge, No. 707, I.O.O.F., about fifteen members of the Waukon lodge accompanying him here. Following the installation a turtle soup supper was served by the committee and a social hour followed. Below are the new officers for the second term:Past Grand - Ed. F. Thoma
Noble Grand - John W. Powell
Vice Grand - Peter Service
Secretary - A. J. Phillips
Treasurer - C. F. Meier
R.S.N.G. - I. P. Hinman
L.S.N.G. - Elmer Hoth
Warden - W. J. Hanks
Conductor - Chas. H. Hoth
Chaplain - L. K. Dawes
Inside Guardian - Warner Harris
Ouside Guardian - L. E. Thoma
R.S.V.G. - Harold Hangartner
L.S.V.G. - Dewey Harris
R.S.S. - Ray Putnam
L.S.S. - J. H. W. SchroederPost Rebekah Lodge installed it's new officers and afterward enjoyed a good feed and a social time. Following are the new officers of the second term:
N.G. - Glessner Webster
V.G. - Bertha Rounds
Secretary - Delia Stone
Treasurer - Edith Sawvelle
Warden - Bernice Phillips
Conductor - Mabel Wilke
Chaplain - Meta Schroeder
R.S.N.G. - Milda Leui
L.S.N.G. - Anna Staadt
R.S.V.G. - Minnie Powell
L.S.V.G. - Caroline Sander
Inside Guard - Louise Thoma
Outside Guard - F. T. Suchanek
~Postville Herald, Thur., July 19, 1923 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
The following elective and appointive officers of Post Rebekah Lodge, No. 48, were installed at the regular meeting on Thursday, Jan. 8th.
N.G., Hattie Weihe
V.G., Clara Gordon
Secretary, Delia Stone
Treasurer, Louise Thoma
Warden, Luella Krogman
Conductor, Olga Sebastian
Chaplain, Flora A. Franklin
R.S. to N.G., Bertha Rounds
L.S. to N.G., Mattie Service
R.S. to V.G., Florence Hoth
L.S.. to V.G., Helen WillmanL.G., Nina Harrington
O.G., Elizabeth Brooks
P.N.G., Meta Schroeder
Pianist, Pearl C. Meier
Instructor, Amanda Phillips
Reporter, Eltha Klingbeil
Degree Captian, A. J. PhillipsAfter installation refreshments were served, followed by a short social season. Post Rebekah Lodge is in a flourishing condition, being but four and a half years old and having a membership of 127. Twenty-six members were admitted into the order during the past year.
~Postville Herald, Thur., Jan. 15, 1925 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson~*~*~
Postville Lodge No. 707 I.O.O.F.
N.G. - Frank D. Rounds
V.G. - Ira P. Hinman
Secretary - J.W. Campbell
Treasurer - C.F. Meiser
Warden - J.W. Powell
Conductor - W.C. Schroeder
L.G. - Albert Backhaus
O.G. - Frank Suchanek
R.S.N.G. - W.H. Weihe
L.S.N.G. - W.M. Harris
R.S.V.G. - Alfred Meyer
L.S.V.G. - D.C. Bloxham
Chaplain - A.C. Webster
R.S.S. - Chas. Wegner
L.S.S. - Otto Sander
Meets - Every Friday eveningPostville, Rebekah Lodge No. 48 I.O.O.F.
Noble Grand - Mrs. Flora Franklin
Vice Grand - Mrs. Nina Harrington
Secretary - Mrs. Delia Stone
Treasurer - Mrs. Emelia Sander
Warden - Mrs. Olgo Sebastian
Conductor - Mrs. Ada Schuette
Chaplain - Mrs. Anna Zieman
R.S. to N.G. - Mrs. Hattie Weihe
L.S. to N.G. - Mrs. Florence Musser
R.S. to V.G. - Mrs. Amanda Phillips
L.S. to V.G. - Mrs. Edith Sawvelle
Inside Guardian - Carmen Sweikert
Outside Guardian - Leroy Wegner
Pianist - Mrs. Mabel Meyer
Meets - 2nd and 4th Thursdays~source: Postville Herald, January 21, 1926 ~contributed by S. Ferrall
Will Dedicate I.O.O.F. Hall, Friday, May 21
Friday, May 21st has been set apart by the members of Postville Lodge I.O.O.F. for the dedication of their new lodge home, the former M.E. church, and they are planning to make it a red letter day in fraternalism. Grand Master Seneca Cornell of Ottumwa will be here to dedicate the hall and deliver an address and will be assisted by Major General J.A. Cutting of Cresco. Local lodge members are working hard to make it a gala occasion and will spare neither pains nor expense to make it a great fraternal day, not only for the three linkers, but for the general public as well, as everybody is cordially invited to attend the program and listen to the splendid addresses. Twenty-four lodges in northeast Iowa have been invited to participate and from reports already received it is assured they will be here in large numbers. The exercises of the day will be held at the hall, starting at two oclock p.m. and it will be an occasion well worth the time of all who can do so to attend. Our local lodge brethren never do anything by halves, they are and of right ought to be a bit proud of their new lodge hall. Hence let everybody come to Postville, Friday, May 21st, and see the hall and listen to the splendid fraternal talks.
~source: Postville Herald, May 13, 1926 ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich~*~*~
On the evening of Jan. 12th the new officers of Post Rebekah Lodge were installed by District Deputy Erdine Land of Waukon and her staff as follows:
N.G.-Edith Sawvelle
V.G.-Jessye Schroeder
Treasurer-Emelia Sander
R.S. to N.G.-Nina Harrington
L.S. to N.G.-Amanda Phillips
Conductor-Louise Thoma
Warden-Celia Sander
O.G.-Frank Suchanek
I.G.-Helen Willman
Chaplin-Lena Schuette
R.S. to V.G.-Lena Schroeder
L.S. to V.G.-Vina PoeschDelia Stone was re-elected secretary, but owing to her absence at this time will be installed at the next regular meeting. There was a good attendance of members present to witness the work so admirably done by the installing officer and her staff, and all heartily enjoyed the social season and refreshments that followed.
~source: Postville Herald, January 26, 1928 ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson
The date was March 3, 1935. The occasion was the 50th Anniversary of Jan Hus Lodge #51, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Oddfellows from Postville Lodge #707 chartered a Jefferson Line Bus for the trip to Cedar Rapids to join in the celebration. Many readers will surely recognize the faces.
They are, standing, left to right:
J.P. Ellis, Blake Rathbun, J.L. Gregg, Ben Shafer, Elwin Schultz, Alfred Meyer, Allen Green, Ed Poesch, Will Weihe, Henry Lange, Art Webster, Ralph Bachtell, Elmer Schultz, Perry Perkins, Fred Miller, John Sawvelle, Elmer Hoth, Frank Hangartner, Henry Scheutte, Elmer Sander, Charles Reincke, Otto Sander, Carl Sander, Ed Riser, Art Schultz, John Schroeder.
Sitting, left to right:
Fred Hangartner, Ed Schlee, C. F. Meier, G. A. Brooks, William J. Klingbeil, Ed F. Schroeder, and A. J. Phillips.~source: Postville Herald-Leader, unknown date ~contributed by Connie Ellis
At their meeting last Friday evening the members of Postville Lodge No. 707, I.O.O.F., elected the following officers for the ensuing term:
Noble Grand - Leonard Christofferson
Vice Grand - Herold Paulsen
Secretary - Helmie Meyer
Treasurer - L.O. Beucher
Trustee - Harvey Christofferson (elected for 3 years)
The above, together with the appointive officers, will be installed at a meeting in January (1939).
~Postville Herald, December 8, 1938 ~transcribed by S. Ferrall