Postville Chapter, No. 238, Order of Eastern Star was
organized in March, 1898, and is a strong and active
society, with constantly increasing membership.
Present officers: W.M., Ruby Webster; W. Patron, Hugh
Shepherd; Assoc. Matron, Josephine Durno; Treasurer,
Mrs. D.E. Harrington; Secretary, Blanche Durno;
Conductress, Mrs. F.H. Welzel; Assoc. Conductress,
Mrs. W.C. Thoma; Adah, Mrs. F.H. Luhman; Ruth, Mrs.
F. Gates; Esther, Mrs. E.P. Durno; Martha, Mrs. G.D.
Harrington; Electa, Mrs. B.E. Tuttle; Chaplain, Mrs.
Florence Rathburn; Marshal, Mrs. Ray F. Topliff;
Organist, Crystal Leithold; Warden, Mrs. Arthur S.
Burdick; Sentinel, Herman Webb.
~Past & Present of Allamakee County, 1913; chapter 22
At the annual meeting of the Eastern
Star Chapter No. 238, held on last Monday evening,
all the old officers were re-elected and will be
installed at the next regular meeting. Following the
meeting a dainty luncheon was served by the
committee. The officers elected are as follows:
Worthy Matron - Mrs. Wm. C. Thoma.
Worthy Patron - Mrs. Wm. J. Klingbell.
Associate Matron - Mrs. R. F. Topliff.
Secretary - Mrs. E. P. Durno.
Treasurer - Mrs. A. A. Schmidt.
Conductress - Mrs. Mrs. R. M. Hecker.
Associate Conductress - Mrs. F. H. Luhman.
~Postville Herald Dec. 05,
1919, in the "Postville 25 Years Ago"
column. The old news was taken from the files of the Iowa
Volksblatt of Dec. 07, 1894, and the officers
elected were for 1895.
~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
~Note: the dates may be incorrect since the
organization wasn't organized until 1898, researchers
should verify
The Order of the Eastern Star has now
been organized for eight months. It commenced with 19
members and now has 37. It has made an almost
phenominal success, and the ladies are to be
commended for their zeal and earnestness.The
following officers were elected for the ensuing year.
Worthy Matron,
Mrs. Carrie Cornell
Worthy Patron, Mr. James Perry
Assoc. Matron, Mrs. Wm. Rollinson
Secretary, Mrs. Etta Crosby
Assoc. Conductress, Mrs. Ida Hart |
Those appointed:
Adah, Mrs. Hattie Prior
Ruth, Mrs. Mattie Welzel
Martha, F. Tuller
Esther, Miss Ruby Webster
Electa, Mrs. Sophia Perry
Chaplain, Mrs. Wallis
Warden, Annie Staadt
Sentinel, Mr. J. F. Hecker
Marshall, Mrs. Ella Hawkins
Organist, Miss Mae Thomas |
~Postville Review,
Fri., December 30, 1898 ~transcribed by Reid R.
The following will preside over
Postville O.E.S. for 1905:
W.M., Etta Perry
W.P., Mr. Shepherd
Assoc. M., Mrs. Welzel
Sec., Blanche Durno
Treas., Mrs. Goetz
Con., Ruby Webster
Assoc. Con., Mrs. E. P. Durno
~Postville Review,
Fri., Jan. 6, 1905 ~transcribed by Reid R.
The following will preside over
Postville O.E.S. for 1908:
Worthy Matron, Miss Ruby Webster
Worthy Patron, Hugh Shepherd
Associate Matron, Mrs. Hattie Prior
Treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Durno
Secretary, Miss Blanche Durno
Conductress, Mrs. Birdie Durno
Associate Cond., Mrs. Olga Palas
~Postville Review, December
20, 1907 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
Eastern Star officers for 1911:
Worthy Matron, Mrs. C. H. Flynn
Worthy Patron, Hugh Shepherd
Assoc. Matron, Mrs. Henry Miller
Secretary, Blanche Durno
Treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Hart
Conductress, Ruby Webster
Assoc. Conductress, Mattie Perry
~Postville Review, Fri.,
Jan. 13, 1911 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville O.E.S. Officers for 1912:
Worthy Matron,
Mrs. Henry Miller
Worthy Patron, Hugh Shepherd
Associate Matron, Mrs. E. P. Durno
Treasurer, Mrs. Ann Harrington
Secretary, Blanche Durno
Conductress, Ruby Webster
Asso. Conductress, Mrs. Wll Thoma
Chaplain, Mrs. Rathbun
Warder, Mrs. A.
S. Burdick
Sentinel, H. D. Webb
Organist, Delia Leithold
Adah, Mrs. F. L. Eaton
Ruth, Mrs. F. H. Welzel
Esther, Mrs. F. J. Thoma
Martha, Mrs. R. N. Douglass
Electa, Mrs. B. E. Tuttle
Marshal, Mrs. F. W. Meiske |
~Postville Review, Friday,
January 5, 1912 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville O.E.S. Officers for 1913:
W.M. - Miss Ruby
W.P. - H. Shepherd
Assoc. M. - Miss Josephine Durno
Secretary - Miss Blanche Durno
Treasurer - Mrs. D. E. Harrington
Conductress - Mrs. F. H. Welzel
Assoc. Cond. - Mrs. W. C. Thoma
Chaplain - Mrs. Rathbun
Adah - Mrs. F.
H. Luhman
Ruth - Mrs. F. W. Gates
Esther - Mrs. E. P. Durno
Martha - Mrs. G. D. Harrington
Electa - Mrs. B. E. Tuttle
Sentry - Mrs. A. S. Burdick
Marshall - Mrs. R. F. Topliff
Organist - Miss Chrystal Leithold
Warder - H.D. Webb |
~Postville Review, Friday,
January 24, 1913 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville O.E.S. Officers for 1914.
Meeting night- Monday on or before full of the moon.
Worthy Matron -
Ruby Webster
Worthy Patron - F. W. Gates
Associate Matron - Josephine Durno
Treasurer - Mrs. Ann Harrington
Secretary - Blanche Durno
Conductress - Mrs. W. C. Thoma
Assoc. Conductress - Mrs. R. F. Topliff
Chaplain - Mrs. Florence Rathbun
Organist - Miss Chrystal Leithold |
Adah - Mrs. F.
H. Luhman
Ruth - Mrs. F. W. Gates
Esther - Mrs. E. P. Durno
Martha - Mrs. G. D. Harrington
Electra - Mrs. B. E. Tuttle
Warder - Mrs. A. S. Burdick
Sentinel - H. D. Webb |
~Postville Review, Friday,
December 26, 1913 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
At a special meeting
of Postville Chapter No. 238, O.E.S., held Monday
evening, the following officers were installed.
Worthy Matron, Mrs.
Emma Thoma
Worthy Patron, Wm. J. Klingbeil
Associate Matron, Mrs. Josephine Topliff
Secretary, Mrs. Birdie P. Durno
Treasurer, Mrs. Otillie Schmidt
Conductress, Mrs. Etta Hecker
Assoc. Conductress, Mrs. Vera Luhman
Chaplain, Mrs. Alice Miller
Marshal, Mrs. Ethel Sanders
Organist, Miss Emma Nicolay
Ada, Miss Leila Schmidt
Ruth, Mrs. Glessner Webster
Esthe, Mrs. Ann Pettit
Martha, Miss Helen Tuttle
Electa, Mrs. Amanda Phillips
Warder, Mrs. Or Rilla Comstock
Sentinel, Hugh Shepherd
~Postville Herald,
Fri., Jan. 24, 1919 ~transcribed by Reid R.
Postville O.E.S., Chapter No. 238,
Officers for 1920:
Worthy Matron -
Mrs. Wm. C. Thoma
Worthy Patron - Wm. J. Klingbeil
Assoc. Matron - Mrs. R. F. Topliff
Secretary - Mrs. E. P. Durno
Treasurer - Mrs. A. A. Schmidt
Conductress - Mrs. R. M. Hecker
Assoc. Conductress - Mrs. F. H. Luhman
Ada - Mrs. Anna Sebastian
Ruth - Mrs. Glessner Webster |
Esther - Mrs. F.
W. Tuller
Martha - Miss Helen Tuttle
Electa - Mrs. A. J. Phillips
Marsall - Mrs. Ethel Sanders
Chaplain - Mrs. Henry Miller
Organist - Miss Emma Nicolay
Warder - Mrs. F. C. Comstock
Sentinel - Hugh Shepherd |
~Postville Review, Friday,
January 9, 1920 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville Chapter, No. 238, Order of
the Eastern Star, installed the following new
officers after their regular business meeting on
Monday evening, Past Patron Hugh Shepherd acting as
installing officer:
Worthy Matron -
Mrs. Alice Miller
Worthy Patron - F. C. Comstock
Assoc. Matron - Mrs. Josephine Topliff
Secretary - Mrs. Birdie Durno
Treasurer - Mrs. Glessner Webster
Conductress - Mrs. Amanda Phillips
Assoc. Conductress - Mrs. Ethel Sanders
Chaplain - Mrs. Emma Thoma
Marshall - Mrs. Ada Schuette |
Organist - Miss
Emma Nicolay
Ada - Miss Amy Daubenberger
Ruth - Mrs. Helen Behrens
Esther - Mrs. OrRelle Comstock
Martha - Miss Elsa Nicolay
Electa - Mrs. Anna Tuttle
Warder - Mrs. Celia Sander
Sentinel - Hugh Shepherd |
~Postville Review, Friday,
January 20, 1921 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
At their regular meeting Monday
evening Postville Chapter O.E.S. elected the
following officers for the ensuing year:
Worthy Matron, Mrs. H. Miller
Worthy Patron, F. D. Rounds
Assoc. Matron, Mrs. R. F. Topliff
Secretary, Mrs. Glessner Webster
Treasurer, Mrs. Emma Thoma
Conductress, Mrs A. J. Phillips
Assoc. Conductress, Mrs. Ethel Sanders
~Postville Herald, Thur.,
December 15, 1921 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
Postville O.E.S. Officers for 1923:
Worthy Matron -
Mrs. Josephine Topliff
Worthy Patron - Wm J. Klingbell
Assoc. Matron - Mrs. Amanda Phillips
Secretary - Mrs. Glessner Webster
Treasurer - Mrs. Emma Thoma
Conductress - Mrs. Vera Luhman
Assoc. Conductress - Mrs. Ethel Sanders
Ada - Ruth Hanks
Ruth - Anna Putnam |
Esther - Eltha
Martha - Helen Behrens
Electa - Bertha Rounds
Warder - Amelia Sander
Sentinel - Hugh Shepherd
Chaplain - Mathilda Riley
Marshal - Martha Bulman
Organist - Emma Nicolay |
~Postville Review, Friday,
January 18, 1923 ~transcribed by Reid R. Johnson
There was a large and
happy gathering at Masonic Hall on Monday evening of
the members of Postville Chapter No. 238, O.E.S., who
assembled to assist in the installation of the
society's new officers and partake of the social
features and refreshments incidental thereto, and it
is quite needless to say it was a most enjoyable
occasion. The following officers were installed:
Worthy Matron -
Josephiine Topliff
Worthy Patron - E.E. McMartin
Asso. Matron - Amanda Phillips
Secretary - Glessner Webster
Treasurer - Emma Thoa
Conductress - Vera Luhman
Asso. Conductress - Ethel Sanders
Chaplain - Florence Roberts
Marshal - Anna Sebastian |
Organist - Emma
Adah - Bernice Phillips
Ruth - Anna Putnam
Esther - Hattie Hill
Martha - Helen Behrens
Electa - Bertha Rounds
Warder - Amelia Sander
Sentinel - Hugh Shepherd
~Postville Herald,
January 24, 1924 ~transcribed by S. Ferrall
O.E.S. Postville Chapter, No. 238 is
now twenty-eight years old as their charge was given
them October 26, 1898. The charter members were Mrs.
Carrie Cornell, Mrs. Etta Crosby, Mrs. May Douglass,
Mrs. Flynn, Mrs. Ida Hart, Mrs. Mary Hecker, Mrs.
Mary McNeil, Mrs. Hattie Prior, Mrs. Ella Hawkins,
Mrs. Mary Holter, Mrs. Belle Orr, Mrs. Sophia Perry,
Mrs. Etta Perry, Mrs. Mary Stiles, Mrs. Anna Staadt,
Mrs. Mary Rollison, Mrs. Eva Tuller, Mrs. Mate
Welzel, Mrs. Sarah Wallis, Mrs. E. Webster and James
Perry. Mrs. Carrie Cornell was the first worthy
matron and James Perry the first worthy patron.
~Postville Herald, April 1, 1926
~transcribed by S. Ferrall
At its regular meeting on Monday
evening Postville Chapter No. 238, Order of the
Eastern Star, installed the following officers for
the ensuing year:
Worthy Matron -
Helen Behrens
Worthy Patron - Hugh Shepherd
Assist. Matron - Ethel Sanders
Secretary - Mattie Service
Treasurer - Josephine Topliff
Conductress - Frances Williams
Asso. Conductress - Bertha Rounds
Adah - Vera Luhman
Ruth - Florence Musser |
Esther - Mabel
Martha - Stella Huebner
Electa - Ellen Hangartner
Marshal - Alice Miller
Chaplain - Anna Putnam
Warden - Mate Welzel
Sentinel - Peter Service
Organist - Dorothy Douglass |
~Postville Herald,
Thursday, January 19, 1928 ~transcribed by Reid R.