New Albin Savings Bank
President: H. Martin
Vice president: W.O. Bock
Cashier: L.H. Gaarder
Directors: H. Martin, W.O. Bock, F.C. Meyer, Wm.
Coleman, H.C. Fruechte, R.H. Thompson
W.O. Bock & Co. - Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Stationery, China
and Glassware.
A.F. Ayer - Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice
Wines, Liquors, Beers and Cigars. Maryland Reserve,
Pure Rye our Specialty. Agent for Dubuque Malting
co.'s Beer
J.E. Regan, the New Albin Barber. First-class work.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
F.J. Putz, headquarters for Dry goods, Clothing,
Notions, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Furnishing goods. A full line of Ladies' Furs and
Men's Fur Coats in Season.
Sires Bros. the Horse Shoers, Blacksmiths and
Wheelwrights. Special Attention to Plow Work,
Repairing in Wood and Iron Work.
Henry Rippe's is the up-to-date place best of Wines,
Liquors, Beers and Cigars. Michel Beer always on Tap.
F.C. Meyer, dealer in choice, fresh and cured Meats.
Cash paid for poultry, hides, etc.
Wild Bros., dealters in lumber, sash, doors and all
kinds of building material. Manufacturers of all
kinds of interior finish, bank, office and store
fixtures. Grinders of feed.
Travis & Kumpf, merchants, dry goods, shoes,
groceries, hardware.
Dr. Howard C. Boyer, physician and surgeon. Phones:
Rings Two Long
~source: Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, 1905
~contributed by Errin Wilker