JOHN VILE, Deceased.
Pursuant to the Statute, 22nd and 23rd Victoria,
chapter 35, instituted "An Act to further amend
the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees."
NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other
persons having any claims or demands upon or against
the estate of John Vile, late of South Molton, in the
county of Devon, England, retired Cabinet Maker,
deceased, (who died on the 8th day of April, 1902,
intestate) are hereby required to send in particulars
in writing of their claims or demands to William
James Webb, of South Molton aforesaid, Accountant,
the lawful attorney of James Vile, now residing at
Waukon, Allamaka [Allamakee] county Iowa, in the
United States of America, one of the next of kin of
the said intestate (to whom letters of administration
of the estate, which by law devolves to and vests in
the personal represtantative of the said intestate,
were granted by His Majesty's High Court of Justice
at the Principal Probate Registry on the 17th day of
July, 1902) under cover, addressed to me, the
undersigned Solicitor to the said administrator, on
or before the 23rd day of October, 1902, after which
date the said administrator will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims and demands of which he shall then have had
notice; and the said administrator will not be liable
or accountable for the assets, or any part thereof so
distributed, to any person of whose debt or claim he
shall not then have had notice.
Dated this fourteenth day of August,
REGINALD STAWELL CROSSE, 25 Broad-street, South
Molton aforesaid, Solicitor to the Administrator.
~source: London Gazette, London, Middlesex,
England; August 19, 1902
~contributed by Cathy Joynt Labath