Zion Reformed Church Golden Jubilee 1885-1935 Includes the early history of 'parent' congregations: Ebenezer and Zalmona |
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From the vantage point of a half-century since the organization of Zion Reformed Church of Waukon, Iowa, we pause to look back upon the course traversed, and to review the various incidents and events that have transpired upon it. Few, very few indeed of our membership can go back in memory all the way to the earliest beginnings, when the foundations of our congregation were laid upon Jesus Christ, the Son of God, mans only Savior and the Great Head of the church, when individual pertinacity and loyalty counted for so much, and when far greater sacrifices marked every step of progress that was made. But, wherever along the line we may have joined our forces. Interests and aspirations with those of our beloved Zion, certainly everyone of us must recognize that the hand of the Lord has been with us all of the way, His grace and mercy have been abundant over us, far beyond our deserts, He has been longsuffering with our shortcomings and failures, and has prospered the work of our hands, so that materially and numerically, and, we hope spiritually, our congregation is now a stronger force for righteousness in the community than ever before, - to Him alone the glory!
This historical sketch, compiled from all available records, some of the earliest of which are tracelessly lost, is necessarily brief, incomplete and may contain some minor discrepancies and inaccuracies. Nevertheless, it should serve to arouse within us all a keeper appreciation of the sacrifices brought by our forebears, a deeper zeal to emulate their loyalty, and above all, an ever greater consecration to the cause of Christ and His Kingdom here in this community.~*~
God is Love, his mercy brightens
All the path in which we rove;
Bliss he wakes, and woe he lightens:
God is wisdom! God is love!
(Sir John Bowring)
To gain the right perspective of the origin and development of this church, it is necessary to draw into consideration two other congregations in the vicinity of Waukon, which had been inexistence for many years previously; namely the Zalmona Presbyterian Church, seven miles west, and the Ebenezer Reformed Church, three miles east of Waukon.
Ebenezer church, undated
Concerning the Ebenezer congregation, the first notation reads as follows:
This group of people, combined with the group west of Waukon was organized into a congregation on August 11th, 1856, by Rev. Van Vliet, a Presbyterian minister of Dubuque, Iowa, and was given the name: German Presbyterian Church (later named Zalmona).
Rev. Renskers, who served the congregation until the year 1864, left the same without having a successor.
Thereupon the portion of the congregations membership residing east of Waukon, decided to form a congregation of their own, and to apply for a pastor from the German Reformed Church. The factors which determined the members to take this step were:1. Most of the members, having been reared in the German Reformed Church in the old country, the desire of their heart was to remain faithful to the confession of faith of their fathers.
2. The distance to the church, the conditions of the roads and frequent snowstorms prevented their regular attendance at services.
3. Furthermore, it was their desire to give their children more thorough parochial school facilities, this matter hitherto having been rather deficient.The wishes of the congregation were fulfilled, when, in December, 1864, in the person of Rev. Solomon Elliker of the Mission House at Sheboygan, Wis., they received their first pastor, and he was installed by Rev. H. A. Muehlmeier, housefather at the Mission House:
A later notation records the organization of Ebenezer congregation as having been effected on December 5th, 1864, with some 40 charter members, and the dedication of their church on July 2, 1865. Familiar among the names on the list of charter members are such as: Hager, Kruger, Stock, Dravis, Sherman, Helming, Wentker, Portner, Kosbau, Rumph, Brandsmeier, Hagemeier, Klemme, Meier, Hansmeier, Sunderman, Krume and Depping most of which are still represented in Zion Church to this day.
Then, for twenty years, Ebenezers development continued under the leadership of the Revs. Solomon Elliker, Abraham Bollinger, C. Leinkamper and B.R. Huecker; and thus we have the setting for the inception of our own Zion congregation.
Rev. B.R. Huecker, 1885-1886
During the early eighties a number of families from both the Zalmona and Ebenezer churches, who lived in and nearer Waukon, - finding it increasingly burdensome to attend services regularly in their own churches because of poor roads and inclement weather, and with good prospects of winning other unchurched families in Waukon to their group, - petitioned their respective congregations to dismiss them for the purpose of organizing a Reformed church of Waukon. Their request was granted, with the stipulation that the new church should remain connected with Ebenezer under one pastor, both bodies having the same rights and alternating in morning and afternoon services. As Ebenezer already had a parsonage and a pastor, this plan was acceptable, and accordingly on February 13, 1885, Rev. B. R. Huecker as the official, organized the new congregation with the following 46 charter members:
Bieber, Mr. Peter
Bieber, Mrs. Sophie
Bieber, Sophie (Mrs. C.H. Dravis)
Dravis, Mr. Carl
Dravis, Mrs. Hermina
Dravis, William
Dravis, Chas. H.
Dravis, Theo.
Dravis, Bernhard
Dravis, Anna
Rupp, Mr. Jacob
Rupp, Mrs. Maria
Rupp, Maria
Rupp, Jacob
Kruegner, Mr. Karl
Kruegner, Mrs. Caroline
Kosbau, Mr. Henry, Sr.
Kosbau, Mrs. Sophie
Kosbau, Mr. Henry, Jr.
Kosbau, Mrs. Amalia
Kosbau, August
Meier, Mr. August
Meier, Mrs. SophieMeier, William
Meier, Ludewig
Meier, Gustav
Meier, Eliz. (Mrs. E.J. Schukei)
Kaeser, Mr. John
Kaeser, Mrs. Henriette
Brandsmeier, Mr. Frederick
Brandsmeier, Mrs. Sophie
Brandsmeier, Fred
Brandsmeier, Henry
Promnitz, Mr. Traugott
Promnitz, Mrs. August
Kropfgams, Mr. John
Kropfgams, Mrs. Louise
Feldman, Mr. Carl
Feldman, Mrs. Minna
Jeide, Mr. Michael
Jeide, Mrs. Charlotte
Martin, Mr. Henry
Opfer, Mr. Henry
Opfer, Mrs. Mary
Opfer, Mr. Simon, Jr.
Opfer, Mrs. Frederike
A few days later, on the 20th of February, 1885, the organization was completed with the election of the first officers, namely:Elders: Simon Opfer, Jr., and Peter Bieber
Deacons: Karl Kruegner and August Meier
Trustees; Henry Kosbau, Fred Brandsmeier and Henry OpferBesides the transaction of other important items of business at this meeting, the name Zion was unanimously adopted by the congregation, making the official title: Zion Reformed Church of Waukon, Iowa. A constitution, outlining the aims and purposes of the congregation and stating the duties of officers and members was likewise presented and accepted by the group.
Very soon a location was decided upon, lots were purchased at the present site and plans and preparations made for the erection of a suitable building for church worship services. A great deal of the work was volunteered by the members themselves, and was carried out with such vigor and dispatch, that by the end of August of the same year, 1885, the neat, simple, yet commodious first church, executed in red brick, could be dedicated to the service of the Triune God. The Rev. H.A. Muehlmeier, D.D., then Inspector of the Mission House College and Seminary at Plymouth, Wis., preached the dedicatory sermon, as honored and esteemed guest of the rejoicing congregation, which now had an established home. (It would be interesting to know what his text and subject was on this occasion, as well as the details concerning the weather and festival crowds, but unfortunately no records of such items are available).
First Zion Church Edifice, erected in 1885
During the building period regular services had been conducted by Rev. B.R. Huecker, first at an upstairs hall which some of the older residents will recall as Boomers Hall, above the present location of the Penney Store. But it soon became evident that the open iron-grillwork stairway, by which the hall was reached from the outside, was objectionable to a good many of the members; so this meeting-place was shortly abandoned and arrangements were made to hold the services in the court room of the present County Court House. Here the congregation continued to worship until the church building was completed. The congregation greatly appreciated this courtesy and accommodation on the part of the county officials.
The church being built, paid for, and the congregational work generally well established under the pastorate of Rev. Huecker, he, the founder, left the charge on June 20th of the following year, 1886, to accept a call from Manitowoc, Wis., and the joint consistory of the two congregations was confronted with the necessity of procuring another pastor.
Before leaving this year of Zions inception, we call attention to several interesting facts disclosed by the earliest records. The first infant baptism, after the congregation was organized was that of Lydia Minna Opfer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Opfer, on March 25th, 1885; and the first recorded baptism in the new church, that of Frieda Sophie Rueggenmeier, now Mrs. A. Drebenstodt, on Sept. 6, 1885, the first Sunday after dedication, (her mother still remembering the floral decorations remaining in the church from the big festival.)
Also the roster of the first confirmation class is interesting. The two classes, of Ebenezer and Zion, were confirmed at a union service in Ebenezer on April 18, 1886, and consists of the following:Paul Albert Meier
Lena Christina Bieber (now Mrs. J. Huecker)
Ella Martha Rueggenmeier (deceased, Mrs. Aug. Stock.)
these were enrolled as members of Zion.
John Huecker
Theo. B. Stock
Gustav A. Hansmeier
Lisette Straate (deceased, Mrs. Wm. Straate)
Mathilda Maria Wacker (deceased)
George J. Bieber (deceased)
of Ebenezer, these latter almost without exception being later transferred to Zion when those living, are still members.For the historical events in the life of the congregation during the next ten years we quote freely from the chronicles in the church register, no other data being available. Following the departure of Rev. B.R. Huecker we read:
On June 5, 1886, Rev. J. Christ, at the time still a student at the Mission House, was extended a call by the joint consistory of the two churches, which he accepted, examined and licensed by the Hon. Sheboygan Classis, then ordained to the holy ministry by the Hon. Minnesota Classis, he entered his office and preached his inaugural sermon on Aug. 8th, 1886, taking II Corinthians 12.9 as his text.
On October 31,1886, by order of the Minnesota Classis, he was installed here by the Rev. M.Vitz of St. Paul, Minn. The services were held jointly by the Zion and Ebenezer congregations and the church was packed.
Rev. J. Christ, 1886-1891
On August 14, 1877, this congregation held a union Mission Festival with Ebenezer. The morning service was held in the Ebenezer church and was well attended. Rev. H. Treik of Garner, Hancock county, Iowa, preached on the first part of Zechariah 6.13 and explained the practical value of building at the House of the Lord. The continuation of this celebration took place in this congregation in the afternoon. First, Rev. J. Stark of the Zalmona, Presbyterian Church preached, using Jeremiah 31, 1-4 as his text. Thereupon Rev. J. Christ gave a discourse on missionary work among the negroes in Africa, basing his remarks on Psalm 68, 32. This afternoon service was so heavily attended that the church could scarcely hold all. The Zalmona Presbyterian church also took a particular part in this service. The festival was altogether delightful and blessed. May all of Gods children be moved to speed the work of the Lord. The offering at morning service totaled $27.23 and in the afternoon $34.00, together $61.23.
Several other special festivals of succeeding years are likewise described and annotated in these chronicles, all attesting the lively interest and participation of the growing membership in the affairs and activities of the Church of Christ. during Rev. Christs pastorate of five years the first marriage in the congregation was solemnized, namely, August Kosbau and Anna Kropfgans on February 28, 1888; also the first deaths and funerals were recorded, to wit, Anna Maria Jeide, infant daughter of Michael & Charlotte Jeide, died May 6, 1886, and the first adult charter member was lost in the person of Mr. John Kropfgans, on May 15, 1888.
Rev. J. Christ brought his pastorate to a close in August, 1891, and was immediately followed by Rev. Paul Ebinger, who continued to serve both congregations under the previous arrangement, living in the parsonage in the country, and conducting all the branches of the work faithfully, although often under difficulties and hardships such as were common in the experience of all pioneer churches During his pastorate of almost four years, Zion church again gained in membership, slowly, indeed, but steadily, so that when he resigned in July, 1895, the century mark had been passed, the rouster showed 111 confirmed members in good and regular standing.
Rev. P. Ebinger, 1891-1895
The next pastor, Rev. G.D. Elliker, son of Rev. Sol. Ellikerthe founder of Ebenezer three decades before,- came to this his first field of labor in July, 1895. And he came, not as a stranger, but as one already quite well acquainted with his people, having taught the German School of the congregation the summer previously, while still a student. His advent marked a change in the service arrangement of the charge for, up until this time Zion was served from Ebenezer, the latter having the parsonage. But during this summer of 1895 a parsonage was erected for the new pastor next to Zion church, and the service reversed, the pastor henceforth residing in town. With some changes and additions, this parsonage has been used by all succeeding ministers families to date. It was constructed by Mr. Fred Hansmeier as chief carpenter, but records of its cost and who constituted the building committee are missing.
Under the long and able ministry of Rev. Elliker, the congregation continued to manifest a healthy growth in numbers and spirit, for he insisted on certain standards of church membership and was tireless in fostering the practice of faith in life. One October 7, 1902, the last recorded minutes of a special congregational meeting in Ebenezer church, state, that in answer to a request from the Zion congregation, that the members of Ebenezer decide either to go to self-support or come to Waukon, action was taken, - to leave the decision up to the individual families. As a consequence of this action many of the members soon were transferred, until in the course of time practically all had joined forces with Zion, and services in Ebenezer were discontinued. Thus again was made true the saying: and the daughter church was strengthened by the death of the mother.
Rev. G.D. Elliker, 1895-1910
The first Zion church edifice, although of brick construction, having developed some serious flaws, so as to render the building unsafe, the congregation in 1903 resolved to build a new church. Accordingly, all preparations were duly made in 1903 and the new structure completed in 1904. On July 10, 1904, the cornerstone was laid with a great participation, and on January 15, 1906, the church was dedicated. At this dedication, Rev. L. Kunst, then of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Prof. F. Grether, D.D., of Franklin, Wis., preached. The cost of the building, complete with furnishings and bell, was $16,650.36, and of this amount only $1,282.25 remained unpaid at the time of dedication. The building committee mainly responsible for the successful execution of this project consisted of the members: H.F. Opfer, chairman, T.B. Stock, Fred Hansmeier, Fred Meierkord and William Denne.
Another outstanding, though tragic event from the pastorate of Rev. G.D. Elliker was, to quote: On June 20, 1908, this community was visited by a devastating hailstorm. Our church also was considerably damaged. It was a sorrowful sight. The fields were barren, the gardens destroyed, and when we entered our church on the following Sunday, only fragments of the beautiful windows dangled before our eyes. We preached with Micah 7,8-9 as a text, and received comfort and courage.
After temporary repairs, the congregation in 1909 voted to replace the art-glass windows with borrowed funds, but almost immediately by popular subscription canceled this debt.
Other items of interest from the life of the congregation during this time will be found under the heading: Gleanings from the Old Records:
Rev. G.D. Elliker resigned and left this church on March 27, 1910, after a successful ministry of 14 years and 8 months, to become the Executive Secretary of the Home Mission Board of Northwest Synod, which position he clothed for several years afterwards, until he again entered the regular ministry.
Within a few months following his departure, Rev. Edwin H. Vornholt took charge of the work in this congregation. The outstanding event of his ministry was the purchase and installation of a fine Schantz pipe organ in the church at a cost of $2519.61 in the year 1914. The committee in charge was: Rev. E. Vornholt, C.J. Hansmeier and Fred Straate. Noteworthy is the fact that at the final reckoning on the organ project there was a surplus of $82.39 in the organ fund, attesting the enthusiasm of the members in the improvement of their church facilities. Since then, the organ has been regularly serviced by a competent organ caretaker and is in excellent condition.
On April 18th, 1910, the Silver anniversary of the congregations founding was celebrated with an inspiring festival, the former pastors, Revs. G.D. Elliker and J. Christ returning as special speakers for the occasion. Rev. P. Ebinger, residing on the Pacific coast, was considered too far away to warrant the extra expense that would be involved by his return, so he sent a cordial letter of greeting and congratulation.
Rev. Vornholt was active in getting the various phases of the church work better aligned and organized. During his pastorate, in January, 1913 a Ladies Aid Society was formed, with fifteen charter members, which at once took on a wholesome and helpful program of activity and experienced a steady increase in membership, until today, with 68 members, it holds a permanent place in the life of the church and adequately supplies a definite need. Furthermore, the annual meeting of Northwest Synod was held in this church in 1914, the members readily entertaining the numerous delegates in their homes. Rev. Vornholt laid down his duties here in August, 1915, after a stay of five years and four months.
Rev. Edwin H. Vornholt, 1910-1915
For several months the congregation was vacant, but in October, 1915 found another faithful pastor in the person of Rev. E. Fledderjohn. An unusually difficult period began for the congregation, due to the war-time hysteria everywhere prevalent. Rev. Fledderjohn is now generally referred to in a lighter vein as the war-pastor of Zion. And although feelings ran high at the time and much sadness was caused by mutual misunderstandings, it must be said that Rev. Fledderjohn handled the situation in an admirable way, steering a clear-headed course in the direction of the higher values, and exercising a magnanimous charity toward all.
Viewed in the perspective of the passing years, this war-time pastor of Zion himself recently testified, in his own inimitable spirit of buoyancy and optimism, the pleasant things of our Waukon pastorate and the kindnesses we received, so far overshadow anything else that we can look back with genuine gratification upon it. dont ever let anyone tell you that the people in Waukon were not good to us. And certainly this congregator must view his ministry in the same light, realizing that this dark period was not an isolated instance but was the common experience of congregations everywhere. On June 7, 1920, Rev. Fledderjohn resigned his office here to accept a call from the St. Johns Reformed Church of Bueyrus, Ohio, where under his able guidance of some ten years, every organization in the new church grew, an new $56,000 church was built and the congregation celebrated its one hundredth anniversary in the year 1929.
Rev. E. Fledderjohn, 1915-1920
After a vacancy of a year, Rev. Dr. K.J. Ernst, then professor of Greek and History in the Mission House, came to Zion and took up the work with such vigor and efficiency, that the congregation entered upon the period of its greatest growth and prosperity, receiving invigoration through large groups of new members and the general realignment and reorganization of all congregational activities. During the five years of his pastorate 158 new members were received.
A Womens Missionary Society was founded in October, 1921 with eleven charter members, Mrs. P.F. Dravis serving as its first president. It now has 26 members. A Girls Missionary Guild was called into life at this time, with Mrs. G.A. Hansmeier acting in the advisory capacity, to meet a growing need for missionary endeavor and education among the younger generation. Mission Band work was taken up later, and these groups affiliated with the W.M.S. of Milwaukee Classic Young Peoples work was further promoted during this same time by the organization of the Heidelberg League which has been functioning ever since, the young people conducting regular Sunday evening services, with discussions on the regular C. E. topics.
In 1924, on decision of the congregation, the roof of the church was repaired and recovered with slate. P.F. Dravis, O.P. Martin (trustees), and C.G. Helming composed the responsible committee. The pastors salary was also increased to $2000.
Then in 1925, the interior of the church was newly decorated at a cost of $1405, by Odin J. Oyen of LaCrosse, Wis. The thought which is expressed through this work is that of the universality of the cross(the ceiling is crossed by two intersecting lines) the decoration includes a circle with an intersecting cross. Messrs. P.F. Dravis, T.B. Stock, who served at the time as trustees, and Mesdames Henry Carter, Ben Ludeking and T.B. Stock, together with the pastor composed the committee. Mrs. Carter died suddenly thereupon, having yet attended a meeting the very day before, (from the congregational record.)
The Rev. Dr. Ernst brought his work to a close on July 15, 1926, to return to the Mission House Seminary as Professor of Exegetical Theology in which capacity he has been active and influential ever since.
Rev. K.J. Ernst, Ph.D., 1921-1926
To succeed him, Rev. G.D. Elliker was recalled to this his former church, coming here August 8, 1926, from the large congregation at New Glarus, Wis., where the duties had become increasingly difficult for him, due to impaired health, caused by an unfortunate injury sustained several years before. He entered upon his duties with a quiet devotion that boded much good; old ties and acquaintances were renewed, former relationships were reestablished, and the congregation looked forward hopefully under his leadership. Rev. Elliker had just received the degree of D.D. from the Mission House Board; the pastors salary was increased to $2500; new members continued to come in; and a very necessary repair of the church property in the form of new approaches and steps to the church doors was completed at a cost of $710; the $5.00 per member campaign for the Sustentation Fund was begun and met with good response; in fact, all prospects seemed favorable for the good of the congregation. But the Almighty had decreed otherwise.
Stricken suddenly after conducting a devotional at a Ladies Aid meeting, Rev. Elliker lingered on for a few days and then passed to his eternal reward on February 7, 1928, leaving his family grief-stricken and the congregation and community dazed and sorrowing over this visitation of the Almighty. His body was laid to rest in Oakland cemetery of Waukon on February 9, 1928, the entire community participating in the memorial service, Rev. K.J. Stuebbe of Ludlow giving the German, and Rev. F.E. Stucki of LaCrosse the English funeral address. Representatives of various church bodies with which Rev. Elliker had been connected were also present with appropriate resolutions of tribute and condolence; - thus passed this valiant man of God Zions longest-time pastor, while yet in the prime of life at the age of 55 years 5 months and 2 days, ended his second ministry here after only one year and five months.
In attestation of the high esteem in which he was held, and in appreciation of his services, the Consistory on behalf of the congregation later placed a bronze memorial tablet for him at the main entrance of the church, bearing the inscription: In Memoriam our beloved pastor Rev. G.D. Elliker, D.D. 1872-1928, and the members of all his confirmation classes contributed for a gray granite monument which was placed upon his grave.
To succeed him, his nephew, Rev. Reuben R. Elliker of Robertsville, Ohio, was elected at a special congregational meeting held May 22, 1928 and assumed his duties here on the first of September on the same year.
Among the events of his short pastorate of one year and eleven months are to be mentioned: the completion of the Sustentation Fund canvass previously mentioned, the congregation contributing the total of $1610, discharging its obligation in full; organization of the Mission Band; revision of the Sunday School constitution; and the convention of Minnesota Classis in 1930. Rev. R.R. Elliker received a call to Galion, Ohio, and took his departure on August 3, 1930.
Rev. R.R. Elliker, 1928-1930
Again there followed a period of searching for a pastor by the congregation and on the first Sunday in December of 1930, Rev. Frank E. Stuekei, then of LaCrosse, Wis., the present pastor, came and took charge of the work.
Being of more recent date, the events in the congregations life since then scarcely need to be chronicled, yet for the sake of possible future histories to be written, and to bring this sketch up to date, the records of Items of Interest for these later years reveal among other things, the following facts:1931 Extensive repairs and improvements on the church property, sidewalks, repainting, etc.
1932 The Sunday School was divided into two main departments, primary and adult, the primary department henceforth meeting separately in the basement rooms.
1933 The church basement was remodeled, enlarged and arranged for Sunday School and social purposes: the art glass windows of the church extensively repaired and an electric fan driven heating plant for the basement installed, at a combined cost of $1,111.16. All this was made possible by a Church Building Improvement Fund which had been accumulated during the years by the Sunday School and the Ladies Aid. Much volunteer work by the members of the church, and the low cost of labor and materials during the prevailing financial depression also contributed to the success of this project, without involving obligations beyond the limits of the fund. The spirit of hearty cooperation that prevailed was highly commendable, and the fruits thereof, a well-appointed basement with kitchen, serving counter and assembly room, now rejoice the heart of all. The Womens Missionary Society was hostess to the Milwaukee Classis W.M.S. at its meeting here, which was well attended.
1934 Zions Sunday School entertained the Minnesota Classis S.S. Workers conference in August of this year, with splendid attendance. The Ladies Aid purchased two additional communion trays to enlarge the set of six previously purchased by them at a cost of approximately $100. Price of the two extra trays was $44.50. The service is in the beautiful quadruple silver plate, grape design, and is now adequate for large communions. Accessions in the number of 99 during this pastorate have brought the membership of the congregation up to 459 at the present time.
Then, early in this Jubilee year of 1935, plans were laid by the consistory for a fitting celebration and observance of the congregations fiftieth birthday, among which was the preparation of this souvenir booklet. Such a compilation of the events and incidents in a congregations life need not be chiefly a biography of each minister who has served there, although they are closely linked together. We have endeavored to present, step by step, the progress and development of Zion church under the leadership of all its pastors; - but to say what the deeper more subtler effects and influences of the various pastors upon the congregation have been, and likewise, conversely, those of the congregation upon its pastors, was entirely beyond our power.
In Conclusion, what innumerable benefits and blessings have not come to us as members of this congregation; by its ministrations of comfort, inspiration and spiritual uplift from the Work of God; by its challenges to service, sacrifice and consecration; by the Christian fellowship and social contacts it has offered; and by the enlarged vision of true unity and brotherhood which it has sought to instill according to Ephesians 4, 1-3 where the Apostle Paul exhorts: I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beseech you to walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called, with all lowliness and in kindness, with long suffering, forbearing one another in love: giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Pray for the peace of Zion! May every member of us re-echo in his heart the prayer of gratitude and grasp the precious promise expressed by the poet.Jesus, thou Friend devine,
Our Savior and our King.
Thy hand from every snare and foe
Shall great deliverance bring,
Sure as thy truth shall last,
To Zion shall be given
The brightest glories earth can yield
And brighter bliss of Heaven
(Timothy Dwight)
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~source: Booklet - Zion Reformed Church, Waukon, Iowa; Golden Jubilee, 1885-1935, Fiftieth Anniversary, June 23rd, 1935, Reverend Frank E. Stucki, Pastor
~digital images of the booklet were contributed by David Hagemeier. David wrote "In the Seventies, I was in Iowa City and spotted this pamphlet there. Being a student I could not afford to make a copy and it wasn't so easy to copy then. I never got back but recently the Historical Society copied the first few pages with reference to the Ebenezer church. I hope you find it interesting. The Hagemeier family was among the Ebenezer charter families."
~transcribed for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb by volunteer Diana Henry Diedrich
~formatted for the web by volunteer S. Ferrall
~the old photo of Ebenezer church was contributed by Ann Krumme, it was not part of the Golden Jubilee booklet
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