One Hundredth Anniversary Rossville Presbyterian Church 1894 - 1994 Church History 1866-1994 |
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Church Bulletin from the September 25, 1994 Observance of the 100th Anniversary of the Rossville Presbyterian Church, Rossville, Iowa
Participants in the Observance:
Interim Pastor, James Walker
Organists: Vivian Huffman and Connie Ellis
Special Music: Ruby Herman, soloist
Letters from: Rev. Roger Hawthorne, Rev. Robert Lueck and Rev. Bill Sinning
Reading of the Church History: Darlene Leas
Acolytes: Jim Leas and David Leas
Special Thanks was given to Darlene Leas who spent many hours in preparing the history for the booklet and organizing the special occasion. After the services, a dinner prepared by the Rossville Church women, was held in the church basement.
Food Committee: Chairman Jean (Smith) Pufahl, Co-Chairman Darlene (Mrs. Elmer) Rush, and Women of the Presbyterian Womens Society
Booklet contents:
Part 1. History of the Rossville Presbyterian Church Part 2. Part 3. |
Part 4. Roll of Elders and Year of Election Part 5. Part 6. |
Full source & contributor credit is at the bottom of this page.
Let us turn back the pages of our Church history for the last one hundred years. We must first think of the conditions that the ministers and congregation had in getting to and from the Church in all kinds of weather. This Church was organized on September 9, 1866, with eleven members. The first member was Andrew Henderson. The Church building at that time was an old brick school house, with Reverend J. Woodruff as the first minister and continued until 1870. Following Reverend Woodruff was Reverend John C. Hanna, 1870 - 1872. A year went by when the Church did not have a minister but Reverend James Frothingham arrived and preached from 1873 -1874. After he left, Reverend B. Hall came from the Waukon Presbyterian Church and preached every two weeks from 1874 - 1887. The first baptism was in 1876 for George Fultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fultz. In 1882 there were three church buildings to be found in Rossville; the Baptist, the Presbyterian, and the Methodist Churches.
From 1887 to 1891 the Church was again without a minister but an arrangement was made with Reverend R.L. Nice of the Waukon Presbyterian Church to come and preach every two weeks from 1891 - 1892 as his predecessor Rev. Hall had done. In 1891 Rev. Van Nice had revival meetings and received 18 persons into the Church. This was the beginning of better days in our history. Reverend W. H. Ensign preached 1892 - 1893, supplying the pulpit from Volga City, Iowa in Clayton County. In 1893 C.W. Wilson, a student minister, preached from May thru September. It was during his ministry that the Church was incorporated. In the spring of 1894, again being without a minister, Captain OBrien held revival meetings which were usually deemed a decided success.
In 1894 Reverend Z.F. Blakely became the pastor and received 27 persons into the Church membership. On May 21, 1894, a meeting was held and it was decided to build a new church. Members of the building committee were J.H. Leas, Chairman; L.B. Wiley, Secretary; Jeremiah Leas, Levi Deal, and John Kelly. They were to select the site, collect the money from the donations, and complete the building. The cost of the building was:
Foundation $ 144.50
Lumber, doors, & windows $1,074.92
Hardware $ 77.44
Carpenter Work $ 417.18
Chimney $ 31.72
Plastering $ 48.25
Painting, papering, & lamps $ 227.93
Chairs $ 389.19
Total $ 2,411.13
In 1895, the building was completed and dedicated on April 21, 1895. Sarah (Moore) Kelly passed away on April 19, 1895. The first service after the dedication of the new Presbyterian church at Rossville on Sunday was her funeral, by Rev. R.L. Van Nice, assisted by others. Reverend James C. Wilson became the pastor in April 1895 and continued until 1897. Reverend J.S. Phillips, in connection with the Frankville, Iowa Presbyterian Church, served both churches until 1898.
Reverend T. Reeves preached during the summer for three months in 1898. On October 10, 1898, The Frankville Presbyterian Church in Winneshiek County, Iowa and the Rossville Presbyterian Churches voted to yoke together. They would share one minister and he would live in Frankville. Reverend W.R. Baird was hired for $250.00 a year, and would preach every other Sunday. Rev. Baird stayed for six months and on November 26, 1899, a call was sent to Reverend A.J. Gregg to preach for one year but he stayed for three years. He continued the sharing of the two churches by preaching every other Sunday. The arrangement between the two churches lasted a short time. They would become yoked again in April 1936 and that arrangement would last until 1977.
Reverend Simpson became the pastor of our Church in 1902 and stayed for two years, leaving in 1904. For three years the Church was without a pastor until April 1907 when Reverend J.C.B. Peck became the minister. He stayed until September 20,1908. In September 1908, Reverend Albert Nickless, from Dawly, England was a candidate for our pulpit. He preached for two Sundays, then a congregational meeting was called. A vote was taken for Reverend Nickless. By unanimous vote he began his ministry, which continued for one year. He turned in his resignation on August 8, 1909, as he wanted to go to school. Reverend Leonard Duckett of England was called to finish out the rest of the year. September 1909, marked the beginning of Rev. L. Ducketts ministry in America, beginning with the Rossville Presbyterian Church and lasted until September 1911. Students filled the pulpit from December 1911 to February 1913, at which time Rev. Albert Gertsch became the pastor. He would stay for one year.
On November 19, 1915, a session meeting was called to elect some new officers and extend a call for a pastor. Elders elected were: William Kelly, O.B. Kelly, H.C. Campbell. Trustees: Ray Robey, A.H. Gast, and Freedom Walters. Ray Robey was elected chairman of the meeting for one year. Mrs. H.C. Campbell for church treasurer and Alfred Peterson was hired as the janitor at $35.00 a year. Mrs. Freedom Walters was elected as Clerk of Session. A call was extended to Reverend W. O. Hillborn for pastor for one year. He accepted the call which began in November 1915 till December 1916.
At the April 11, 1916 session meeting, it was brought up to remodel the Church, either a basement or build an addition onto the Church. This was to be brought up at the Presbyterian meeting, but nothing was done. The Church was without a pastor from 1916 to 1919. Reverend R.L. Van Nice was hired on October 26, 1919, to preach for one year, and he continued his ministry until April 5, 1936, when he resigned on account of his health. Reverend Van Nice depended upon the railroad for transportation from Waukon every weekend. He would ride to Maud on the train and come into Rossville with who ever would be there with their team of horses. It was brought up about buying a new car for him. A vote was taken and passed, and now money had to be raised to pay for this new car. Ice cream socials with programs and oyster suppers were held to raise the money.
In 1924 money was raised to buy a new piano. The piano cost $209.00 and on November 30, 1924, the piano was dedicated.
Lamps were used to light the Church when it was built. In 1927 the Church wired for electricity. $50.00 was paid for a share and $50.00 was spent for the wiring. The Church was closed for the winter months from December 31, 1935 to April 1, 1936. In April 1936, Reverend G. Fred Butler of the Frankville Presbyterian Church came to Rossville to conduct a meeting about a pastor as Reverend Van Nice had resigned because of his health. It was decided to hire Reverend Butler. He would preach at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning. He gave his farewell sermon on February 12, 1939.
On June 11, 1939, Wilton Sinning, a senior in Dubuque Seminary School came to preach at Rossville to a fair crowd. He will preach at Frankville also. He was installed and ordained on October 15, 1939. The Rossville Church closed for the winter months as it was hard to get thru the roads in the winter time as roads were full of snow. Then the mud was too deep in the spring. Reverend Sinning was with us for five years. He preached his last sermon on January 25, 1944. He was called to serve as pastor of Presbyterian Church at Armstrong, Iowa. Reverend Sinning was married June 14, 1944 to Jean Brandt at the Frankville Church.
Reverend Robert Little Van Nice, our former pastor passed away on February 18, 1940, at the age of 89 years. His wife, Ida, passed away 15 days before him. Reverend Van Nice was the youngest of 12 children. He was called to the Presbyterian Church in Waukon in October 1889, intending to remain a brief time until a pastor could be secured. After four weeks a call was presented to him and he became pastor of the Waukon Church. He resigned thirty years later on October 19, 1919. He went to Rossville and preached for 16 years. Everyone who knew Reverend Van Nice spoke highly of him and enjoyed his presence at all the activities of the church. He officiated 1,103 weddings and conducted 871 funerals.
Reverend A.H. Grossheim, pastor at Waukon Presbyterian Church came to Rossville to preach at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning services then had services at 11:00 a.m. at Waukon. Rev. Grossheim was with us four years from 1944-1948.
The Church was built with a north entrance and was seated circular with individual seats facing south. These were replaced in 1944 with the present pews. At this time, the interior of the Church was turned to the west.
The 50th anniversary of the Church was celebrated on September 10, 1944. Reverend Sinning, a former pastor from Armstrong, Iowa, was in charge of the morning, afternoon, and evening services. Approximately 200 people attended each of the three services.
In February 1946, the ladies said they would like the church remodeled with either a basement or an addition. A vote was taken to put a basement under the Church. Before this project could begin, money had to be raised. The ladies had more dinners and suppers. In the fall, a chicken supper was held. This got to be an annual event. The chicken was served family style. Each of the 20 members furnished 3 chickens fried, mashed potatoes to serve 10, salad, vegetables, pickles, tomatoes to slice, and 2 pies. Prices were: Adults- $.65, children - $.35 under 10 years old. The ladies cleared $100.28.
In November 1946, a Thanksgiving dinner was served. This time $110.00 was cleared. The expenses were $13.09. In 1948, the basement was done costing $3,149.68. Also the entrance was changed to the east side of the Church, with Kenneth Pufahl and the trustees, Lyal Mitchell, Ray Rush, and Reuben Frink giving their approval.
The first wedding of church members in 54 years was Neil and
Darlene (Rush) Leas on May 21, 1947.
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Oldest married couple in
Church. Emmett & Evelyn Palmer January 9, 1929
First couple married in Church
Most recent couple married in Church |
In November of 1948, William Niles began to serve Rossville and
Frankville Presbyterian Churches as a student supply from
Dubuque. He stayed until January 1951. Reverend A.H. Grossheim
filled in as our moderator.
On January 23, 1949, the congregational meeting was held. Two elders, Arthur Leas and Emmett Palmer, were elected. They were installed on February 27, 1949. The other elders were: Harry Leas, Cullen Henderson, Ray Robey, and Gilbert Eadie.
Church services were held at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 20, 1949, with Pastor William Niles. A Potluck dinner was at noon in our new basement. At 2:00 p.m. Reverend A.H. Grossheim had the Dedication Service of the basement and new entrance. April of 1949 thirteen people joined our Church. At the July session meeting it was decided to remove the two west windows and the plaster. It was decided to sheetrock the walls and paint the walls. The summer of 1950 the sanctuary was decoratively painted by Martin Horn. He used three colors, ivory, green, and lavender. It looked very nice after he had finished it.
On November 6, 1949, Mrs. Freedom Walters resigned as Church secretary and treasurer, an office she had held for 39 years.
At the July 1951 meeting Lyal Mitchell thought something ought to be done with the big cottonwood tree north of the Church. A vote was taken to trim the tree or remove it. It was voted to cut it down as the roots may damage our new basement walls. Vivian Huffman was elected Clerk as Orville Bunting was moving to Burlington, Iowa.
April 1952 a call was extended to Reverend Thomas Nelson. His salary was to be $3,600.00 with our share being $1,440.00. Frankville would pay $2,160.00 with one month vacation. He resigned January 10, 1954. Reverend Alden Showalter was extended a call to become our pastor in 1955.
The Baptist Church in Rossville had closed several years ago. The trustees of the Baptist Church gave the Presbyterian Church $500.00 as they were closing out their account. The money was to be used for improvements of the Church.
Reverend Showalter resigned in 1957 as he had accepted a call to Jasper, Indiana beginning September 15, 1957. Reverend William Tjaden, of the Waukon Presbyterian Church became our moderator.
In 1958 the ladies wanted to paint the walls and floor of the basement. They also put up new curtains which looked really nice. The Church finances were real low so it was brought up to have a Ham Dinner on Memorial Day. The price of the Dinner was raised to $1.25 for adults. We had a crowd and cleared $131.40. A call was extended to a student, Robert Reynolds, for pastor. A position he served from 1958 to 1962. In 1960 stained glass windows were installed through memorial gifts. Candelabra for the altar was also purchased with memorial money.
In the 1960s the Ladies Aid was renamed the United Presbyterian Womens Organ-ization and every confirmed female member of the church became a member.The UPWO has about 4 major money making projects a year. The greatest emphasis has been on the fall bazaar and for the past years the ladies have embroidered and quilted quilts -- an old practice recently revived. One quilt is always given for the raffle at the Fall Bazaar.
Bill Inger, who lived next to the Church on the west side, passed away in 1961 and he left his property, including the well to the Church. Also in 1961, Leslie and Zelda Leas gave the Church a new electric organ to replace the piano. It was dedicated on April 2, 1961. In June of 1961, our organist, Vivian Huffman played the new organ for the wedding of Barbara Boardman and Robert Swanson.
Reverend Reynolds asked the Frankville and Rossville Session if the Churches would be in favor of him teaching music in the Waterville School. The congregation of both churches approved of him teaching there for 1-½ years. Reverend Reynolds asked if he could go to Hanover, Illinois to preach on February 11, 1962. The churches agreed and Rev. Reynolds accepted the call to leave on March 13, 1962.
On July 6, 1962, the pulpit committee from Frankville and Rossville recommended student Lloyd Sorenson for our pastor. He was our student supply until January 1965 when a call was issued to him. He was installed on June 20, 1965. At the August 1966 meeting, Reverend Sorenson asked the congregations to concur with his request to dissolve the relations between himself and both churches, as he had a call from the Presbyterian Church in Buffalo, Minnesota.
At the June 1964 session meeting Paul and Jean Pufahl expressed their desire to purchase a new communion table and pulpit for the Rossville Presbyterian Church in memory of their son, Gary, who passed away October 14, 1963. A baptismal font was purchased at the same time so it would match the other two pieces.
In 1965, Rossville Presbyterian Church was given some money from the Laura Deremore estate. More was being done in our basement. Hot water was put in, bathrooms and kitchen completed, including new cupboards, sinks, and new stoves. More money was needed to help pay for these projects. The annual chicken supper was held. The menu was increased. The ladies furnished 100 chickens to fry, 150 pounds of potatoes to be mashed, 50 loaves of bread for dressing, 20 quarts of milk, tomatoes to slice, 30 pounds of cottage cheese, 9 gallons of corn, 4 dish pans of cabbage salad, 40 dozen rolls, 6 loaves of bread, and 80 pies. They ran out of chicken and used 12 pounds of ham. They cleared $530.25 on this dinner.
1965 was also the year that the Rossville Presbyterian Church sponsored the Rest Area, picnic area at the Waterville and Big Foot intersection. They did the maintenance work on the grounds.
Being without a minister since September of 1966, on May 1967 a call was extended to Yusuke Hidaka to be our pastor. He accepted our call and moved into the manse in Frankville July 1967. His ordination and installation service was held Sunday, July 30, 1967 at Frankville. He stayed until January 18, 1970.
During the absence of a minister for the years 1970 to 1972, Robert Larson, a student, filled both the Rossville and Frankville Church services each Sunday.
On May 17, 1970, the sessions of Bethlehem, Frankville, Rossville, and Zalmona churches met to talk about yoking together. Rossville would join Zalmona and Frankville would join Bethlehem. After a great deal of discussion, Zalmona was not ready to make this arrangement so Bethlehem, Frankville, and Rossville went together and would be called Tri Church Mission. The first meeting was held on January 10, 1972 with Reverend Keith Kensinger as pastor of all three churches, aided by the help of a student. The students that served were Robert Larson, Max Forsythe, Dan Flage, and Phil Olson. This arrangement worked real well, taking a lot of work off the shoulders of Pastor Kensinger.
A special session meeting was held on June 12, 1972, to elect a treasurer for the Church due to the death of our treasurer, Merle (Mrs. Lyal) Mitchell, who was killed in a car accident. Darlene Leas was appointed to finish Merles term.
A new oil furnace was installed in the church in July of 1973 costing between $1,500 and $1,800.
The Tri Church Mission sessions met on September 25, 1973 at Bethlehem Church to interview Greg Benthall, a student at Luther College, Decorah. A motion was made to accept him. His duties would be to help Reverend Kensinger during the Sunday worship time, beginning September 30, 1973. On October 17, 1974, Reverend Keith Kensinger asked that his pastorship be terminated in the Tri Church Mission. He accepted a position as Campus Minister at the University of Wisconsin in LaCrosse, taking effect on November 15, 1974.
On May 4, 1975, a call was extended to Roger Hawthorne to become the pastor in the Tri Church Mission. He moved to the area on August 21 and was installed on September 21, 1975 at the Bethlehem Church. Don Patterson, a student, would assist him.
A congregational meeting was called on September 19, 1976. The purpose of the meeting was to take a vote to see whether we wanted to yoke with Zalmona Presbyterian Church. A vote was taken and agreement was made to yoke with Zalmona. The arrangement would begin on May 29, 1977. The Tri-Church Mission was dissolved and was again, our yoking with the Frankville Church came to an end after being together for over forty years.
On January 1, 1977, we became a part of the new John Knox Presbytery. This is a unit of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, created by the 188th General Assembly meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, in May 1976. It is incorporated in the state of Wisconsin with adherence to the laws in the states of Iowa and Minnesota. The Presbyterian Church came to Iowa in the 1830s, Wisconsin in the 1840s, and it came to Minnesota in the 1850s. The Assembly in 1976 formed the boundaries of the Presbytery to include all churches and ministers in the counties of Dubuque (except Community Church, Cascade, Iowa), Fayette, Clayton, Winneshiek, Allamakee, Jackson (except First Church, Miles, Iowa), in Iowa; Fillmore, Houston, and Winona in Minnesota; and Marquette, Grant, Lafayette, Green, Dane, Iowa, Crawford, Richland, Sauk, Columbia, Vernon, LaCrosse, Monroe, Juneau, Adams, Buffalo, Trempealeau, and Jackson in Wisconsin.
A call was extended to Robert Lueck to become our pastor of Zalmona and Rossville Presbyterian Churches. On June 1, 1977, Reverend Lueck became our pastor and was installed at the Zalmona Church on August 14, 1977. The interior of the Church was painted this summer by the members and Pastor Lueck. John and Almeda Boardman had a nice wooden cross made and hung in the front of the Church in memory of Almedas mother, Rachel Ellen (Douglas) LeHew. The dedication of the cross took place September 4, 1977.
Vivian Huffman, Clerk of Session since 1951, resigned her position on February 2, 1978, and handed in the session books for the new clerk. The exterior of the Church needs painting. Some thought it would be nice to put siding on instead of painting. Doug Kubitz checked on the prices of siding finding that it would cost from $6,700 to $9,000 to side the Church. Because we are short of money, it was decided to once again paint the building. Gene Thias offered to put a new sidewalk in front of the church out to the parking lot. This project was completed November 8, 1978.
1981 brought some improvements to our Church with the installation of a speaker system, a Hammond Organ was purchased, a partition was placed to enclose the furnace, and storm windows were installed.
On February 17, 1983, Pastor Bob Lueck gave his resignation to the session members. He would leave on April 30, 1983 and go to Ebeneezer Presbyterian Church at George, Iowa. On June 3, 1984, a call was extended to Reverend James Jacobson for pastor for Zalmona and Rossville Presbyterian Churches. He accepted our call. On September 9, 1984, Reverend Jacobson was installed. The installation service was held at Zalmona.
The steps on the north side entrance need to be repaired so it was decided to build a ramp, making it wheelchair accessible. The dedication took place on March 17, 1985 with the help of Bob Rush. Ceiling fans were installed and the exterior of the Church was painted in 1986.
A celebration was held on March 1, 1987, honoring Vivian Huffman for 40 years of being the organist in our church. In August of 1987 our Church learned that we had inherited a portion of money from the Harley Leas estate. Some improvements were made in the dining area. The walls were paneled and carpet put on the floor. On April 24, 1988, Darlene Leas was honored for being Church Treasurer for 16 years.
Our hymn books were well worn and a committee was selected to look into purchasing some new books. In October of 1990, the committee chose the New Presbyterian Hymnal. Our pulpit chairs were new in 1894, and by 1992 were in need of some repair work. A fund was set up to get the chairs fixed. The chairs were fixed with new springs, refinished, and new upholstery.
February 1993 Pastor James Jacobson gave us sad news when he informed us that June 30 would be his last day with us, after being our pastor for nine years. Vivian Huffman, our organist, retired on June 1, 1993, after playing the organ for us for 50 years. On Sunday, June 6 a musical hour was given in her honor with her sister, Verla, Karen Roffman, Shelly Kubitz, Pastor Jim, and his son, Joe, playing and singing. Vivian was given a plaque in remembrance of all these years, followed by fellowship time.
Reverend James Walker, an interim pastor was called to be pastor of Zalmona and Rossville Presbyterian Churches on October 1, 1993. He will be with us until September 30, 1994. After spending one year with us, we want to express our sincere gratitude to Rev. Walker, for the privilege of knowing and working with you this past year, God Bless you.
We thank the Lord for making it possible to maintain our ties with Zalmona these past 18 years and to be able to participate jointly with our four neighbor churches for Lenten Services, Mission Sundays, Bible School programs, Thanksgiving Services, and World Day of Prayer. As we have looked back on the past 100 years, let us trust the Lords blessings will continue to help us in years to come.
Rev. J. Woodruff 1866 - 1870 Rev. John C. Hanna 1870 - 1872 Rev. James Frothingham 1873 - 1874 Rev. B. Hall 1874 - 1887 No pastor 1887 - 1891 Rev. Robert L. Van Nice 1891 - 1892 Rev. W.H. Ensign 1892 - 1893 C.W. Wilson (Student) 1893 -1894 Rev. Z. F. Blakely 1894 - 1895 Rev. James C. Wilson 1895 - 1897 Rev. J.S. Phillips 1897 - 1898 Rev. T. Reeves Rev. W.R. Baird 1898 - 1899 Rev. A. J. Gregg 1899 - 1902 Rev. Simpson 1902 - 1904 No pastor 1904 - 1907 Rev. J. C. Peck 1907 - 1908 Rev. Albert Nickless 1908 - 1909 Rev. Leonard Duckett 1909 - 1911 |
Students from Dubuque
Seminary School 1911 - 1913 Rev. Albert Gertsch 1913 - 1914 Rev. W. O. Hillborn 1914 - 1916 No pastor 1916 - 1919 Rev. Robert L. Van Nice 1919 - 1936 Rev. G. Fred Butler 1936 - 1939 Rev. Wilton Sinning 1939 - 1944 Rev. A. H. Grossheim 1944 - 1948 William Niles (Student) 1948 - 1951 Rev. Thomas Nelson 1952 - 1954 Rev. Alden Showalter 1955 - 1957 Rev. Robert Reynolds 1958 - 1962 Rev. Lloyd Sorenson 1962 - 1966 Rev. Yusuke Hidaka 1967 - 1970 Robert Larson 1970 - 1972 Rev. Keith Kensinger 1972 - 1974 Rev. Roger Hawthorne, 1975 - 1977 Rev. Robert Lueck 1977 - 1983 Rev. James Jacobson 1984 - 1993 Rev. James Walker, Interim 1993 - 1994 |
![]() Rev. R.L. Van Nice 1919-1936 |
![]() Rev. Alden Showalter
1955-1957 |
![]() Rev. Roger Hawthorne
1975-1977 |
STUDENT ASSISTANTS: Phil Olson 1972 - 1973 MEMBERS OF SESSION in 1978: Ruth Brandsmeier (Clerk) |
YOUTH ADVISORS: Dave Ralston TREASURER: Darlene Leas ORGANIST: Vivian Huffman CUSTODIAN: Clara Leas |
Robert Crawford - 1866 S. L. Sergent - 1866 Robert Henderson - 1867 S.H. Drake - 1870 Daniel Kelly - 1879 Alexander Creig - 1882 John Leas - 1891 James Henderson - 1891 Samuel Campbell - 1891 Henry Graham - 1894 John Kelly - 1894 L.B. Wiley - 1894 William Kelly - 1895 J.A. Henderson - 1897 George Leas - 1907 Orange B. Kelly - 1908 H.C. Campbell - 1915 J.R. Reeder - 1922 Ray Robey - 1922 Earl Kelly - 1922 Gilbert Eadie - 1926 Oscar Rumph - 1926 Ray Leas - 1926 Walter Gast - 1930 Cullen Henderson - 1930 Harry Leas - 1934 Arthur Leas - 1949 Emmett Palmer - 1949 Earl Huffman - 1951 John Boardman - 1951 Vivian Huffman - 1951 Darlene Leas - 1955 Lyal Mitchell - 1958 Clinton Kelly - 1959 Ray Rush - 1960 Jean Pufahl - 1961 |
Stanley Ewing - 1965 Byron Livingood - 1965 John Berg - 1966 Clara Leas - 1966 Leon Ralston - 1968 Merle Mitchell - 1969 Clarence Brandsmeier - 1969 Norbert Palmer - 1971 Paul Pufahl - 1972 Ray Mitchell - 1973 Phyllis Lawson - 1973 Mary Ann Kaeser - 1974 Darlene Rush - 1975 Gary Mitchell - 1975 Nancy Adam - 1976 Ruth Brandsmeier - 1976 Leon Ralston - 1978 Doug Kubitz - 1978 June Behrend - 1980 Elmer Rush - 1981 Chris Wonderlich - 1981 Ronald Adam - 1983 Hedy Leas - 1983 Sharyn McCormick - 1984 Steve Hoppenworth - 1985 Nola Palmer - 1985 Almeda Boardman - 1986 Gwen Kaeser - 1986 Jacky Bresnahan - 1987 Sharon Kubitz - 1988 Arvid Leas - 1988 Sandra Ehrhardt - 1990 Reggie Adam - 1992 Dwight Watkins - 1992 Phyllis Snitker - 1994 Herb Behrend - 1994 |
MEMBERS IN 1993: Elmer Rush Sharyn McCormick (Clerk) Arvid Leas Reggie Adam Dwight Watkins Sharon Kubitz CHURCH TREASURER: ORGANIST: SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS: |
MEMBERS IN 1994: Sharon Kubitz (Clerk) Dwight Watkins Reggie Adam Phyllis Snitker Arvid Leas Herb Behrend TREASURER: |
SEPTEMBER 9, 1866 - JULY 24, 1994
Andrew Henderson - September
9, 1866 Susanna Leas - September 9, 1866 Sarah Kelly - June 4, 1971 Daniel Kelly - October 17, 1872 Levi Deal - December 20, 1873 Jeremiah Leas - December 20, 1873 William Huffman - June 9, 1891 Nettie Kelly - June 9, 1891 Mattie Gast - June 9, 1891 William Kelly - June 9, 1891 Emeline Kleese - June 26, 1891 Estelle Leas - June 26, 1891 George and Sarah Leas - June 26, 1891 Maud Woodmansee - June 26, 1891 Clara Rush - June 26, 1891 Frank Kleese - January 26, 1892 Maratha Elliot - January 26, 1892 Emeline Wilson - February 18, 1892 Edith Walters - July 9, 1893 Effie Kuhne - July 23, 1893 Sarah Kelly - September 17, 1893 Dan Kelly - April 14, 1894 A. H. Gast - April 14, 1894 Orange B. Kelly - April 14, 1894 Edith M. Kelly - April 14, 1894 Angie Kelly - April 14, 1894 Hazel Robey - November 26, 1902 Hepsie McClintock - June _, 1904 Sadie Kelly - May 3, 1908 H.C. and Jane Campbell - November 29, 1908 Mamie Campbell - November 29, 1908 Ray Robey - February 21, 1909 Leslie Rush - August 1, 1909 John Burroughs - June 4, 1916 Mary Burroughs - June 4, 1916 Gilbert H. Eadie - July 16, 1916 Walter P. Eadie - July 16, 1916 Joseph and Edith Reeder - January 4, 1920 Ruth McClintock - January 25, 1920 Helen McClintock - January 25, 1920 Irma Robey - November 19, 1922 Colia Robey - November 19, 1922 Lloyd and Edna Reeder - November 19, 1922 Walter and Hattie Gast - November 19, 1922 Alice Gast - November 19, 1922 John and Edna Rumph - November 19, 1922 Erma Rumph - November 19, 1922 Carrie Pufahl - November 19, 1922 Kenneth Pufahl - November 19, 1922 Paul Pufahl - November 19, 1922 Florence Pufahl - November 19, 1922 Nanie Canfield - November 19, 1922 Ula Deemer - November 19, 1922 Clinton and Gusta Kelly - November 19, 1922 Cullen and Lizzie Henderson - November 26, 1922 Marie Mitchell - October 5, 1924 Lyal Mitchell - October 5, 1924 Gretta Palmer - October 5, 1924 Emmett Palmer - October 5, 1924 Everett Palmer - October 5, 1924 Ray and Blanch Leas - October 5, 1924 Harry and Sarah Leas - November 30, 1924 Arthur and Helga Louise Leas - November 30, 1924 Arthur Evans - November 22, 1925 Addie Evans - November 22, 1925 Boyd Woodman see - November 2, 1928 Dale Robey - January 2, 1928 Ruth Deemer - April 17, 1928 Ralph Klees - July 3, 1928 Ethel Joy Robey - July 20, 1930 Harry Dale Leas - October 4, 1931 Evelyn Leas - October 4, 1931 Winnifred Huffman - June 10, 1934 Evelyn Klees Palmer - October 7, 1934 Leslie and Zelda Leas - June 28, 1936 Neva Deal - December 25, 1938 Marguerite Pettit - December 25, 1938 Alfrea Pederson - December 25, 1938 Marguerite McMillan - December 25, 1938 Ruth Rush - December 25, 1938 Darlene Rush - December 25, 1938 Leona Rush - December 25, 1938 Ray L. and Hazel L. Rush - October 5, 1941 Regina M. Pufahl - October 5, 1941 Lee and Gayle (Thias) Smith - April 23, 1944 Freedom Walters - September 10, 1944 Lowell Walters - September 10, 1944 John and Cora Foote - December 30, 1945 Margaret Deal - December 30, 1945 Clayton Neal Palmer - July 4, 1948 Allan E. Palmer - July 4, 1948 Laura Palmer - July 4, 1948 Vivian Huffman - October 10, 1948 Earl Huffman - October 10, 1948 Neil Leas - October 10, 1948 Joyce Leas - April 10, 1949 Eva Walters - April 10, 1949 Darlene Lauryne Thias - April 10, 1949 Phyllis Lawson - April 10, 1949 Eugene Thias - April 10, 1949 Robert Palmer - April 10, 1949 Norbert Palmer - April 10, 1949 Merle Mitchell - April 10, 1949 Ireta Leas - July 31, 1949 Pearl Stahl - July 31, 1949 Gladys Huffman - July 31, 1949 Violet Walters - July 31, 1949 John O. Boardman - July 31, 1949 Rolland Frink - October 9, 1949 Claudette Pettit - October 9, 1949 Clara Leas - October 1, 1950 Jane Palmer - October 5, 1952 Neal Leas - April 5, 1953 Ray Mitchell - April 5, 1953 Clifford Livingood - April 5, 1953 Richard Boardman - April 5, 1953 Barbara Boardman - April 5, 1953 James and Doris Ewing - January 17, 1954 Bonnie Ewing - January 17, 1954 Shirley Wagner - January 24, 1954 James Wagner - January 24, 1954 Arlene Wagner - January 24, 1954 Kay Walters - January 24, 1954 Lillian Erickson - April 3, 1955 |
Stanley and Darlene Ewing -
October 21, 1956 Charles and Florence Ewing - January 10, 1957 Reuben and Minerva Frink - January 10, 1957 Sidney and Ruth McClintock - January 10, 1957 Donald McClintock - January 20, 1957 John Boardman, Jr. - January 20, 1957 Gary Ewing - January 20, 1957 Gary Pufahl - January 20, 1957 Nancy Pufahl - January 20, 1957 Sharon Walters - January 20, 1957 Kay Ewing - January 20, 1957 Gary Mitchell - January 20, 1957 Frances Kelly - January 20, 1957 Clinton Vernon Kelly - January 20, 1957 Byron and Lulu Livingood - February 11, 1957 Willis Livingood - February 11, 1957 Arlo Boardman - February 17, 1957 Almeda C. Boardman - February 17, 1957 Hannah McClintock - April 7, 1957 Iva Snitker - May 15, 1960 Leonard, Jr. and Phyllis Snitker - May 15, 1960 Lorraine Mitchell - May 15, 1960 James Boardman - May 15, 1960 Connie Kelly - May 15, 1960 LeRoy McClintock - May 15, 1960 Terri Snitker - May 15, 1960 Ronald Adam - January 7, 1962 Clarence Brandsmeier - July 15, 1962 Elmer and Darlene Rush - September 23, 1962 Almeda Boardman - February 3, 1963 Nola Palmer - August 4, 1963 John and Thelma Berg - October 6, 1963 Mary Ann Kaeser - January 19, 1964 LaVonne Vichlach - February 2, 1964 Perry Vichlach - February 2, 1964 Lorna Vichlach - March 22, 1964 Darlyn Rush - March 22, 1964 James Rush - March 22, 1964 James Leas - March 22, 1964 Walter Lawson - March 22, 1964 Darrel Snitker - November 29, 1964 Barbara Leas Mowat - July 24, 1966 Leon and Pauline Ralston - September 4, 1966 Debra Kelly - April 2, 1967 Sharon Ewing - April 2, 1967 Michael Snitker - April 2, 1967 Richard Rush - April 2, 1967 David Leas - April 2, 1967 Janet Thias - October 22, 1967 Danny Beisker - June 2, 1968 Paul Kaeser - June 2, 1968 Wendy Thias - June 2, 1968 Tom Vichlach - June 2, 1968 Glen Krueger - May 17, 1970 William and June Behrend - June 12, 1972 Debra Palmer - April 8, 1973 Kathy Palmer - April 8, 1973 Terry Palmer - April 8, 1973 Deanne Thias - April 8, 1973 Jacky Beisker - April 8, 1973 Sharon McCormick - March 31, 1974 Julie Hitchcock - March 31, 1974 James and Juliann Halverson - March 31, 1974 Elizabeth Kaeser - June 18, 1974 Sue Ewing - June 18, 1974 Arlene Brandsmeier - June 18, 1974 Bernard Brandsmeier - June 18, 1974 Allen Troester - June 18, 1974 Robert Rush - June 18, 1974 Jeff Mitchell - June 18, 1974 David Ralston - June 18, 1974 Mary Mitchell - November 10, 1974 Reginold Adam - June 27, 1976 Leonette Smith - September 5, 1976 Doug Kubitz - August 26, 1976 Craig Adam - April 30, 1978 Lorie Beisker - April 30, 1978 Wesley Beisker - April 30, 1978 Gwen Kaeser - April 30, 1978 Barbara Livingood - April 30, 1978 Jane Palmer - April 30, 1978 Donald Rush - April 30, 1978 William Thias - April 30, 1978 Pam Mitchell - April 8, 1979 Stephen Mitchell - April 8, 1979 Barbara Rush - April 8, 1979 Corine Smith - April 8, 1979 Herb Behrend - April 8, 1979 Rodney Adam - April 9, 1980 Todd Kaeser - April 9, 1980 Robert Palmer - April 9, 1980 Steve and Patty Hoppenworth - June 22, 1980 Chris and Nancy Wonderlich - November 30, 1980 Hedy Leas - November 30, 1980 Marsha Behrend - April 5, 1981 Todd Mitchell - April 5, 1981 Jan Kaeser - April 5, 1981 Janelle McCormick - April 10, 1983 Troy Mitchell - April 10, 1983 Jackie Halverson - April 10, 1983 Mari Rush - April 10, 1983 Lee Bresnahan - January 8, 1986 Arvid Leas - January 8, 1986 Mathew Behrend - March 24, 1986 Jolyn McCormick - March 24, 1986 Trent Mitchell - March 24, 1986 Kevin Bublitz - June 7, 1986 Mark and Sandra Ehrhardt - October 16, 1988 Jodie Halverson - May _ 1988 Dewey and Lorraine Prouty - May _ 1988 Jim Prouty - May - 1988 Jamie Prouty - May _ 1988 Dwight and Michelle Watkins - March 10, 1991 Christopher Barr- May 19, 1991 Laura Bresnahan - May 19, 1991 Bobby Kubitz - May 19, 1991 Renae Adam - December 22, 1991 Cindy Barrett - June 7, 1992 Shelly Kubitz - June 7, 1992 Craig Bresnahan - June 7, 1992 Vickie Behrend - January 31, 1993 Calvin (Nick) and Lois Jones - January 31, 1993 Chad Jones - May 23, 1993 Mike Jones - May 23, 1993 Kim Kaeser - July 24, 1994 |
~Source: Original Booklet, History of the Rossville Presbyterian Church, 1894-1994, One Hundredth Anniversary. Compiled by: Pastor Jim Walker, Arvid and Hedy (Buerger) Leas, Darlene (Rush) Leas, Leona (Rush) Troester, Monona Billboard, and Becky Brink, Secretary
~Transcribed for Allamakee co. IAGenWeb by Connie L. (Kelly) Ellis, former member of the Rossville Church, Rossville, Jefferson twp., Allamakee County, Iowa.