IAGenWeb Project - Allamakee co.
updated 07/29/2024

Allamakee Album
Boardman family

Harpers Ferry vicinity

George William Boardman family

George W. Boardman was a pioneer in Allamakee County, coming to Iowa in the early 1850's. He was first married to Caroline Worth, who died in 1867. Their children were: Levi, Lily and George Joseph.

His second marriage was to Mary Jane Hoey in 1869. Their children were Ernest, Alfred, John, Mary, Ruth, and Rose Ellen. They also had two more sons. John Walter Boardman who died in infancy, and Thomas Boardman who died at the age of 22.

All but his 1st wife Caroline, and sons John W. & Thomas are pictured below.

Back row: Ernest, Alfred, Levi, John, Lillian 'Lily' & Mary

Front row: George Joseph, George William, Ruth, Mary Jane & Rose Ellen

~photo credit: Ancestry .com

This tribute to George W. Boardman was published in the Quad-City Times, 01 Mar 1914:


Came to Iowa in Early '50s and Made a Lot of Money at Boat Landing Near McGregor

In the death of "old George Boardman" at his home in the Mississippi hills north of McGregor there passes from this vicinity the last and one of the most picturesque characters of old steamboat days. He left property valued a,t $20,000. With less of generosity in his nature it might easily have been many times that amount for in the '60's and '70's there was no busier steamboat point on the river than "Boardman's Landing."

As a boy of 18 Mr. Boardman came up the Mississippi in the '50s and landed in the woods above Yellow River, half way between Dubuque and LaCrosse. A few months before he had been living in Liverpool, England. His new home was in the wilderness. On the river bank was one cabin occupied by a Mr. Johnson and his squaw wife. A few settlers were living back in the hills making. a precarious living selling wood to the steamboats.

The Winnebago Indians were camped nearby. Mr, Boardman built a cabin, purchased a small stock of goods and opened a store. The steamers landed to "wood up" and business rapidly developed at Boardman's Landing. "Hoop poles," young saplings cut and trimmed about six feet long, were in great demand those days at the river towns for flour and pork barrels. Mr. Boardman bought them In large quantities from the settlers and sold them to the steamers.

The boats also tied up to procure pork, butter, eggs and other produce at the store. The Indians brought their furs and sold them to Mr. Boardman. A post office was established in the store and for 15 years Boardman's post and boat store was one of the best money making propositions on the river. But with the free spirit of the times and the natural open-handedness of the proprietor much of the earnings went as fast as they came. Money was loaned to nearly every one who asked for it and goods were sold to the settlers year after year on credit. A legacy Mr. Boardman leaves to his children is a thick ledger with Its yellow pages full of uncollected debts and loans.

When the Milwaukee put through the river division, Mr. Boardman filed contract for 500,000 ties at 50 cents apiece. The right of way passed directly through his store and he was given $1,500 to move it. The company put in a sidetrack up to the store and for a brief time with both steamboats and railroad, business was better than ever. But the decline followed soon and business dwindled. The store was finally closed and Boardman's Landing, or Johnsonport as Mr. Boardman named it after the first resident, became nothing but a memory.

The last years of his life Mr. Boardman farmed and sold timber from a large tract of land which he owned near the river.

George W. Boardman (1834-1914) and Mary Jane (Hoey) Boardman (1846-1929) are buried in St. Joseph Catholic / Paint Rock cemetery.

Death & funeral notice of George W. Boardman (opens a new page)
Mary J. Boardman obituary (opens a new page)


Levi Frederick Boardman family

Levi was a son of George W. & Caroline (Worth) Boardman. He was married to Mary Ann Wachter, daughter of Anton & Christina (Sproehl) Wachter.

Levi Frederick Boardman

Mary Ann (Wachter) Boardman

~the tintypes are from the collection of Jeanene Palmer Delphey
~contributed by Mollie Meade (Mollie & Jeanene are 2nd cousins, Levi & Mary Ann being their g-grandparents.

Mr. Levi F. Boardman of Heytman Station, on the river division of the St. Paul railway, this side of Lansing, Iowa, was in Prairie du Chien looking after his property interests in Crawford county. Levi is a hustler and has been quite prosperous as a cattle raiser.
~Dubuque Daily Times-Journal, January 22, 1907; pg 6

Levi & Mary Ann Boardman and their children, ca1912

Back row: Julius Boardman, Adeline Boardman Gavin, Lillian Boardman Mohn Sullivan, Mabel Boardman Hawes, Carl Boardman, Heimer Boardman

Front row: Louis Boardman, Levi Boardman, Mary Ann Wachter Boardman, Florence Boardman Williams, Douglas Boardman

~photo credit: collection of Jeanene Palmer Delphey

Levi & Mary Ann are buried in the Spaulding cemetery, Fairview twp. He died 9/25/1932 and she died 7/27/1923.
Levi's obituary and gravestone * Mary Ann's obituary * Mary Ann's gravestone


Boardman family gathering, ca1912

Back row: Julius Boardman, Adeline Boardman Gavin, Lillian Boardman Mohn Sullivan, Mabel Boardman Hawes, Carl Boardman, Heimer Boardman

Middle: Irma Williams ConCannon, Louis Boardman, Levi Boardman, Mary Ann Wachter Boardman, Florence Boardman Williams, Douglas Boardman

Front row: Effie Williams Corrigan, little boy on lap is James Williams, man holding little boy is Bert Williams, Violet Boardman Knutson, Roy Boardman, Winifred Boardman Cassidy, Martha Valley Boardman, little boy on her lap is Harry Boardman, and Laurayne Boardman Gavin.

~photo credit: collection of Mary Lou (Gavin) Meade


4 generations of Boardmans, ca 1931

Levi Boardman, Doug Boardman, Roy Boardman, and the little guy is Joe Boardman

~source: collection of Mary Lou (Gavin) Meade

~The photos & information on this page were contributed by Mollie Meade. Interested researchers can contact Mollie at the email address shown for her in the Surname Registry for Boardman.

~check the Allamakee Obituary Index and Clayton Obituary Index for obituaries that have been contributed for more of these family members


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