Allamakee Co. Compiled Marriages Sa-Si |
New content added 06/16/2022
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Marriages are arranged with the grooms surname first.
SAEVERT - RILEY | At St. Marys church, Lycurgus, yesterday morning, took place the marriage of Isabelle Riley and Harry Saevert, two of the estimable young people of that community. Rev. Father McNamara celebrated nuptial mass and performed the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Gretta Riley and Ray Welch, sister and cousin of the bride. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and the groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saevert, and they have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party, relatives and friends at the home of the brides parents. The young couple will make their home on a farm near Church. ~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, May 15, 1929 - from Ann Krumme |
SALZGABER - THOMA | At the German Lutheran church, on Thursday, April 5, 1884 [transcribers note: should be 1894], Mr. Louis SALZGABER and Miss Sovina THOMA, the Rev. J. GASS officiating. ~Postville Review, April 7, 1894 - from S. Ferrall |
SALZGEBER - SENHOLZ | Last evening the marriage of Mr. Christolph Salzgeber and Miss Anna Senholz was solemnized at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Schuman. Much Joy ! ~Postville Review, Sat., Oct. 31, 1896 - from Reid Johnson |
SAMAK - GOSSMAN | At Maynard on Saturday, Sept
5, occurred the marriage of Raymond Samak of this city
and Miss Florence Gossman of Farmersburg. The groom is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Samak while the bride is one of
Farmersburg's fairest young ladies who at present is
teaching in the Eldorado schools. The Herald
joins with the many friends of the contracting parties in
extending hearty well wishes. ~Postville Herald, Thursday, September 17, 1925 - from Reid R. Johnson |
SAMS - SNYDER | MARRIED. At the M.E. parsonage on Nov. 26th by Rev. E.J. LOCKWOOD; Mr. Richaard SAMS to Miss Lizzie SNYDER. After a short wedding trip to Sioux Falls, they will make their home with the groom's father, Mr. Jas. SAMS. ~Postville Review, November 29, 1890 - from S. Ferrall |
SANDER - SCHUTTE | At the Lutheran parsonage in this city at eight o'clock Tuesday evening, April 30th, Rev. Schmidt united in marriage Mr. Walter Sander and Miss Amanda Schutte, two well known and highly respected young people of this locality. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sander, residing east of Postville, while the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Schutte of the Castalia vicinity. The young couple will reside on the farm of the groom's father, where the Herald joins with numerous friends in extending well wishes. ~Postville Herald, Fri., April 23, 1920 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SANDERMAN - SNITKER | WAUKON - The marriage of Miss Dorothy Snitker and Urban Sanderman took place Thursday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Snitker of Waukon. The Rev. M.E. DeBuhr of Salem Reformed church officiated and the attendants were Roland DeBuhr and Miss Bernice Snitker. A wedding dinner was served to forty relatives. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sanderman, west of Waukon, where the couple will make their home. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette, Tuesday, March 3, 1936, Cedar Rapids, IA, pg 47 [date of marriage February 27, 1936] ~contributed by Cindy Maust Smith |
SANDERS - KAMP | Married - George Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sanders, was married today to Miss Augusta Kamp at the home of the bride's parents northeast of Hardin. Congratulations.~Postville Review, Feb , 1906 - from S. Ferrall |
SANDERS - COYLE | MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's mother in Postville, Iowa, on Wednesday evening, June 16, 1886, by Rev. J.W. FERNER, Mr. John SANDERS and Miss Jessie COYLE all of Postville. The groom has grown from infancy to manhood in our midst and is counted one of our most promising and successful young merchants, steady, reliable and in every way worthy of the prize he has won. The bride has not resided here so long, but still long enough to be universally esteemed for her natural and acquired abilities, her quiet and unassuming ways and her goodness of heart. Her education and accomplishments fit her to adorn any station in life to which she may be called. The company consisted almost exclusively of the relatives of the groom and was not large, but was one of the pleasantest little wedding parties, in all its details, that we ever attended. [extracted from a lengthly article] ~Postville Review, June 19, 1886 - from S. Ferrall |
SANDERS - POMEROY | Married. At the residence of the bride's father in Calamus, Wis., March 1, 1877, by Rev. W. Van Driessen, Mr. H.A. Sanders, of Postville, to Miss Clara A. Pomeroy. ~Postville Review, March 13, 1903 - from S. Ferrall |
SANDERS - WARD | At twelve o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, Aug. 29, 1911, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward in this city, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ethel, to Mr. Gilbert Sanders, Rev. F. W. Pease tying the nuptual knot. The ring ceremony was used and only the members of the immediate families of the contracting parties were present. Following a brief season of congratulations a four-course luncheon was served by Misses Florence and Ora Ward, sisters of the bride. The bride is one of Postville's best. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs John Sanders of this city. ~Postville Review, Fri. Sept 1, 1911 - from Reid Johnson |
SANNS - QUANRUDE | Miss Anna Quanrude of Waterloo Township and Arnold Sannes of Spring Grove, Minn., were married Thursday afternoon at the Big Canoe Church in Waterloo Township by the Rev. T.O. Tolo, pastor, it was announced at Waukon Saturday. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Quanrode, Waterloo Township farmers. Since completing her education, she has been teaching in the rural schools of Allamakee County. The bridegroom is the driver of a school bus at Spring Grove but in spring will engage in farming in that vicinity. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Sunday, January 8, 1939 - from S. Ferrall |
SASS - RUSSELL | Fred Sass of McGregor and Miss Jennie Russell of Lansing applied at the Methodist parsonage in this city last Wednesday, desiring to be married, says the Waukon Journal. When Rev. Temple discovered that the groom-to-be was armed with a Clayton county license, he accompanied the party to the Methodist church at Monona, where he performed the marriage ceremony. ~Postville Herald, June 21, 1928 - from S. Ferrall |
SAWDEY - PEARSON | MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's parents, Hardin, Iowa, Wednesday evening at eight o'clock, Dec. 21st, 1898, by the Rev. B.C. BARNES, Mr. Wilbur Edward SAWDEY of Chamberlain, S.D., and Miss Georgia Mae PEARSON. It was the good fortune of a represenative of the Review to be present on this happy occasion and participate in the enjoyment of the hour. A goodly number of relatives and a few other friends were guests of the family and many rich presents were left as a token of friendship and good will. Supper was announced in good season, and a bountiful and rich repast it was, leaving nothing to be desired. Mrs. PEARSON knows well how to preside on such an occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Sawdey will remain until after the holidays, when they will go to their "ranche" home in South Dakota. In that prairie land the Review and their many other friends wish them joy, health, happiness and properity through all the coming years. This life cannot all be sunshine, whether on the prairie or in the forest, but wherever we are, if we live as we should, we can gather gleams of brightness all along this way. May fortune deal kindly with our friends, and add blessings with every summer sephyr and even with the wintry blasts [remainder illegible] ~Postville Review, December 23, 1898 - from S. Ferrall |
SAWYER - MOTT | MARRIED. At the home of the bride, in Postville on 31st of November [I believe this is a typo, due to the date of this paper and should be October], by Rev. S.F. SMITH, Mr. W.G. SAWYER and Miss C.T. MOTT, both of Postville. ~Postville Review, November 10, 1875 - from S. Ferrall |
SAWYER - RUSSELL | Luana wedding, written by
H.J. BOWDER. Wedding occasions are enjoyable. Then neighbors are brought together until the house made roomy is filled. The nature of the occasion adds much. The lights seem brighter and the music richer. All anxiety centers around the appearance of the estimable couple who are so soon to become "husband and wife together". The two appear; the 'knot' is tied; congratulations are given; and then all with so much of god cheer sit together about tables bountifully and tastily spread. Such an occasion was enjoyed Thursday evening, April 14th, at W.W. RUSSELL's of Luana, when his only daughter, Helen M., was led by Delorma F. SAWYER under the green arch where they were joined in marriage by Rev. H.J. BOWDER, of Luana. The bride and groom are followed to their excellent farm home, north of Luana, by the well wishes of their many friends. Among the donors with their gifts are the following: Mr. and Mrs. W.W. RUSSELL & Mr. and Mrs. W.H. RUSSELL, a set of silver knives and forks Mrs. E.W. SAWYER, a set of silver tablespoons Mr. and Mrs. Hilas BURNHAM, a silver pickle castor Rev. A.U. HUTCHINS, silver cake stand Dr. E.A. HUTCHINS & family, one table spread, dozen napkins, dozen towels and a set of dishes, 83 pieces Mr. and Mrs. A. HUTCHINS & family, set of silver knives Mrs. C. HUTCHINS, pin cushion and sachett Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BARBER, tea set of cut glass Mr. and Mrs. O.D. HOPKINS, table linen Miss Clara HOPKINS, pair of pillow shams & tidy Miss Jennie REESE, pin cushions Mr. and Mrs. Chas. LANG & Carrie, table linen and towels Mrs. H.J. BOWDER, a repousse plaque C.C. THORNTON, a rocking chair. ~Postville Review, April 23, 1887 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHALLER - HAHN | Miss Esther Hahn, daughter of Mrs. Bertha Hahn of New Albin, and Clarence Schaller, son of Mrs. Amelia Schaller of La Crosse, were united in St. Peters Evangelical and Reformed Church, Wednesday afternoon June 20th, at 2 oclock, Rev, P.H. Franzmeier, pastor, officiating. The altar was decorated with baskets of peonies, Shasta daisies, orange blossoms and roses. Mrs. P.H, Franzmeier provided nuptial music on the organ and Miss Shirley Meyer sang during the services. The bride wore a gown of rayon net and Chantilly over a base of silk taffeta with lace insertions. Her dress was fashioned with a long train and a sweetheart neckline outlined with pearl beaded flowers; her finger-tip veil fell over her face from a coronet of orange blossoms; she carried a bouquet of white roses, snapdragons and carnations and her only jewelry was a string of pearls. Mrs. Henry Vonderohe, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor and wore a floor length gown of white silk jersey; a shoulder veil of white net caught with white flowers, and carried a bouquet of white and pink peonies. Mrs. Alvin Renk, sister of the bride, and Miss Florence Schaller, sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. They wore dresses fashioned the same of net in pink and blue; both wore shoulder-length veils and carried bouquets of mixed peonies. Donna Welper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Welper of La Crosse, and Jeanette Schaller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schaller of Freeburg, Minn., were flower girls and wore short pink and blue dresses and carried mixed sweet peas. The bride's mother wore a blue and white sheer dress and the bridegrooms mother wore a tan and brown sheer dress and both worse corsages of pastel pink carnations. Alvin Renk and Arthur Hahn acted as best men. Following the ceremony a reception for 70 guests was held at the home of the brides mother. In the evening a wedding dance was given in their honor at Dreamland Ballroom, which was largely attended. Mrs. Schaller has taught in the rural schools of Houston County for the past nine years. Her husband is employed by the Milwaukee Railroad. After July 1st they will make their home in Reno, Minn. They have the best wishes of a host of friends, the Journal included, for a long, happy and prosperous married life. ~Allamakee Journal, Lansing, June 1945 - from Errin Wilker |
SCHARRA - KROGMANN | August Scharra (Schara) and Anna Maria Johanna Krogmann, married November 19, 1889 by Pastor John Gass. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis |
-- Miss Sondra Clement, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Clement, of rural Postville, became the bride of Mr.
Ronald Schara, son of ~Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schara, also
of Postville, on Dec. 22, 1962 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Washington Prairie Lutheran Church. Pastor E. O. Ellefson
performed the ceremony. The bride given in marriage by
her father, wore a dress of white satin with a scooped
neckline edged with imported Italian lace. The bodice of
the gown also featured long sleeves. The floor length
skirt featured a bustle back and a chapel train. Her
finger-tip veil of silk net was attached to a headpiece
accented with pearls. The bridal bouquet consisted of
figi mums in a cascade design with red berries and green
leaves. Julie Austad, of Decorah was maid of honor, Lynda
Hughes, Omaha, Neb., and Julie Waters, Canton, S. D.,
were bridesmaids. Gayle Schara, Austin, Minn., was junior
bridesmaid. Robyn Schara, Austin, Minn., was miniature
bride. Each of the attendants were dressed identically in
red satin floor-length gowns featuring a scooped neckline
and bellshaped skirt. They wore tiarras and evening
length white gloves. Each carried a lighted white candle
with red satin roses.Robert Schara, brother of the
bridegroom, was best man. Carsten Clement, brother of the
bride, and Edmond Bronson, friend of the groom, were
groomsmen. Douglas Clement, brother of the bride was
junior groomsman. Richard Schara, brother of the
bridegroom, was ring bearer. The bride's mother wore a
light green brocade dress with black accessories. The
groom's mother wore a cocoa brown lace dress with brown
accessories. Both wore white mum corsages. Following the
ceremony, a reception was held in the church parlors for
250 guests. Mary Jane Schara, sister of bridegroom, was
in charge of the guest book. Host and hostess were Mr.
and Mrs. George Waters, Canton, S. D., aunt and uncle of
the bride. Shirley Tieskotter of Decorah and Sharon Gripp
of Minneapolis, served punch. Services were Mrs. Duane
Snyder, Linda Gipp, Lois Myrah, Louise Hoyme, Mrs. James
Moen, Mrs. Ronald Hovey Galene Nelson and Mrs. Daryl
Bergan. Waitresses were Lois Gipp, Lilah Estrem, Janeen
and Merldeen Ellingson, Mrs. Gary Tekippe and Gayla
Olson. Cake servers were Mrs. Edward Clement, aunt of the
bride, and Mrs. Howard Viste, cousin of the bride who
made the cake assisted by Mrs. Eric Egge. Coffee servers
were Mrs. Norman Hoyme, Decorah and Mrs. Evart Hughes,
Postville, aunts of the bride. The bride is a graduate of
Decorah High School and is presently extension secretary
for the department of Botany, Iowa State University,
Ames.The bridegroom is a graduate of Postville High
School and is a student at Iowa State university, Ames,
majoring in Fish and Wildlife Management. The couple is
at home at 1013 Pammel Court, Ames. (a picture of Sondra
and Ronald cutting their wedding cake was with the
article) ~clipping, from Mary Durr |
SCHARA - SCHROEDER | At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, near Moneek, on Wednesday, occurred the marriage of their daughter Jennie to Fred C. Schara, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schara, Rev. R. Kuehne officiating. A goodly number of invited guests were present to witness the joinging of these estimable young people and to indulge in the festivities incident to the occasion. An elegant wedding supper was served. The young couple were the recipients of many beautiful presents. They will reside with the groom's parents on the farm northwest of Postville, where their many friends will wish them a happy wedded life. ~Postville Review, Friday, January 14, 1910 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHAVE - FISHER | At the home of Fred Schave in Postville, on Friday, Nov. 25th, occurred the marriage of Mr. William Schave and Miss Caroline Fisher. Witnesses-- Albert Schave and Mary Schroeder. ~Postville Review, Fri., 2 Dec. 1910 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHELLHAMMER - FRITZ | Johann George Schellhammer and Katherine Fritz, married September 17, 1887 by Pastor John Gass. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis |
SCHENCK - LISHER | From the West Union Gazette - At the home of the bride's parents in this city, Monday morning, July 8, Mr. John L. SCHENCK and Miss Myrtle LISHER. The happy couple left at once for a wedding journey to the groom's home at Middleton, Ohio. They will be at home after August 1, at New Hampton. Congratulations on the event are general and hearty. ~Postville Review, July 20, 1895 - from S. Ferrall |
editor of the 'Cedar Falls Reporter', who was formerly
connected with this paper, has slipped his head into the
matrimonial noose. He was married recently to Miss C.A.
Winslow, a beautiful, accomplished and wealthy young lady
of Cedar Falls. May buckets full of joy be theirs
forever. North Iowa Journal, Tuesday, June 10, 1873; pg 3 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
SCHILD - GOETTLE | Lansing- The marriage of Miss Alice Mae Goettle and Ralph M. Schild took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goettle, at 11 o'clock Saturday morning with the Rev. G. W. Cramer, pastor of Calvary Evangelical Church, officiating at the double ring ceremony, it was announced Monday. The couple was attended by Miss Gladys Hogen and Lloyd Goettle. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goettle of Thompson's Corner. She is a graduate of Waterville High School. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schild of Cedar Falls. He is a graduate of Cedar Falls High School. He is employed by the Viking Pump Co. of Cedar Falls. Following the ceremony a dinner was served with places set for 28 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Schild will enjoy a trip to Colorado and other western points and after Sept. 1 will be at home at 216 east 10th Street, Cedar Falls. ~Dubuque Telegraph Herald, Mon., Aug. 23, 1937 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHILLlER - SCHULZE | Mr. Fred Schiller the harness maker, has been strapping himself to a lovely woman for life. He was married last week to Miss M. Schulze. ~North Iowa Journal, Wednesday, October 29, 1873; pg 3 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
SCHILTZ - ROERKOHL | John Schiltz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schiltz of this township, and Miss Elizabeth Roerkohl of Dorchester, were married Tuesday morning at the Dorchester Catholic church. They will reside on the Schiltz farm west of this city. ~Caledonia Argus; Caledonia, MN; November 20, 1908 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
SCHIMMING - TIERNEY | Wednesday morning at St. Patricks church in this city, Rev. Father Walsh officiating, occurred the marriage of two of Waukons well known young people, Mr. John G. Schimming and Miss Nellie Tierney. The marriage was consummated in the presence of the relatives and near friends of the contracting parties, after which a delicious wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride. The brides gown was a lovely creation in white mull, lace trimmed. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss. Mary Tierney, attired in blue organdie, while the grooms best man was John Collins. Wednesday noon, Mr. and Mrs. Schimming started for Cresco and other points where they will visit friends, and later will go to Minneapolis, after which they will be at home in this city. The bride is one of Waukons popular young ladles and enjoys the respect and friendship of a large circle of friends who cannot speak too highly of her nor wish her too much happiness in her new life. ~Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer (Cresco, IA), Sept. 16, 1902, FP, C7 -from Joy Moore |
SCHISSEL - TIESKOTTER | On Tuesday, January 5th, 1932, at nine o'clock, at St. Benedict's Catholic church, Decorah, occurred the marriage of Gertrude M. Tieskotter of Decorah and Joseph E. Schissel of Ossian. Rev. M. Hogan tied the nuptial knot. They were attended by Miss Laura Shimak, aunt of the bride as bridesmaid, and Mr. Ray Schissel, the groom's brother as best man. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tieskotter of Decorah and was graduated from the Decorah high school and the Wisconsin Business University of La Crosse. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schissel of Ossian and is a graduate of St. Francis de Sales school of Ossian. They will make their home on a farm near Waukon, where the best wishes of a host of friends follow them. ~Decorah Public Opinion and Decorah Repubican, Ossian column, January 7, 1932 -from S. Ferrall |
SCHLEA - MEIER | AT the German Lutheran church, Wednesday, by Rev. Emil Bockelman, Christ. Schlea, of Cresco, Iowa, and Miss Minnie Meier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meier of this place. ~from the Postville Graphic, reprinted in Iowa Plain Dealer, May 19, 1899, FP, C5 -from Joy Moore |
SCHLIE - WARNHOLZ | At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Warnholz occured the marriage of John C. Schlie and Elizabeth Warnholz. Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock. None but the nearest relatives were present to witness the ceremony. The happy young couple will tenant the Henry Dahms farm near the Junction. We wish them a happy life and the blessings from on high. ~Postville paper, unknown issue - from Reid Johnson |
SCHLIEMANN - LEITHOLD | As pretty a matrimonial surprise as was ever perpetrated on the people of Postville took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.N.Leithold in this city at 7:30 o'clock Saturday morning, September21, 1912, when their daughter, Miss Delia, was united in wedlock with Mr. Ernest E. Schliemann of Blacks, California, the Rev.J.F. Childress officating. Following the ceremony a splendid wedding breakfast was served and shortly afterward the couple boarded the Rock Island passenger and started for their new home in the vicinity of Sacramento, where they will at once settle down to housekeeping on the groom's ranch of several hundred acres. The bride is one of Postville's very best girls, a young lady of education and refinement, a fine musician, even tempered and of sunny disposition, whose gracious and affable manners have drawn around her a large circle of close and admiring friends,with whom the Review joins in the wish that the richest blessing of earth may be with you and yours throughout a long and blissful wedded life. ~Postville Review, September 27, 1912- from S. Ferrall |
SCHLITTER - MIELKE | Two marriages were conducted by Rev. Van Nice at his residence June 26th, Milton Schlitter and Miss Evelyn Mielke, both of near Luana, Iowa, and Mr. G. A. Dodge and Mrs. Amanda Bristol, of Colesburg, Iowa. The latter were old acquaintances of Rev. Van Nice. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, 'Additional Waukon news' column, July 3, 1929 ~from Ann Krumme |
SCHOFIELD - KOEVENIG | Miss Caroline Koevenig and Victor Schofield were married in Waukon last Thursday. They departed Saturday morning for Mason City where, we understand, the groom has bought a photograph gallery. ~Postville Review, Fri. Nov. 9, 1900 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHOH - BEARDMORE | Dorchester- Mt. Hope
Presbyterian church was the setting Sunday evening for
the wedding of Miss Jane Beardmore, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Beardmore, and Leon Schoh, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Schoh, The Rev. Ch. H. Willemssen officiated. The
bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ruby Beardmore, as
maid of honor, and Miss Delores Beardmore, her cousin, as
bridesmaid. Sharon Beardmore was flower girl. Gaylord
Schoh, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and Lloyd
Dehning was groomsman. Ushers were Fred Thiele and Bob
Bulman, and Dennis Oseth was ring bearer. A reception was
given in the church parlors. The couple will make their
home on a farm near Dorchester. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette;
September 3, 1951 -from Diana Henry Diedrich A note from the bride: "....our wedding, which was held on Sept. 2, 1951 has an error that I would like you to correct. It reads ...and Miss Delores Beardmore, her cousn, as bridesmaid. It should read ... and Miss Delores Weber, her cousin, as bridesmaid". Thank you. Jane Beardmore Schoh. [note added 6/23/07] |
SCHRADER - MILLER | Miss Lena Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller, and Henry Schrader were united in marriage by Rev. Appel of Luana on Tuesday. The house was filled with guests from far and near to witness the ceremony.- Iowa Volksblatt, February 7, 1896 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHRIBER - BOES | To the Circuit Court of Alamakee County: This certifies, That on the 1st day of October A.D. 1870 at Waukon in said County, according to law, and by authority, I duly joined in Marriage L. M. Schriber and Sophia Boes. Given under my hand, the 1st day of October A.D. 1870. Returned and filed on the 1st day of October A.D. 1870. /S/ C. S. Stilwell, J.P. /S/ J.W. Pratt, Clerk by Hall. ~Allamakee County Marriage Record #3 Page 573 - from Jacob O. Fritz |
SCHROEDER - BEISKER | On Saturday evening, June 27, 1936, at eight o'clock, at St. Paul's Lutheran church in this city, Miss Audrey Beisker and Mr. Gilbert Schroeder, both of this city, were united in marriage by the Rev. R. B. Garten, D.D., pastor of the church. The only attendants at the ceremony were Mrs. Anna Beisker, mother of the bride, and Mrs. Mary Shroeder, mother of the groom. The contracting parties in this event are two of Postville's best known and highly respected young people, whose friends are numbered almost by their acquaintance. They left Saturday night on a honeymoon trip to Chicago, and upon their return will at once settle down to housekeeping in a fine new home, all furnished and awaiting their occupancy, and where their many friends join in the wish that they may spend a long, happy and prosperous wedded life.~Postville Herald, Thursday, July 2, 1936 - from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHROEDER - BRANDT | On Tuesday evening John Schroeder and Mrs. Mary Brandt, both of this city, were joined in wedlock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Harnack, the nuptial knot being tied by Rev. M. O. Puhl. The event took the friends of the contracting parties completely by surprise, but their congratulations are none the less profuse or sincere. ~Elkader Register, Thur., 27 Dec. 1906. Postville column -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHROEDER - DULL | Miss Sophia Dahl and Mr. Henry Schroeder were married at the home of the bride's parents yesterday morning at 7 o'clock. They took the Rock Island train for Wellman where they will visit several days with Mr. Schroeder's brothers. ~Postville Review, Fri., 12 March 1915 - from Reid R. Johnson |
Married. At the Lutheran parsonage, by Rev. Bockelman, on Thursday morning, Jan. 11, 1900, Mr. George Schroeder and Miss Mary Konig. The League of St. Paul's church presented the couple with an elegant Bible in token of esteem. They will reside in Postville, in the fine residence recently purchased of August Tangeman, where their many friends wish them joy and prosperity. ~Postville Review, January 12, 1900 - from S. Ferrall - note: in another article, same paper, the bride's surname is spelled Koenig. |
SCHROEDER - KROGMAN | Married. Wednesday morning, March 4th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krogman, in Elkader, occurred the marriage of their daughter Meta and John H.W. Schroeder, of Postville, Rev. G.F. Braun officiating. The worthy young couple will make their home on a farm near Postville. ~Postville Review, March 13, 1903 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHROEDER - LOEFFLER | Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm
Schroeder and Dorothea Wilhelmina Loeffler (Christine),
married September 25, 1884 by Pastor John Gass. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis |
SCHROEDER - SEIG | On Tuesday forenoon, July 25th, Mr. Emmett C. Schroeder of this city and Miss Verna Seig of route 2, Postville, were united in marriage at Waukon, the Rev. R.L. VanNice performing the ceremony. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Schroeder of this city, who is one of the efficient assistants in the Postville post office, and is known to all as an upright and industrious young man. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Seig of route 2, Postville, a graduate of the Postville High School with the class of 1933, and is a young lady held in the highest esteem by all who know her. Immediately after the wedding ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Sieg left on a honeymoon trip by auto, during which they will visit Lake Okoboji and the Yellowstone national park. Upon their return the young couple will make their home in Postville, and the Herald joins with their numerous friends in wishing them health, wealth, and happiness. ~Postville Herald, Thursday, July 27, 1933 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHULER - BOYER | Married. At the residence of
the brides parents, 4548 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, Ill., on Tuesday evening, June 25, Mr. Geo.
Schuller, of Postville and Miss Clara Boyer, of Chicago.
The couple arrived here Sunday morning and will soon
commence housekeeping in Redheads residence on the
west side. The Review joins with Georges
many friends in extending congratulations. ~Postville Review, July 5, 1901 -submitted by S. Ferrall |
SCHULER - GOBEN | Married. At Monona, on Wednesday, Sept. 20th, 1893, by the Rev. Father McGRAFF, of Charles City, Mr. Raymond SCHULER and Miss Emma GOBEN, both of Postville. The ceremony was witnessed only by the relatives and a few immediate friends of the bride and groom, and was very impressive. A reception was given at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. NICK's on Thursday and was heartily enjoyed by those present. This estimable young couple have a host of friends in Postville and vicinity with whom the Review joins in wishing a long and pleasant journey on the sea of life. Mr. and Mrs. SCHULER will commence housekeeping at once in the southeast part of town. ~Postville Review, September 23, 1893 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHULER - TRUDO | Last Friday Mr. Andrew Schuler and Miss Mae Trudo were married at Waukon. All of Postville. ~Postville Review, Friday, December 15, 1899 - from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHULTE - DUFFY | Waukon Marriage vows were repeated Saturday morning at 9 by Shirley Duffy and Lloyd H. Schulte in a ceremony read by the Rev. John McDonald in St. Patricks church. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Duffy of Waukon. Mr. Schultes parents are Mr. and Mrs. John C. Schulte of Dorchester. Given in marriage by her brother, Howard Duffy, the bride wore a ballerina-length gown of net and lace over satin. The lace bodice had a scoop neckline and long tapered sleeves. Her fingertip veil was fastened to a crown of seed pears and she carried red roses. Jennie Duffy, the maid of honor, and Mrs. Gregory Schulte and Jeaneile Schulte, bridesmaid wore pastel gowns fashioned like the brides. Gregory Schulte served as best man for his brother. Theodore Kelly and John J. McCormick were groomsmen and Leon Schulte, Donald Heffern and Elmer Troendle ushered. Peggy Bresnahan and Mary Regan were flower girls. Music was provided by Maureen Quillan organist, and Richard Delaney and Mark Kelly, soloists. A reception was given from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Country club. Cpl. Schulte, who has served in the air force two years, is stationed in Puerto Rico. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette, June 25, 1955 -from Diana Henry Diedrich |
SCHULTE - KILPATRICK | Waukon Marriage vows were exchanged Saturday in St. Patricks Catholic Church by Miss Diane Kilpatrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kilpatrick, and Robert Schulte, son of the Vincent Schultes of Dorchester. The Rev. John McDonald officiated at the 10:30 ceremony. Fashioned of nylon lace over taffeta, the brides gown had a sequined scalloped neckline and long sleeves. The hemline had matching scallops. Her fingertip veil was held by a crown and she carried a missal topped with an orchid. Her attendants included Miss Marie Howes, Cedar Rapids, maid of honor; Miss Sherry Drew, also of Cedar Rapids, and Miss LaVonne Schulte, Dorchester, bridesmaids. They were gowned in coral sheaths with draped overskirts. Thomas Schulte of Dorchester, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Serving as groomsmen were Dale Schwartzhoff, Dorchester, and Clark Kilpatrick, Keith Kilpatrick and Matt Schulte ushered. A receptection for 200 guests was given in the Farm Bureau hall. The bride has been employed by Souvenir Pen and Pencil Co., in Cedar Rapids. Her husband is employed by Midland Co-op Co. of Spring Grove, Minn., where the couple will live after Sept 1. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette, August 24, 1964 -from Diana Henry Diedrich |
SCHULTE - OLSON | Waukon The marriage
of Miss Carole Ann Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Olson, and Thomas Schulte, son of the Vincent Schultes of
Dorchester, took place Saturday at St. Patricks
Catholic Church. The Rev. Joseph Slepicka officiated at
the 10:30 ceremony. The bride chose a gown of sheer over taffeta and an elbow-length veil caught to a jewel crown. She carried yellow roses and lavender mums. Her attendants were Miss Patricia Olson, maid of honor, Miss LaDonne Schulte and Mrs. Dale Schwartzhoff. They wore lavender organza gowns and had bouquets of pompons. Robert Schulte of Spring Grove, Minn., served as best man. Daniel Schulte and Mr. Schwartzhoff were groomsmen. A reception for 250 guests was given in Veterans hall, after which the couple left for the northern states. The bride has been employed by the Turner Co., Cedar Rapids. Her husband is an employe of Midland Co-op, in Waukon, where they will make their home ~Cedar Rapids Gazette; August 9, 1965 -from Diana Henry Diedrich |
SCHULTE - RYAN | Waukon-Shirley Ann Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan, and Leon Schulte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schulte, were married Saturday morning at St. John the Baptist Catholic church in Union Prairie township. The Rev. John Fagan performed the ceremony at 9. Genevieve Bakewell played nuptial music, and Richard Delaney sang. Mrs. Donald McGraw of Fort Knox, Ky., served as matron of honor for her sister, Karen Schulte and Teresa Ryan were bridesmaids, Colleen Gremme and Vicki McLain were flower girls. Attending the bridegroom were Elmer Troendle as best man and James Ryan and Take Kelly as groomsmen. John McMorrow and Keith Fahey ushered. An afternoon reception was given at the Ryan home. The couple will live on a farm. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette; August 7, 1955 -from Diana Henry Diedrich |
SCHULTZ - BAUDER | Heinrich Johann Schultz and Wilhelmina Bauder, nee Freitag married February 28, 1878 by Pastor Theodore Deichmann. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis |
SCHULTZ - BURROW | Miss Marcella Janet Burrow
of Postville and LaVerne L.L. Schultz of Castalia were
united in marriage Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock in
the Lutheran church at Castalia, the double ring ceremony
being employed by the officiating pastor, Rev. Wm.
Striepe. Lohengrin's wedding march was played as the
couple entered the church. Mrs.Striepe presiding at the
organ. The bride was attired in a floor length gown of
white net and wore a long veil set off with a wreath and
carried a bouquet of white and rose carnations. Her
bridesmaid, Miss Violet Schultz, a sister of the
bridegroom, wore a rose colored taffeta floor length
gown. Mr. Ralph Schultz, brother of the bridegroom,
acting as best man, and the bridegroom wore suits of
oxford gray. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Burrow of this city and the bridegroom is the
second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schultz of
Castalia. The young couple will make their home at
Castalia where Mr. Schultz is employed. ~Postville Herald, March 9, 1939 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHULTZ - BUSACKER | Wilhelm Johann Heinrich Schultz and Emma Doris Hanna Busacker, married March 18, 1886 by Pastor John Gass. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis |
SCHULTZ - HARNACK | Joachim Schultz and Anna K. Harnack, married October 30, 1885 by Pastor John Gass. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis |
SCHULTZ - JAHNKE | On Tuesday occurred the marriage of Miss Lizzie Jahnke, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jahnke, to Mr. William Schultz Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schultz of this city. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. E. Bockelman at the home of the bride's parents near Frankville. ~Iowa Volksblatt, Dec. 30, 1898 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHULTZ - KROGMANN | Charles Johann Joachim Schultz and Anna Maria Dorothea Krogmann, married September 30, 1885 by Pastor John Gass. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis |
SCHULTZ - KUHSE | The marriage of Miss Esther Kuhse of Farmersburg and Eldo Schultz of Postville took place at the bride's home near Farmersburg at 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning, November 12, 1930, the double ring ceremony being performed by Rev. Robt. E. AveLallemont of Farmersburg, pastor of the Lutheran church. The attendants were Emily Schultz of Monona, a niece of the groom, and Harlan Kuhse, a brother of the bride. The bride was attired in a frock of light navy blue silk crepe and carried a shower bouquet of white and pink [remainder cut off] ~Postville Review, November 20, 1930 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHULTZ - LANGE | At seven o'clock Tuesday morning, November 1, 1921, at the Lutheran parsonage in Postville, the Rev. E. Schmidt joined in holy matrimony Mr. Lawrence Schultz of Postville and Miss Luella Lange of Castalia. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. August Schultz, north of Postville, and the bride a daughter of Mrs. H. Lange of Castalia, whose wide acquaintance throughout this section makes it unnecessary that they should receive any encomiums at our hands. They will settle down to housekeeping on a farm recently purchased north of Luana, and the Herald joins with many friends in extending hearty well wishes for happiness and prosperity.- Postville Herald, Thursday, November 3, 1921 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHULTZ - LENTH | Frederick J. Henry Schultz and Louise Charlotte Sophia Lenth, married November 22, 1889 by Pastor John Gass. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis |
SCHULTZ - PALAS | At four o'clock on Tuesday
afternoon, February 28, 1905, Mr. Louis A Schultz, of
Postville, and Miss Ella Palas, of Farmersburg, were
united in marriage at the last named place by the Rev.
Brown, in the presence of a large assemblage of relatives
and invited guests, invitations having been issued to one
hundred families. The groom is one of Postville's best
young men, steady and industrious to an unusual degree,
and numbers his friends by his acquaintances. The bride
is a estimable yung lady in every way. The happy couple
expect to arrive in Postville a week from next Monday and
will settle down to housekeeping at once in the groom's
father's house south of the cemetery. After which Louis
will resume his clerkship at the store of R. Sunde. With
many friends we join in extending well wishes. ~Postville Review, Fri. March 3, 1905 - from Reid Johnson |
SCHULTZ - ROUSTER | Miss Philamanie Rouster, daughter of Mr. Peter Rouster of Iowa township, was married last Tuesday morning, May 2nd, to Mr. Arnold Schutz, son of Mrs. Kate Schutz of near Caledonia. The wedding was solemnized at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, New Albin, Rev. L. Hayes, pastor, officiating at the ceremony and Nuptial Mass at 8 o'clock. The attendants were Miss Helen Rouster, sister of the bride, and Mr. Robert Schutz, brother of the groom. The bride was attired in a white embroidered chiffon gown, a shoulder length veil with beaded crown. Her flowers were white carnations and she wore a gold cross, a gift of the groom. Her attendant wore a steel blue chiffon gown and her flowers were white carnations. A wedding dinner and reception was held at noon at the home of the bride's father and a six o'clock supper at the home of the bridegroom's mother, with places set for sixteen. Parties and showers were tendered the bride by Mrs. Virgil Koch, Mrs. Julius Stoltz, Mrs. Joseph Schmitz and Mrs. Kate Schutz. The new home will be made on the Mrs. Kate Schutz farm near Caledonia and where they will engage in farming. The happy young couple have the best wishes of many friends, the Journal included. A wedding dance and reception was given in their honor Wednesday evening at Dreamland Ballroom. ~Allamakee Journal, Lansing, undated clipping - contributed by Errin Wilker |
SCHULTZ - RUEF | MARRIED. Miss Julia RUEF of Clermont and Henry C. SCHULTZ of Postville. At the residence of the bride's parents on Thursday, June 22nd, by Rev. SCHANKE, of Elgin. ~Postville Review, July 1, 1882 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHULTZ - SCHROEDER | On Saturday, Dec. 4, at high noon, the marriage of Miss Clara Anna Schroeder, Only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Schroeder and Luver C. Schultz, a son of Mrs. Anna Schultz, also of this city, took place at St Paul's Lutheran church, Rev. E. Schmidt performing the ceremony, only the immediate relatives bring present. They will reside with the bride's parents on East Williams street in this city. The wedding took place on the 30th anniversary of the bride's parents. - Postville Herald, Thursday, Dec. 9, 1920 - from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHULTZ - SCHULTZ | A joyous wedding was consummated at Wm. SCHULTZ' on Christmas evening, when August SCHULTZ and Dorothea SCHULTZ were united in marriage, by Rev. NEWMAN. Mr. SCHULTZ is a brother of John and Charley, and will reside on a part of the SWENSON farm. ~Postville Review, December 27, 1895 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHULTZ - THOMA | Charles Johann Schultz and
Anna Barbara Thoma, married March 6, 1881 by Pastor
Johann Knie. ~St. Paul Lutheran Church records - from Steven W. Bareis -- MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Fred. THOMA, in Grand Meadow, Clayton Co., Iowa, March 6th, 1881, by Rev. John KNIE; Mr. Charles J. SCHULTZ and Miss Annie B. THOMA. Both are from Grand Meadow and the parents of this newly married pair are well known. ~Postville Review, March 12, 1881 - from S. Ferrall |
SCHUTTA - DEPPING | Will Schutta and Miss Martha
Depping, of Ludlow, were married Oct. 13th. We
congratulate. (Note: the date could also be Oct. 18) ~Postville Review, Friday, October 28, 1910 - from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHUTTA - SAWVELLE | At the Lutheran parsonage in this city on Wednesday morning, Sept. 4, 1918, occurred the marriage of two of Postville's well known young people, Miss Savena Sawvelle and Mr. Herman Schutta, the Rev. E. Schmidt performing the ceremony. John Sawvelle and Miss Edna S. Lange officiated as groomsman and bridesmaid, respectively. They will be "at home" to friends in the groom's residence on the north side. ~Postville Herald, Friday, Sept. 6, 1918 -from Reid R. Johnson |
Willard Helmuth Schutte and
Leta Louise Dieckman were married on August 25, 1934 at a
Lutheran church in Chicago, Illinois. Leta was born in
Clarksville, Iowa and Willard was born in Postville,
Iowa. ~info & photo from Leta's funeral brochure- from Mary Durr |
SCHUTTE - DIETRICH | Aug. Schutte and Lena Dietrich were united in marriage at the German Lutheran parsonage by Rev. Schumann on Friday, Feb. 4. ~Iowa Volksblatt, Feb. 4, 1898 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHUTTE - MILLER | Mr. Louis Schutte, Postville's popular furniture man, and Mrs. Huldah Miller of Clermont, were quietly married at the Lutheran parsonage in this city last Thursday, the Rev. E. Schmidt performing the ceremony. The groom is so well and favorably known to the people of this city and community as to need no introduction, and the bride is held in equally high esteem by people of Clermont. They at once settled down to housekeeping in the groom's beautiful home on east Tilden street where the Herald, in common with their legion of friends hopes every happiness and earthly blessing may be theirs abundantly.- Postville Herald, Thursday, July 6, 1922 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SCHWABE - MEIER | At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meier, northwest of Postville, last evening, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Bertha C., to Mr. Clements Schwabe of Seward, Neb., Rev. R. Kuehne officiating. Only the bride's family were present. They left last night for a few days in Chicago, after which they will go to Seward where the groom publishes a German newspaper. ~Postville Review, Fri. June 13, 1913 - from Reid Johnson |
SEAMONDS - WALKER | Married. Mr. S.R. SEAMONDS, and Miss Nettie WALKER, of Hardin, at the residence of the brides father, Thursday, Dec. 7th, 1873. By Rev. R.D. McCORMACK. ~Postville Review, December 17, 1873 - from S. Ferrall |
SEBASTIAN - GERICKE | At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gericke, of Post township, on Wednesday, Jan. 26th, occurred the marriage of their daughter Amanda to Mr. William H. Sebastian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sebastian of this city, Rev. R. Kuehne officiating. The happy even took place at High Noon in the presence of a large number of relatives and invited guests, and after the usual season for congratulations a splendid wedding dinner was served. To afford ample accommodations for all to enjoy themselves in the accustomed manner at such occasions, a big bowery tent was erected close to the house and heated with two stoves. These young people are from two of the oldest and best known families of this locality, whose friends are legion, and many beautiful presents were given them. The young couple will settle down to housekeeping on their farm, near Hardin, now tenanted by Henry Wolters, where a host of friends will join in extending them teir choicest wishes for a happy and prosperous wedded life. God be with them. ~Postville Review, Friday, January 28, 1910 (Lutheran Church notes column) - from S. Ferrall |
SEBASTIAN - KOHRS | At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kohrs of this city, at 7 o'clock on Tuesday morning, Nov. 21st, Geo. C. Sebastian and Miss Anna Kohrs were married by the Rev. E. Schmidt. ~Postville Review, November 24, 1916 - from S. Ferrall |
SEBASTIAN - SPRING | New Hampton Miss Ella Spring, daughter of Mrs. Jacob Spring, Corbing, and Robert Sebastian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sebastian, Postville, were married Mar. 31 in the Baptist church, Corning. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bean. The bride has operated a beauty shop here for the past four years. The groom has leased a filling station at Postville where they will live. ~Waterloo Sunday Courier April 7, 1944 -from Cindy Lovell |
SEITZ - MAY | Miss Patricia May, daughter of Mrs. Charles Davis of Postville, became the bride of Norman Seitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Seitz of Waukon, Saturday afternoon August 8, at 2:00 o'clock. The vows were performed by Rev. Curtis Webster in the Forest Mills U. B. Church. Mrs. Otis Stockman of Luana presided at the organ and accompanied Miss Shirley Price who sang, "I Love You Truly" and "Always". The bride, given in marriage by her brother, James May, wore a gown of pale pink brocaded organdy over taffeta. Her finger-tip veil was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of pink roses with lily of the valley streamers, on a white bible. Mrs. Charles Ewing, friend of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wore a pink net floor length gown over taffeta with a picture hat to match. She carried a bouquet of roses. Charles Ewing, Jr., Waterloo, attended his friend as best man. Ushers were Keith Ewing and Charles Davis of Postville. A reception was held following the ceremony. A three tier wedding cake centered the serving table. Friends of the couple assisted with the serving. The couple will make their home in Waterloo where Mr. Seitz is employed. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and family of Corvallis, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ewing of Tama and Mrs. James Denner of Waterloo. ~Postville Herald, hand dated 1953 - from Mary Durr |
SEWELL - BOWER | Done it! Jo Sewell has been
gone and done it. He was married last week to Miss
Lillian Bower, a former resident of this city. Sensible
Joseph; you now have a right Bower -- see that you play a
fair game. ~North Iowa Journal, Tuesday, January 14 1873; pg 3 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
SEYBERT - SCHUTTZ | Fred D. Seybert was in town a short time Wednesday with a rather guilty look in his eye, and inquiry disclosed the fact that on Tuesday he had committed matrimony over at West Union, his accomplice being Miss Verma Schuttz of Caledonia, Minn., and as it was their first offense they were only given a life sentence, which we hope may be filled with health, happiness and prosperity. They left on the noon train Wednesday for their home in Preston, Minn., where the groom is emplyed as "trouble man" for the Standard telephone company. ~Postville Review, August 22, 1913 - from S. Ferrall |
SEYDEL - EWING | The marriage of Miss Viola Ewing to Leroy Seydel took place late yesterday at the Christian parsonage, Rev. I. E. Wade officiating. The single ring ceremony was used. The couple were attended by the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. George Seydel. The bride wore a beautiful suit of dark blue with a corsage boquet of pink roses. Mrs. Seydel is a Postville, Iowa, girl, coming to Iowa City about 18 months ago. The groom is connected with the A. C. Thormann Motor Co., and the couple will make their home in Iowa City following a trip to the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. W. French, at Postville. Many friends wish them a happy wedded life.-Iowa City Citizen; re-printed Postville Herald, Thursday, February 3, 1921 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SHABER - SCOTT | Married on the 18th of March, by M.J.S. Newcomb, Esq., Mr. Herod Shaber, of Giard Township, and Miss Almara Amanda Scott, of Linton township, Allamakee Co. ~Clayton County Herald, March 23, 1855 - from Audrey Haught |
SHALANDER - JOHNSON | Married - July 5th, 1869 by Rev. DS Starr, at his residence in Waukon, Mr. Parle Shalander to Miss Carrie Johnson, both of Center. ~Waukon Standard, July 8, 1869 - from Bob Hoy |
SHATTUCK - SANDBECK | Robert L. Shattuck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luman H. Shattuck, and Ethel Doris Genevieve Sandbeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sandbeck, both of Waukon were married Sunday at the Glenwood Lutheran church with the Rev. Alfred Bredesen officiating. Their attendants were Arlo and PHillip Sandbeck and Mr. and Mrs. A. Flage. ~Decorah Journal, Thursday, January 14, 1943 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
SHAW - BURDICK | Married. Shaw-Burdick - at
the residence of the bride's parents in Lansing, Iowa,
Oct. 31st, 1877, by Rev. C.H. Rogers, Mr. L.D. Shaw and
Miss Lou A. Burdick, all of Lansing. ~Postville Review, Saturday November 10, 1877 - from S. Ferrall |
SHEFF - SCHROEDER | MARRIED - In Alamakee Co. Iowa, Nov. 11th, Abijah T. Sheff to Miriam J. Schroeder. ~The Weekly North Iowa Times, December 23, 1857, pg 2 - from S. Ferrall |
SHEPHERD - CARPENTER | MARRIAGE. At ten o'clock Wednesday morning took place the marriage of Arthur SHEPHERD of Postville and Miss Edna Grace CARPENTER of this city. [extracted from a long write-up] ~Postville Review, September 17, 1909 - from S. Ferrall |
SHEPHERD - POWERS | MARRIED. At the residence of the bride, in Postville, Oct. 15th, 1888 by Rev. J.O. THRUSH, Mr. Jas. I. SHEPHERD and Miss Velma POWERS. ~Postville Review, October 20, 1888 - from S. Ferrall |
SHERBONDA - COLLINS | Waukon, Ia. - Special: A pretty fall wedding was celebrated Thursday at St. John the Baptist church at West Ridge when Miss Alice Collins became the bride of Leslie L. Sherbonda, both of this vicinity. The Rev. T. B. O'Toole, pastor, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Brien, brother-in-law and sister of the bride, were the attendants. A wedding breakfast was served at the S. & D. cafe with places being laid for 16 guests. The newlyweds then departed by car for a visit with relatives at Sioux Falls, S. D. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. William Collins of French Creek township. She is a graduate of Waukon high school, since which time she has been a rural school teacher in Allamakee county. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mauel Sherbonda of Lincoln township. He received his education in the rural schools. For the past several years he has been employed as a truck driver. The new home will be established in Waukon. ~Dubuque Telegraph Herald, 4 Sept. 1936, P 9 C 8 - from 'LA" |
SHERIFF - SPORES | Merlin Sheriff of Lansing and Miss Dorothy Spores of Harpers Ferry were united in marriage by Reverend Van Nice at his residence. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sheriff, brother and sister-in-law of the groom. ~Waukon Republican-Standard, Dec. 23, 1931 ~from S. Ferrall |
SHERMAN - ROTH | Miss Leona Roth and William Sherman were married Friday at the home of the Rev. E.M. De Buhr in Ludlow township. Both are members of well known families residing near Waukon, she being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roth, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sherman. For several years the bride has been employed as a stenographer in Chicago. They will establish their home on the Roth farm west of Waukon. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette, February 5, 1940 - contributed by Cindy (Maust) Smith |
SHIPTON - OLDAG | At the Lutheran parsonage in Postville at high noon on Wednesday, July 14, 1920, occurred the marriage of Miss Lenora M. Oldag of this city and Mr. John B. Shipton of Clermont, Rev. E. Schmidt officiating. They were unattended. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oldag of this city. The groom is a Clermont young man engaged in the implement business with his father in that city. They will reside at Clermont. - Postville Herald, Fri., July 16, 1920 - from Reid R. Johnson |
SHORTREED - ERVIN | MARRIED. At the Residence of, and by, Rev. J. L. PAINE, on Wednesday, Sept. 20th, 1876, Mr. Thomas SHORTHREED and Miss Dora R. ERVIN, all of Postville. ~Postville Review, September 27, 1876 - from S. Ferrall |
SHULTZ - PETERS | Lansing, Ia. - (Special) Two sisters, Enid and Lorraine Peters, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peters, were married a day apart, the former to Alvin Schulz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schulz, at Waukon Friday night, when the Rev. Frank Stucki performed the ceremony. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peters. Mrs. Schulz was one of this years graduates from the Lansing High School. Mr. and Mrs. Schulz and Mr. and Mrs. Zeimet will reside in Lansing, where all are employed. ~La Crosse Tribune & Leader-Press (Lansing column), La Crosse, WI, September 15, 1937 - from Reid Johnson (see also Zeimet-Peters marriage) |
SICKLES - NELSON | Waukon, Ia. - Miss Alvina Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. Nelson, and Arthur Sickles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sickles, all of Paint Creek township, were married Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at the Waterville Lutheran church. The Rev. Otto R. Haugstul performed the ceremony, and nuptial music was furnished by Mrs. Otto I. Sorenson at the organ. The bridegroom's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Genz, were the couple's only attendants, and serving as ushers were Orville Nelson, brother of the bride, and Gene Sickles, the bride-groom's brother. The couple will live on a farm in this vicinity. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Sept. 22, 1944 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
SICKLES - YORK | MARRIED. At Forest Mills, Iowa, Sept. 24th, 1882 by Wm. WERHAN, J.P., Mr. Henry E. SICKLES and Miss Eliza J. YORK. At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. A.M.L. Brainard and Miss Jennie McWilliams. All of Post twp. ~Postville Review, September 30, 1882 - from S. Ferrall |
SIEWERS - BYRNE | Lansing relatives and friends have received announcement of the wedding of Miss Mary Lucille Byrne of Chicago to Mr. J. Brandt Siewers of St. Louis, Mo., where the groom has a fine position, and they will make their home there. Miss Byrne is a former popular Lansing girl, and her husband is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Siewers, also former residents, and they have the best wishes of a host of friends, the Journal included, for a long and happy married life. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, July 3, 1929 ~from Ann Krumme |
SIEWERS - LYONS | Married, Dec. 21, [1895] at Dubuque, Mr. A. C. Siewers of Decorah, and Miss Mary Lyons, former Lansing girl and popular school teacher. They will live at Spring Grove, where the groom is a pharmacist. ~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, December 31, 1930. LOOKING BACKWARD column, Thirty-five Years Ago. (1895) ~from Ann Krumme |
SILL - HELMING | Married. In Ludlow twp, on the 23rd, Rev. Herman SILL, of Minnesota, to Miss Minnie, daughter of Mrs. Charlotte HELMING, also at the home of the bride. ~Postville Review, November 1, 1890 - from S. Ferrall |
SIMON - SIMONSON | MARRIED - Just take a look
at John Simon and see the newest married man in the city.
It is said that the knot was tied last Saturday evening.
The lucky femenine portion of this affair is Miss Annie
Simonson. John is so happy that he has already put up the
stove and settled down to family duties. Mrs. S. can now
sing, when John goes out -- "Good bye, John, don't
stay long .. But come back soon to your own
chickabiddy" ~North Iowa Journal, Tuesday, July 1, 1873; pg 3 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
SIMONDS - LAMBORN | At the Methodist parsonage, Postville, Iowa, Monday, July 30, 1894, by Rev. B. D. Smith, Charles H. Simonds, of Momence, Ill., and Miss Laura Belle Lamborn, of Luana, Iowa. The bride is well known and highly esteemed in this vicinity, where we believe the major part of her life has been spent. The groom is reported to us as a man of excellent character, well worthy the prize he has won as a life partner. After a visit at the home of the groom in Momence, the newly made husband and wife will return and make their home in this city, occupying the S. W. Courson cottage in the north part of town. The Graphic bespeaks for them a hearty welcome. May their union prove a genuine doubling of pleasures and division of sorrows. ~Postville Graphic, Thur., August 2, 1894 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SIMMONS - COATES | MARRIED. In Postville, Jan. 23rd, 1882, by Rev. H.E. WARNER, Mr. Wm. SIMMONS of Frankville and Miss Jennie COATES, of Post. ~Postville Review, February 11, 1882 - from S. Ferrall |
SIMON - LAND | Emery S. Simon of Caldwell, Ohio, was married to Miss Phoebe Land at Waukon. Mr. Simon has been in the employ of Geo. Waters the past year or so. ~Postville Review, Fri., 19 Nov. 1915 -from Reid R. Johnson |
SIMON - MORAN | Albert J. Simon married Mary Irene Moran June 6, 1899 ~no source included with this record - from Mary Kay Gleisner |
SIMPSON - FULSOM | Married. At the residence of Wm. Simpson, April 18, by Rev. C.P. Mead, Mr. Wm. Simpson and Mrs. Sarah Jane Fulsom. ~Postville Review, April 21, 1875 - from S. Ferrall |
SINK - STREITZ | Frank L. Sink and Miss Caroline M. Streitz, both of La Crosse, were married Tuesday by Reverend Peter F. Kjorlaug at the parsonage. Mrs. Kjorlaug and H. Linebeck were the witnesses. Mr. Sink is superintendent of the Northern States Gas and Power Company at La Crosse, where they will make their home. They were accompanied to Waukon by a number of relatives and friends. ~Waukon Republican and Standard, May 24, 1933 - from S. Ferrall |
JORDAN![]() |
A pretty wedding was that which took place at St. Peter's Evangelical and Reformed Church, New Albin, at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon when Miss Lorena Jordan, youngest daughter of R.F. Jordan of this place, and Maynard Sinrud, son of Nora Wivelstad of La Crosse, were united in marriage, which was attended by a number of relatives of the young couple. The double ring ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. P.H. Franzmeier. The bride was attended by her cousin, Mrs. Alvin Sires, and Mr. Sires was the bridegroom's attendant. The bride was attractively attired in a Mexican violet wool dress with matching accessories, and a corsage of white chrysanthemums. The groom and his attendant wore dark blue suits with a gardenia outtenier. Mrs. Nora Wivelstad, mother of the bridegroom, wore a black dress with rose accessories. Her corsage was of pink carnations. A 6 o'clock dinner for the bridal couple and 26 immediate relatives was held at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Leo Crowley. A beautifully decorated 3-tier wedding cake adorned the bride's table, and the waiters were Mrs. John Hudachka and Miss Mavis Jordan, cousins of the bride. The bride is a graduate of New Albin High School, class of 1934. She is a popular and refined young lady and well thought of by her many friends. The bridegroom is employed with the Service Transfer Co. in La Crosse, where the new home will be made following a short wedding trip. A wedding dance was given in their honor that evening at Dreamland Ballroom, which was largely attended by relatives and friends. Out of town guests who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jordan, St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Joe Deeny, Waukon; Miss Mabel Sinrud, Osseo, Wis.; and Miss Betty Moore, La Crosse. ~undated clipping, ca1940's - from Errin Wilker |
SIRES - AKERS | Miss Paula Jean Akers of Christiansburg, Virginia, became the bride of Donald Harold Sires of Arlington, Virginia, on Friday evening, March 4, 1960 at 7:00 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Leroy Akers of Christiansburg. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Sires of New Albin, Iowa. The Rev. Joseph E. Hardy performed the ceremony in the Blacksburg Christian Church, Blacksburg, Virginia. The couple will reside at Arlington where the bride will be an employee of the Chesapeake and Patomac Telephone Company. The bridegroom is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and presently represents the Richard D. Irwin Publishing Company at Washington, D.C. and Maryland area. The many friends here of Donnie extend their congratulation and the best of luck to he and his bride. ~Allamakee Journal newspaper clipping - from Errin Wilker |
SIRES - BELLOWS | Miss Lillian Bellows and James Sires were united in marriage Christmas day at 5:20 at the Mount Hope church. The Reverend C. Haas performed the ceremony. The ceremony was witnessed by Mrs. Kate Sires, Mrs. Joe Crowley and Mrs. C. Haas. The bride is the second oldest daughter of Mrs. Hannah Bellows of New Albin, and has been employed in the drug store in New Albin for 15 years. The groom is the oldest son of Mrs. Kate Sires, and is engaged in painting and decorating. They will make their home with the brides mother. ~unknown newspaper clipping, Dec. 1939 - contributor Errin Wilker |
SIRES - DUFF | GROOM: John Sires BRIDE: Sarah Jane Duff MARRIED: 22 Jun 1865 in Union City Township, Allamakee County, Iowa ~Marriage Certificate - from Errin Wilker |
SIRES - HAHN![]() |
GROOM: James Grant
Sires of Dorchester, Allamakee County, Iowa, son of
John & Katherine (Burroughs) Sires
BRIDE: Sarah Jane Hahn of French
Creek Township, Allamakee County, Iowa, daughter of
John & Margaret (Schaffer) Hahn MARRIED: 08
Feb 1906 in Union City Township, Allamakee County, Iowa
MINISTER: Joseph C.B. Peck
WITNESSES: Roy Sires & Lena Hahn ~Marriage
Certificate - from Errin Wilker ----- Married, Feb. 8, by Rev. Peck of Mt. Hope, James Sires
and Miss Sadie Hahn, popular young people of English
Bench. |
SIRES - HAHN | GROOM: Roy Sires of Union City Township, Allamakee County, Iowa, son of John & Katherine (Burroughs) Sires BRIDE: Lena Hahn of French Creek Township, Allamakee County, Iowa, daughter of John & Margaret (Schaffer) Hahn MARRIED: 25 Sep 1906 in Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa MINISTER: R.L. VanNice WITNESSES: Mrs. Katherine Sires & Mrs. R.L. VanNice ~Marriage Certificate - from Errin Wilker |
Tulare Girl Becomes Autumn Bride. A fall wedding took place September 27, 1940, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at St. Paul's Evangelical Parsonage of Waverly, Iowa, when Miss Virginia Roeber was united in marriage to Mr. Forrest Sires of New Albin, Iowa. The single ring ceremony was read by the Rev. R.C. Schlieter. At the conclusion of the ceremony, a program of nuptial music was played by the pastor. The bride was beautiful in a soldier blue street-length dress. The groom wore a conventional dark suit. The bride is the only daughteer of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Roeber of Tulare, South Dakota. She is a graduate of Tulare High School with the class of 1936. She is a charming and competent young woman and well deserving of the man of her choice. Mr. Sires is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sires and is a graduate of New Albin High School with the class of 1935. He is employed at the Niclai Hardware store in New Alibin. Mrs. Sires is remaining at home in Tulare this winter to care for her mother, who is recovering from an operation. In the near future she will join her husband and they will make their home in New Albin. ~1940 South Dakota newspaper clipping - from Errin Wilker |
SIRES - SCHWARTZHOFF | Thomas Sires & Christina
"Tina" Elizabeth Schwartzhoff. Married 04 Oct
1899 in Waukon by R.L. VanNice, Minister ~Marriage Certificate - from Errin Wilker |
SIRES - SPIEGLER | Levi Sires & Anna Maria Sophia Spiegler, Married 23 November 1897 in Waukon by F.H. Robbins, Justice of the Peace ~Marriage Certificate - from Errin Wilker |
SISLER - FREESE | WAUKON, Ia. St. Johns Lutheran Church in Guttenberg will be the setting of Miss Paula Irene Freese and Serge L. Sisler. The couple will exchange nuptial vows at 2:30 p.m. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freese of near Waterville and her fiancés parents are Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Sisler of Coggon. Miss Freese completed her education at Luther College in Decorah and has been teaching in the Strawberry Point Public School. The prospective bridegroom is a student at Upper Iowa University at Fayette. ~The Telegraph Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, July 4, 1958 - from Cheryl Moonen |