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Marriage, Anniversary & Divorce index
Allamakee Co. User-contributed Anniversary Records 1930-1949 |
-Anniversaries are arranged by date
-Some of the couples have more than one anniversary announcement
1879-1929 * 1950-1979
* 1980-present
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
D. Meyer Wedding Anniversary. Sunday, September 28th, marked the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Meyer of Castalia, and the following relatives and freinds came with well filled baskets to help them celebrate their Crystal Wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reincke, grandparents of Mr. Meyer; Mrs. Eda Meyer and son Milo; Mr. and Mrs. Chas Reincke, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Block; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuhse and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuhse and family' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groth and family; Mr. and Mrs. Enos C. Muchow and family; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyer and family and Chris Fischer, all of Postville. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Meyer, of Ossian; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mecklenberg and family of Chester; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brandt and family of Clermont; Mr. and Mrs. Rudolpy Kuhse and family and Eldo Schultz of Farmersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reincke and family; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Meyer and family; Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Willman and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koenig and family; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koenig and family; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kluss, all of Castalia. ~Postville Herald, October 2, 1930 |
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Brewer Wedding Anniversary. About forty-five friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brewer last Friday evening to assist them in celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. Five hundred was the entertainment of the evening, high honors for the ladies' going to Mrs. Arnold Backhaus and for the men to Howard Leui. At an appropriate season a delicious lunch was served from the well filled baskets brought by the guests, following which all departed homeward leaving behind as reminders of the event a number of beautiful pieces of china. A pleasing part of the gathering was the fact that it came to Mr. and Mrs. Brewer as a complete surprise, the event having been planned and arranged entirely by their young daughter, Miss Mildred. The Herald joins with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brewer in the hope that they may be spared to enjoy many more years of happy wedded life. ~Postville Herald, October 9, 1930 |
Mr. and Mrs. D.F.
Duggan Sunday was the twentieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Duggan and the members of their two bridge clubs perpetrated a pleasant surprise on them in honor of the event. When they arrived home from their Model Café at 7:30 p.m. they found their home in possession of about thirty ladies and gentlemen. A basket supper was served and the evening spent at bridge. The friends presented them with a fine electric table lamp as a memento of the pleasant occasion. ~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, October 22, 1930 - contributed by Ann Krumme |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Dasher Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dasher were pleasantly surprised at supper time Tuesday of last week by about twenty lady and gentlemen friends, the occasion being their fifteenth wedding anniversary. The party brought with them well filled baskets of eatables and a fine spread supper was served. A pleasant sociable evening was spent at cards. Mr. and Mrs. Dasher were presented with a number of mementos of the happy occasion and the affair was highly enjoyed by all. ~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, Waukon City Chit-Chat column, Oct 29, 1930 - contributed by Ann Krumme |
Mr. and Mrs. George
Haines Waukon, Ia., Nov 15 - Sixty-two years ago the 17th of this month, George William Haines stood at the alter with Miss Addie A. Estis, and took the vow that joined them in holy wedlock. Sixty-two years have followed, years during which they trudged through pioneer days in Iowa, enduring all the hardships that typlified early day living conditions here, later years of hard work and long hours of toil. Today Mr. and Mrs. Haines remain lifelong comrades and because of their practice of frugality and economy in the years that have passed, they now have the opportunity of looking forward to the balance of their lives in the enjoyment of comfort and plenty. Mr. and Mrs. Haines have two children, Arthur is a professor of chemistry in the University of South Dakota and their daughter, Mrs. John Leppert, resides at Berlin, N.D., where her husband is cashier of a bank. Mr. and Mrs. Haines also have four grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.... ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Nov. 16, 1930 - contributed by S. Ferrall The lengthy write-up at the time of their 62nd anniversary went into detail about Mr. Haines & has been posted in it's entirety as a biography. Click here to read the entire article, which includes photos of the couple. |
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Debner Waukon, Ia., Nov. 22 - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Debner recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. John Fiet. The exact date is in March, 1931. They were married in Germany and came to the United States in September, 1885, and have resided in Allamakee county for 35 years. This union was blessed with six daughters, namely: Mrs. J. Kueneman of Waukon, Mrs. D.M. Miller, Mrs. John Fiet, Mrs. Albert Nagel, Mrs. John Nagel, Mrs. Fred Nager, all of Ludlow township. They first settled in Clayton county near Garnavillo, and later in Winneshiek county. They also have sixteen grandchildren. They are in very good health and bid fair to celebrate many more anniversaries. The actual date is in March, but owing to the fact that roads and weather are more uncertain at that time of the year, the celebration was carried out ahead of time. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Nov. 23, 1930 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. J.E.
Raymond Waukon, Ia., Nov. 22 - Sunday, Nov. 23, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Raymond will celebrate their fifty-second wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Raymond were married Nov. 23, 1878, in Waukon, and have resided here most of the time since. Mr. Raymond was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, and came to Allamakee county in the spring of 1878. Mrs. Raymond, whose maiden name was Clara Raymond, was born in Allamakee county near Waukon on a farm now owned by A.C. Johnson on Oct. 22, 1858. Her parents were numbered among the oldest settlers. After their marriage they remained on a farm west of town for a month or two and then departed for the east where they resided for six years in Ohio. Mr. Raymond became a member of the Waukon lodge of Odd Fellows 38 years ago and continued his membership to the present time. Mr. Raymond for years worked in the machinery business for James Holohan. He operated a dray line in Waukon for 15 years. Mrs. Raymond was president of the W.R.C. and M.B.A. orders for a number of years. This union was blessed with nine children of whom four are living. Their son, Richard, died in the World war from a machine gun wound. Another son, Wilbur, a barber in Waukon for years, died since reaching manhood. Orrin died in his youth and two other children died in infancy or childhood. The living children are Mrs. Alice Brink of Waukon, Mrs. Bertha Arnold of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Mrs. Joseph Roshek, also of that place, and Ernest Raymond of Silvis, Ill., who is a member of the "Sunny Four" male quartet and radio entertainers. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond are in the best of health. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Nov. 23, 1930 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. N.
Barbaras Mr. and Mrs. N. Barbaras were married 50 years Saturday, Dec. 27, and in honor of the occasion Father Nolan celebrated high mass at 8 oclock, at which they renewed their vows and received Holy Communion. Their many friends extend congratulations and best wishes to this estimable couple. ~Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror, December 31, 1930 - contributed by Ann Krumme |
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Osterholz Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osterholz, residents of Union Prairie township for over a period of 51 years, celebrated their fifty-first wedding anniversary Tuesday of last week. A family reunion was held in honor of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Osterholz were both born in Germany and on Feb. 3, 1880, were united in marriage. On August 1, 1881 they emigrated to this country, coming directly to Union Prairie township in Allamakee county where they had relatives, with whom they resided a short time, afterwards purchasing a homestead. They are the parents of Mrs. Herman Roth, Mrs. Edward Sanderman, Mrs. John Winkie and John and Elmer, all of whom reside in this vicinity. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, February 11, 1931 -contributed by Ann Krumme |
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Frink Rossville, Ia., Jan 6 - Mr. and Mrs. John D. Frink quietly observed their fifty-first wedding anniversary Tuesday at their home here. Both Mr. and Mrs. Frink are in good health and active. They have always lived in this community. Mr. Frink is 75 years old while Mrs. Frink is 72. The couple were married at Waukon on Jan. 5, 1881, and settled on a farm near here. They remained on the farm until last year when they moved to Rossville. They are the parents of seven living hcildren, Clifford, Cylinger, IA.,; Orville and Dudley, Monona; Merle, Waukon; Herbert, Reuben and Mrs. Ray Rush, Jefferson twp. ~Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, Dubuque, Iowa, Wednesday evening edition, January 6, 1932 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Osterholz Waukon, Ia., Feb 5 - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Osterholz, prominent residents of Union Prairie township, celebrated their fifty-second wedding anniversary at their home Wednesday. On their golden anniversary a larg reception was held in honor of the event, but at this time the affair was celebrated formally. Both Mr. and Mrs. Osterholz were born and grew to womanhood in Germany and here it was on Feb. 2, 1880, they were married. The next year they set sail for America and after landing in New York came directly to Union Prairie township where they made their home for a short time with a relative, Simon Ludeking, and family. Later they purchased a homestead which has since been their home. Mr. and Mrs. Osterholz are the parents of seven children, five of whom are living. They are: Mrs. Herman Roth, Mrs. Edward Sanderman, John and Elmer, all of Union Prairie, and Mrs. John Winkie of this city. ~Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, Dubuque, Iowa, Friday evening edition, February 5, 1932 - from S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs.
Diedrich Nuehring GOLDEN WEDDING. Postville, Ia. Feb. 15 ---Special: Fifty years ago Sunday, Feb. 14, 1882, Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich Nuehring of Postville, Ia. were married at Husum, Germany, and in the same year emigrated to the United States. After farming for 30 years in the neighborhood of Postville, they retired and moved to town. The Lutheran Ladies' Aid Society presented the bridal couple with a nicely framed golden wreath and wedding poetry, fitting the occasion. In the forenoon Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich Nuehring were taken to the home of their son, Edward Nuehring, in Grand Meadow township, and there they found all their children and grandchildren assembled to participate in a wedding dinner. ~February 15, 1932; Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal, Dubuque, Iowa, Page 5 Column 7 - contributed by Mary Durr |
Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Ferris Celebrate Their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Ken Ferris, a former butter-maker at the Waukon and Church creameries, and his wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Monday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Otto Hager, in Ludlow township. All of their children and families were present excepting their son Earl, who resides at a distant point. The children who assisted in making the event a happy one besides the Hager family were Ray Ferris, Mason City; Floyd, Churchtown, and Mrs. Francis Padden, Castalia. Mr. Ferris brother, Lee, accompanied by his wife and daughter Martha and their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox came from St. Paul to join in the festivities. ~undated newspaper clipping; Note: Kendrick Vale Ferris married Augusta Johanna Henrietta Miller on 26 September 1882, Waukon, Iowa. They celebrated their 50th Anniversary in 1932 - contributed by Joyce Reilly |
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Williams F.L. Williams' Are Wedded 50 Years Lived in Grand Meadow Untill 12 Years Ago On Tuesday of next week, January 10th, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Williams of this city will reach an important epoch in their matrimonial life, their Golden Wedding anniversary. It will be fifty years ago that date that F. L. Williams and Miss Dora Pinney were married in Fond du Lac, Wis. Immediately after their wedding they came back to Postville and began housekeeping on Grand Meadow Farm, a beautiful country estate four miles south of this city, which place during their incumbency of it sustained well the famed hospitality established by its forbears, Fred's parents, Judge and Mrs. Williams. In 1920 Mr. and Mrs. Williams came to Postville and turned over the conduct of the farm to their son Victor and wife, who still operate the same. And here Fred and his good wife continue to reside and enjoy the esteem and fellowship of the many friends they have made along the pathway of life. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are the parents of six living children, Lester of Lewiston, Michigan; Richard of Phoenix, Arizona; Victor on the home farm; Mrs. Virginia Keyes of San Diego, Calif.; Mrs. Amy Gray of San Francisco, Calif.; Mrs. Rachel Lindsay of Lacombe, Canada. Two children died in infancy, Joseph died as a senior at Ames and Hewitt made the supreme sacrifice during the World War and is buried in France. And it was the privilege of Mrs. Williams a few years ago to make the pilgrimage to France with the Gold Star mothers and visit the grave of her son. No celebration of the golden wedding is being held owing to the weakened condition of Mrs. Williams, but the well wishes of many good friends will go out these worthy people in good measure with the hope that there yet remain for them numerous happy returns of their wedding day. With a host of friends the Herald joins in extending hearty felicitations. ~Postville Herald, Jan. 5, 1933 P 1 C 4 - contributed by LA |
Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Kolstad Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peter Kolstad, well known resident of this city, observed their 52nd wedding anniversary at their home here Saturday. They were both born in Norway, Mr. Kolstad on January 13, 1857, and his wife on March 30, 1862. The latter came to this country with her parents when a child and Mr. Kolstad when 21 years of age. Both families settles in Paint Creek township where the young folks were married in 1881. They resided in Paint Creek township until 1913, when Waukon became their home. There are the parents of five sons, Gilman, of Hillsboro, North Dakota, Martin, of Jasper, Minnesota, Harry, of Iowa City, Peter and Herman, of Waukon. ~Waukon Republican and Standard & The Democrat, Waukon, Iowa, Wednesday, March 29, 1933 Page 1 Column 5 - contributed by Joyce Reilly |
Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. John J. Broderick of Fairview township, will have the distinction of celebrating their golden wedding on April 2, and relatives and friends are planning on making it a gala day for them. Mr. Broderick, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Broderick, was born at Dubuque, Iowa, December 1, 1861. When four years of age his father passed away. Later his mother was wedded to Bartley Needham and they moved to Elkport, Clayton county, where Mr. Broderick grew to manhood. Mrs. Broderick has always lived in Fairview township, her parents being Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh. She was born on the farm where she still resides on May 29, 1862. Her marriage to Mr. Broderick occurred on April 12, 1883, at St. Pius Catholic church, Cherry Mound, Fr. John Riley officiating. There were attended by Michael B. Needham, brother of the groom, now residing at Spencer, Iowa, and Miss Anna Flaherty, niece of the bride, who is Mrs. Anna McGrail of Denver, Colo. The altar boys who served the nuptial mass for them, Thomas J. McCormick and Wm. Lloyd, are living at Cherry Mound. Eleven children were born to this union, five of whom are livings, namely: John P. Broderick, Waukon; Mrs. Wm. Finnegan Marquette; Hugh J. and Mrs. Cyril Dougherty at home, and Mrs. Elmer B. Calwell of Chicago. They also have an adopted son Thomas, of St. Petersburg, Florida. There are twelve grandchildren, Helen, Marguerite, John, Rosella and James Broderick, Waukon; Norbert, Geraldine, Alice and Robert Finnegan, Marquette; Maurice Nicholson, Chicago, and Geared and Donna May Dougherty, Harpers Ferry. Mr. Broderick has a brother, Frank H. of Waukon, and three half brothers, Michael B., Bartley S. and Patrick Needham. Mrs. Broderick is the only surviving member of her family, her sister, Mrs. Nelle Reddy having passed away six years ago. It is the desire of friends through-joy this eventful day to utmost. ~Waukon Republican and Standard & The Democrat, Waukon, Iowa, Wednesday, March 29, 1933 Page 8 Column 3 - contributed by Joyce Reilly |
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Bergh The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bergh near Maud was the scene of a happy gathering Sunday, May 21st,when nearly 150 relatives and friends gathered at their home to celebrate with them their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Arriving home from church they were very much surprised to find such a large crowd assembled at their home. They, with their children, their brides maid, Mrs. Arthur Gilbertson, and best man, Gilbert Bergh, and Reverend and Mrs. Lea, were seated at the beautiful table decorated with pink and green streamers, flowers, and a large wedding cake. They were served a three-course dinner prepared by Mrs. Statsvold, Mrs. Sunderman and Mrs. Prestemon. Table waiters were Olga Grangaard, Helen Johnson and Mrs. Ludvig Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Bergh were presented with a gift of money as a reminder of the occasion and with the wishes for many more happy years of wedded life. Mr. Bergh responded by thanking them all. Mr. and Mrs. Bergh are the parents of four children, Mrs. Clarence Knudtson, Harry, Alva and Helen. ~May 24, 1933; Waukon Republican & Standard - contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bechtel celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last Sunday, the affair being a most happy occasion as they were joined by all their children and families who live in or near Lansing. The "bride and groom" were married at the Congregational church in New Hampton on October 15, 1883, by Rev. Hess. Since then they have made their residence in Lansing and have brought up a fine large family that has been a credit both to themselves and to the community. Those present at the anniversary dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bieber and family, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Bechtel and family, Carl Bechtel, Mathew Bechtel, and Adeline Bechtel, all of Lansing. Another daughter, Mrs. Ed Sankhauser of Fredericksburg drove to Lansing for the occasion and was accompanied by her two children, together with a sister of Mrs. Bechtel's from Lawler and a friend, Donald Vistie. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bechtel of Church wee also in attendance. A purse of money was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Bechtel as a remembrance of the day, and numerous congratulatory messages were received from the children who lived at some distance and were unable to be in attendance. ~The Democrat, Waukon, Oct. 18, 1933 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Regan On October 14, 1878, Charles Regan and Miss Mary Ann Waldron were united in marriage at the Lycurgus Catholic church by Rev. Slattery, and Sunday surrounded by children, grandchildren and great grandchildren at their home in Waukon, they were privileged to celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. Both are active an din excellent health and their large circle of acquaintances trust they may be [paper torn] observe many more such happey events. Mr. Regan is one of the few remaining native born residents of Makee township and will be 80 years old on December 4th. Mrs. Regan was born at Morrison, Ill., on August 29, 1858. She came to this county when a child and it has since been her home. They became the parents of six daughters and four sons and during all these 55 years that they have trod life's pathway together they have never lost a loved member of the family by death. The children are Charles, Jr., Daniel, Mrs. P. Rikos and Mrs. Frank Baxter of Waukon; Mrs. Ed Ryan, Jefferson township; Peter J., Mrs. Edward C. Keating and Mrs. J. Devore, Chicago; Cornelius, Alma, Wis., and Sister Cornelius of Danbury, Iowa. There are 35 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Mrs. E.C. Keating and Miss Elin Rolfe of Chicago, and the former's son, Rev. Edward Keating of Ottumwa, Iowa, joined relatives residing hereabouts in a dinner party at the home of the honored twain Sunday. Friends dropped in to extend congratulations and well wishes and the day was one of social enjoyment and long to be remembered. ~The Democrat, Waukon, Oct. 18, 1933 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. L.A.
Bellows Our good friends and townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bellows have in the truest sense been experiencing that joy unspeakable up at their home this week, the occasion being the celebration of their sixtieth wedding anniversary and a family reunion in which all the members of the family without a single exception have been gathered together around the old home fireplace for the first time in thirty years, and if that is not enough to cause parental hearts to almost burst with gladness we dont know what is. It was on November 20, 1873, in the then ambitious town of Hardin, that Loren A. Bellows and Miss Mary Taylor were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, the Rev. Robert McCormack, pastor of the United Brethren church of that community, tying the nuptial know, and the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Bellows have survived the storms of life for three-score years is proof positive that in the good old days folks were married to stay that way. All of their wedded life, save 18 months spent in Kansas, has been lived in this city and the community surrounding, which is the best evidence obtainable that they like this locality and that the many who share the pleasure of their acquaintance have taken most kindly to them. There is also a record of longevity in connection with the Bellows family that has few if any equals in this section, or elsewhere. Blessed with a family of six sturdy sons and one daughter, there has not been a single death in the family circle, neither has there been a death among their grandchildren; and they have seventeen of them. Their immediate family is composed of William F. Bellows of Jamestown, N. D.; George A. Bellows of Pettibone, N. D., Austin E. Bellows of Bayfield, Wis,; Justin H. at home, Frank L. of Dubuque; Lee T. Bellows of Devils Lake, N.D., and Mrs. Mary Kascht of Waterloo, all of whom were here, to help their parents celebrate this most auspicious occasion, as were also Mrs. Austin Bellows and Ray Cahill of Bayfield, Wis. Mr. Bellows was appointed Marshall and Waterworks Superintendent twenty-two years ago by the late Mayor P. J. Beucher, and for the past 22 years has served the city officially and served it well, and is still in charge of the water works.Feasting and good cheer has been the order of the day and night at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Bellows this week and they have certainly more than enjoyed it all, for although the groom is now 79 years of age and his bride of sixty years ago is 77 both still enjoy good health, and we join with many friends in congratulating them upon this auspicious occasion and trust that health and happiness may be theirs for many years to come. ~Postville Herald, Thursday, November 23, 1933 ~transcribed by Lyn Lysne from a photocopy contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Hirth On May 6th, 1886, Eva Munz was married to Andrew Hirth at the French Creek church, by the Reverend C.F. Tromm. Last Sunday at the old stone church on Mays Prairie relatives and friends from Allamakee County gathered to observe the golden wedding anniversary of this couple. Earlier in the week about 20 of the lady friends of the Hirths gathered at the church and cleaned it, preparatory to the celebration, and also with the thought in mind that perhaps it will be used for services later. This was the first time in about five years that the church has been used. Sunday evening about 50 relatives from Churchtown, Mays Prairie, French Creek and Lansing surprised them at their home in honor of the anniversary. They were presented with a beautifully decorated cake. The Hirths formerly farmed, but now have retired and are making thier home in Lansing. He is 74 and Mrs. Hirth is 72, and both are in good health. The Sunday afternoon services were conducted1 by Reverend H. J. Noeding, and Reverend H. W. Singer of Waukon ~newspaper clipping, May 1934 ~contributed by Jim Fowler |
Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Eaton Waukon, Ia - Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Eaton celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary Monday by entertaining their children, Arthur of Minneapolis, Guy W., Mesdames Nelle Slitor, Lucile Keper, P.D. Cota, Harm Ludeman of Waukon, and their respective families. Mr. Eaton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Azael Eaton, were natives of Nova Scotia and he was born in a covered wagon enroute to this section over 80 years ago. In spite of his advanced age he is one of the leading stock buyers of Allamakee county, drives his own car from his home to the stockyards, and attends to his business affairs regularly. Mrs. Eaton was born in Allamakee county, her parents being Mr. and Mrs. John Minert, early residents of the county. ~LaCrosse Tribune, Waukon, Iowa column, May 30, 1934 - contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. Jens
P. Espeland Mr. and Mrs. Jens P. Espeland, Paint Creek township, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Sunday at their home. Over 350 persons, including members of the Old East Paint Creek church, neighbors and friends assembled at their home for a picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Espeland were married 50 years ago at the Old East Paint creek church. The attendants at the wedding were Mrs. Albert Vorseth and Charles Dahl, both of whom sat at the bridal couple's table Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Unseth, friends of the couple the past 50 years, were also honored guests. More than 20 guests who were present Sunday were in attendance at the silver wedding 25 years ago. Christopher Espeland, a son, living in Chicago, and a daughter, Mrs. George Gallagher of Mebridge, S. D., were present. One son, Leo, lives at home. ~La Crosse Tribune and Leader Press, 27 Jun. 1934 P 5 C 4 ~contributed by 'LA' |
Mr. and Mrs. John Verthein, Sr. Waukon, Ia., Special: Mr. and Mrs. John Verthein, Sr., of Waukon were married 54 years ago Thursday. Despite their advanced ages, both are enjoing good health. They were born in Germany in 1853 and 1864, respectively. Their marriage took place at Wheatland Ridge in Union township, March 14, 1881. They lived on a farm in the vicinity of Clear Creek until December, 1929, when they retired and moved to Waukon. Ten children were born to this union, nine of whom are living. Eight of the children live in Allamakee county. The children are: Mrs. Joe Bulman, Mrs. Napoleon Olander, Mrs. Mark Donahue, Mrs. Bert Bulman and John Verthein, Jr., all of Waukon; Mrs. Gus Wilde and George Verthein, both of French Creek township; Henry of New Albin and Gus Verthein of Tulane, S. D. They have 26 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. ~Dubuque Telegraph Herald, 14 Mar. 1935 P 11 C 5 ~contributed by 'LA' |
Mr. & Mrs.
Gilbert Lier Waukon - Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lier of Waukon will celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary at their home here Sunday. Mr. Lier was born in Norway; July 31, 1852, and came with his parents to Center township when a child. Mrs. Lier is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Volden, early residents of Center, where she was born August 14, 1854. Their marriage occured on April 14, 1876, and they lived on a farm in Center until 16 years ago when they moved to this city. ~Cedar Rapids Gazette, Saturday, April 13, 1935, pg 5 ~contributed by Cindy Maust Smith |
Mr. and Mrs. John
Harnack On Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. John Harnack of this city celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in a quiet matter [sic]. The maiden name of the bride was Miss Maggie Thoma, she being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thoma. The groom of a half century ago was John Harnack, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Harnack, and was born in Garnavillo, Oct. 29, 1857. They were married in Postville, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Harnack, April 14, 1885, the Rev. J. Gass officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Harnack settled down to housekeeping on a farm near Postville, where they resided twelve years, and then moved to Postville, which has since been their home. They have one daughter, Hulda, (Mrs. Fred J. Miller) who with her husband reside in the Harnack home. Mr. Harnack is 77 years of age and his wife 70, yet both of them are enjoying the best of health. During their many years of residence in this city and locality Mr. and Mrs. Harnack by their genial and friendly ways have drawn about them an ever-widening circle of admiring friends, with whom the Herald joins in extending hearty congratulations on their golden wedding anniversary and all hope that in health they may be with us to celebrate numerous other anniversaries of their wedding day. ~Postville Herald April 1935 |
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Harris PIONEER COUPLE MARRIED 50 YEARS - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harris To Celebrate Event Two well known and highly respected Post township people, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harris, will observe the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day on next Wednesday, February 17, on which day they will be hosts to a large number of their friends at dinner and supper. During the afternoon they will hold open house to their many friends who might wish to call and pay their respects and extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were married at the home of Mrs. Harris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Segrist, in Post township, on the place now occupied by C. C. Meyer, the ceremony being performed by the late Evan Swenson, justice of the peace. Mrs. Harris was born in Post township and has spent her entire lifetime there. Mr. Harris, as the son of Noble county, Ohio parents, came to Post township as a young lad. Since their marriage they have always lived here, for the past 42 years on the present homestead. ~Postville Herald clipping, from the Dorothy Schave collection, hand-dated 1937 - contributed by Mary Durr. Note: Mrs. Harris was nee Caroline 'Carrie' Malinda Segrist. J.W. Harris (James William) was the son of David McGarry Harris & Roseanna Floyd. He was 23 years old when he removed to Allamakee county. The couple was married February 17, 1887 in Postville. |
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Krueger Saturday evening, Dec. 2nd, was the scene of a very happy gathering at the Walter Krueger home when relatives and friends gathered to help Mr. and Mrs. Krueger celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Cards furnished the evenings entertainment. At a late hour a very delicious supper was served, the table being centered with a beautiful cake decorated in silver. Mr. and Mrs. Krueger received many lovely gifts as remembrances of the happy event. Those present were: Mrs. Henry Krueger and Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred King and Mayme, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fetketter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Krueger, Mrs. Albert Krueger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo King and Glenda, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lueck, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiemerslage and Glen, Mr. And Mrs. George Meyer and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Renk and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weymiller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan and John, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weymiller and family, Mrs. Henry King, Mrs. Anna Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schuettemeier and family, Mr. Henry Brunken and Mr. Vincent Waters, E. B. Krueger. ~Allamakee Journal, New Albin news column, Dec 6, 1939 - contributed by Ann Krumme |
Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Topel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Topel, Sr., will observe their fiftieth wedding anniversary next Wednesday, January 31, with a public reception from two to four o'clock in the afternoon in the Fellowship room of the Postville Community Presbyterian church and a dinner to be served at seven o'clock that evening at the same place. The public is cordially invited to both the reception and the dinner. Picnic baskets of food should be brought for the dinner. A program will be presented after the repast. Mr. and Mrs. Topel are the parents of five children who are making plans for the observance of this unusual event in the lives of their parents. The children are Mrs. E.S. Beall of Independence; Mrs. Henry Dotseth of Decorah; Arthur Topel of Farmersburg; Ralph Topel of LaCross, Wis. and Paul Topel, Jr., living on the old home farm northwest of Postville. They also have nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mr. Topel was born November 7, 1868 in Pomerania, Germany, and in 1885, at the age of 16 years, he came to Chicago and the following year to Iowa, workng as a farm hand in the vicinity of Postville. Mrs. Topel was likewise born in Pomerania, Germany, as Tillie Kamin, on September 13, 1869, and came with her parents to Chicago when one year old. Later they came to Iowa and settled on a farm in Post township, which after her marriage to Mr. Topel became the couple's home and on which they have lived all of their married life, with the exception of two years spent in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. The Topels have one of the best improved and most modern farms in the community, earned by honesty, industry and thrift and the opportunities at hand in this free country of ours. Telling of his early life in this country Mr. Topel says, "I came to America with practically empty pockets, but with the determination and fired with the ambitions to succeed." (Cut courtesty Decorah Journal) ~Postville Herald, January 24, 1940 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Lenz New Albin, Ia, -- (Special) -- The 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lenz will be observed Tuesday. Oscar Lenz and the former Lena Kuehn were married at New Albin March 26 1890. Mr. Lenz was born at Germantown ,Wis., Aug. 9, 1859. At the age of seven years he with his parents came to Brownsville, Minn., and later moved on a farm in Crooked Creek township, Houston county, where he attended rural school. During his stay in Crooked Creek township Mr. Lenz held several public offices, serving on the town board as chairman for 25 years, and as clerk of school district No. 78 for 30 years. He also served as trustee on the Crooked Creek church board for 15 years. After farming on the home place for about 25 years, in 1915 the couple retired to New Albin. Mrs. Lenz was born at Genoa, Wis., June 13, 1864, and was educated in the local rural school. They have two children, Elmer and Mrs. William Kirchoff of New Albin. Mr. and Mrs. Lenz are members of the local St. Peter's Evangelical and Reformed church. Both are active and in good health. ~La Crosse Tribune and Leader-Press, La Cross, Wis., Sunday morning, March 24, 1940 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. & Mrs. John
A. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schultz, were married 40 years last Tuesday, Feb. 12th, and in honor of the event a number of relatives and friends surprised hem by arriving with well filled baskets from which an excellent dinner was served. The centerpiece on the table was a three-tier beautifully decorated cake brought by their daughter, Mrs. Roy Hinrichs of Eitzen. The afternoon was pleasantly whiled away in social converse, etc., making it an occasion long to be remembered by the bride and from of forty years ago, who were presented with a purse of money. Those participating in the happy affair were: Mrs. Emma Stegen, Mr. and Mrs. Art Burmester, Mr. and Mrs. Art Diersen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schoh, Will Schaffer and Mrs. Martha Krukelfeld, of Hokah! Mrs. Elmer Seebold, of La Crescent; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beardmore, Mrs. Carl Meyer, Mrs. Fred Scarba and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hinrichs, of Eitzen, Minn. ~~Allamakee Journal, February 19, 1941, New Albin column ~contributed by Ann Krumme |
Mr. & Mrs. A.C.
Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Gordon Wedding Anniversaries Observed By Two Couples. Last Sunday marked the 36th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harrington and the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Gordon and in order to observe the event, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon served a dinner to a company of relatives at noon.Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ryken and son, Jimmie, Latimer; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gordon and family of Monona; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seybert of Elkader; and the two celebrating couples. ~Postville Herald, 13 May 1942, P 5 C 1 ~contributed by L.A. |
Mr. & Mrs. John
Strub An occasion equalled by few was the privilege of Mr. and Mrs. John Strub who celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Sunday. Mary Weipert and John Strub were married September 20, 1887, at Immaculate Conception church by the (now) Rt. Rev. Msgr. G. L. Haxmeier. This community has always been their home. They farmed in Lansing township 35 of those years and have lived a life of retirement for the past 20 years. Mrs. Strub, in ill health since a fall a month ago, is 72 and her husband 79. At these young ages they can yet set a worlds record. Mr. and Mrs. Strub were the parents of 12 children, ten of whom are living. One died in infancy and Mrs. Lena Kahn at Guttenberg some years ago. Their children are Mrs. Anna Halbraeder of Eagle Bend, Minnesota; Mrs. Clara Roth, Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. Elizabeth Plagge, Mrs. Katherine Kelleher, Mrs. Gertrude Troendle, Carl, George, Ray, Leo and Urban of Lansing; 33 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren make up their immediate family. ~Waukon Democrat, September 24, 1942 ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Mr. & Mrs.
Henry Harrison Dunning Former Local Residents Observe Golden Wedding Invitations have been received here by friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunning of Alva, Oklahoma, former residents of this community, to attend their 50th wedding anniversary observance to be held on March 11. The Dunnings went to Oklahoma a number of years ago, Mrs. Dunning being remembered here as the former Mattie Pearson, sister of Mrs. Fred Ernst and of the last Chet Pearson. ~Postville Herald, March 3, 1943 ~contributed by S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Weymiller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weymiller, Sr., observed their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday and in honor of the event their children and families and close relatives numbering 44, surprised them at their home by arriving with well filled baskets, from which a delicious 6 oclock dinner was served. A four-tiered wedding cake decorated in keeping of their anniversary, adorned the center of the table; and after the sumptuous repast the evening was spent playing cards. The honored guests were presented with gifts and a purse of money, and both are enjoying excellent health. Mr. and Mrs. Weymiller were married March 21, 1893. They lived in New Albin several years, then moved onto a farm about a mile south of town, residing there until April, 1919 when they retired from active farming and moved back to New Albin which has since been their home. They have two living children, Walter and Frank Jr., of New Albin, and three grandchildren. A danghter died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Weymiller are a very highly esteemed couple and a host of friends (the Journal included) extend to them congratulations and best wishes on this their golden wedding day and hope they may live to enjoy many more happy anniversaries in the evening of life. Guests at the enjoyable affair included Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Weymiller, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hausman, Mrs. Charles Hinrichs and son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hector and daughter Shirley, Miss Cora Thomson, Mr. Emil Weymiller, Mrs. Emma Blomquist, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Weymiller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weymiller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weymiller, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weymiller, Jr. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weymiller, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bechtel and children, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wild and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wild and daughter Connie. ~Allamakee Journal, Lansing, IA, March 1943 ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Mr. and Mrs. W.J.
Clark POSTVILLEMr. and Mrs. W. J Clark will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at their home here Sunday with a family dinner at noon and an open house for relatives and friends during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were married at Clermont on April 4, 1893 by the Rev. Father Coyle. Mrs. Clark, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fitzgerald, was born near Clermont and Mr. Clark, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark, was born in Grand Meadow Township near Postville. Following their marriage they took up residence on a farm south of Postville where they lived until 1908 when they moved to town. Mr. Clark, who was for many years in the clothing business, was one of the organizers of the Postville Farmers Co-Operative society and served as Postville mayor for four years. At present he is a member of the Allamakee county social welfare board and is a director of the Winneshiek Mutual Insurance Company. They have three children, Mrs. Ethel Steele of Postville, Mrs. Irene Bernhardt of Everly and Dr. Thomas Clark of Victor as well as four Grandchildren. ~Mason City Globe-Gazette (Mason City, Iowa), April 1, 1943 ~contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
Rev. M.C. &
Mrs. Buettell The Rev. M.C. Buettell and Mrs. Buettell of Waukon celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary June 26, 1943. Rev. Buettell is 91 years old and Mrs. Buettell is 89. ~Ogden Reporter, July 15, 1943 |
Mr. and Mrs. Ake
Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Ake Nelson celebrated their golden wedding anniversary here Sunday, Oct. 10, 1943. A family dinner was served at noon and open house was held from 3 to 5 p.m. Both were born in Sweden, Mr. Nelson being 79 years old and his wife 74, and are very active and enjoying good health. They have seven children: Mrs. Glen (Marie) Kingsbury, White River, S.D.; Mrs. Norbert (Ebba) Reburn, Dubuque; Gus of Adrian, Minn.; Albert, Mrs. Walter (Alice) Moe, both of New Albin; Mrs. Ernest (Harriet) Lennofi, La Crosse. They also have 17 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. All the children were present with the exception of Mrs. Reburn who was unable to attend. one great-grandson, Richard Kingsbury of Provo, S.D., also attended the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were presented with an electric radio and a large wedding cake by their children. They are a very fine couple and have the best wishes of a host of friends for continued peace and contentment in the evening of life. ~New Albin newspaper clipping, Oct. 1943 ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Peck Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peck of Britt are a model for a lot of people. Recently they celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Peck were married December 17, 1873, in Allamakee county. At that time, Mr. Peck was 24 and Mrs. Peck was 16. ~Ogden Reporter, December 23, 1943 |
Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Woods Mr. and Mrs. Alex Woods, Sr., who have spent their entire married life in New Albin, observed their 62nd wedding anniversary at their home here Thursday of last week. A family dinner at noon was followed by open house in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Woods are both enjoying good health. Mrs. Woods is 84 and Mr. Woods, 83. They were married March 16, 1882, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hartley, at Portland Prairie. They came to New Albin, where Mr. Woods was engaged as a stock buyer until his retirement a number of years ago. Mr. and Mrs, Woods have six children, William, Alex Jr., and Harold Woods, all of Prairie du Chien, Wis.; Mrs. James Sheriff and Mrs. Peter Hosch, of New Albin; and Mrs. William Schoeing, of Minneapolis, Minn.; 23 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. ~New Albin newspaper clipping, 1944 ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Mr. and Mrs. Barney
Strub Lansing, Ia. - Mr. and Mrs. Barney Strub will celebrate their golden wedding Monday, Sept. 25th. They are 80 and 71 years old respectively, and the entire 50 years of their marriage have been spent at Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Strub are the parents of five children, Walter Strub, Dubuque; Mrs. Theodore Kerndt, Mrs. John Ferring and Mrs. Melvin Knudtson, Lansing and Melinda Strub, RN, Chicago. There are eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. ~Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, Sunday morning edition, Sept. 24, 1944 - from S. Ferrall |
Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Klinkel Charles City -- Mr. and Mrs. Levi Klinkel, whose golden wedding anniversary will occur on Wednesday, will celebrate Sunday at their home with open house from 2 to 5 Sunday afternoon. they were married at Rossville on Jan. 24, 1895, and have been residents of Charles City since July 12, 1911. ~Waterloo Daily Courier; January 19, 1945 |
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Bechtel Today (Wednesday) April 25th is the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bechtel, long-time, and highly esteemed residents of near Churchtown. The formal celebration will take place this coming Sunday at their farm home, where members of the family and a few close relatives will enjoy a dinner and re-union. They also wish to announce that open house will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. when friends may call to congratulate this worthy couple on so memorable an occasion which few married folks are privilgeded to observe. The bride of fifty years ago was Miss Emma A. Wirth, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wirth, of Makee township, where they were married by Rev. Smith, pastor of the Methodist Church, at Church. Her husband was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bechtel, Sr., of Center township. Since their marriage their entire wedded life was spent on the Bechtel homestead where they now reside and are retired. They were the parents of three children, Florence, (Mrs. Dewey Leppert) of French Creek township, Selma (Mrs. Harold Gruber) of Makee township, Leon, of La Crosse, Wis., Frank, on the home farm now, and Lavina, (Mrs. Harold Buege), of Waukon. The latter two were raised by them and considered as their own. Mr. Bechtel, at 77, continues in pretty good health as does his fine wife, now 71, and we are happy to report both enjoying the fruits of an industrious life. They are members of the Congregational Church, and the Journal joins a host of friends in wishing them peace and contentment in this their evening of life. -- Bechtel Golden Wedding As announced in these columns last week, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bechtel celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home near Churchtown, Sunday. The family were all present, enjoying a sumptuous dinner and guests called from early afternoon until late at night bringing presents and extending congratulations to this esteemed couple on this auspicious occasion. Cards, flowers and congratulatory messages were received throughout the week and as late as Monday 2 1/2 dozen yellow roses came from Chicago and 2 1/2 dozen gardenias from California. Other flowers decorated the home, among which were roses, carnations, jonquils, daffodils and cinerarias. A three-tier wedding cake graced the table and in the late afternoon a spread supper was served the many guests present at this time. An informal program at which Mr. Albert Kuntz read a prayer from the scriptures fitting this event and beautifully rendered four songs: "Count Your Blessings' "God Will Take Care of You," "In the Garden" and "Perfect Day." He was accompanied on the piano by Leon Bechtel of La Crosse. Other entertaining musical numbers were accordion solos by Wilma Zimmerman accompanied by her little sister Mary. Interesting messages and poems written especially for this occasion were read to the listeners. Mrs. Bechtel was attired in blue and wore a beau[t]iful gardenia corsage. Festivities concluded with the taking of some group pictures of all present at a late hour in [t]he afternoon. Guests were from as far away as San Francisco, Calif., where Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin Johnson of Houston, Minn., are now residing, with others present from Lansing, Waukon, New Albin and Waterville. Among the many gifts was a purse of money.
~newspaper clippings April 1945 ~contributed by Jim Fowler |
Mr. and Mrs. Carl
O. Colbornson Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Colbornson celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Tuesday, June 12th at their home in Lansing. In honor of the occasion cards, flowers and gifts had been coming in to them for several days, and on the week-end previous, their daughter, Mrs. E. I. Lawton and husband James came up from Victor , and their only son, Leslie, wife and daughter Doris, of Marengo motored here to spend Saturday and Sunday, enjoying a family reunion on this day. Both son and daughter their only children, are engaged in newspaper work, the son being an operator and printer on the Pioneer Republican in Marengo, and Mrs. Lawton, an operator who with her husband publish the Victor Record. Mr. Colbornson was born in 1870 at Elon, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Colbornson. He has one sister, one brother, three half sisters and two half brothers living. Mrs. Colbornson was born in Village Creek in 1873, a daughter (Anne Elizabeth) of Mr. and Mrs. James Aldrich. She has four sisters and one brother living. They were married June 12, 1895 at the home of the bride's parents in Village Creek by Rev. Hall, pastor of the Lansing Methodist church at that time. The first eight years of their married life was spent at Elon, after which they moved to Lansing, where Mr.Colbornson purchased the Charles Aird blacksmith shop and as he was expert tradesman he has continued the business ever since, and can be there every day at his shop on South Third Street. On Tuesday evening another family dinner was held at their home, his sister, Mrs. Joe Johnson and two daughters of West Paint Creek vicinity coming over to extend congratulations to this estimable couple. Many other neighbors and friends called during the day and evening to express best wishes to them on the happy occasion, which so few married people are privileged to enjoy. Both Mr. and Mrs. Colbornson are enjoying fairly good health, and it is the sincere wish of their many acquaintances that they live to enjoy many more anniversaries. ~newspaper clipping June 1945 ~contributed by Jim Fowler |
Mr. and Mrs.
Devillo Holmes Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Holmes, lifelong residents of this community, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Sunday, Nov, 11. The formal ceremony preceded High Mass at Immaculate Conception Church, Lansing, with blessings and renewal of their wedding vows before Father Henry Scharphoff. They were attended by the first bridesmaid, Mrs, Nina Regan Boyer, of Rapid City, S. D., and Mr. Oliver Holmes, Dubuque, a sister and brother of Mr. Holmes. The first groomsman was the late James Regan of Lycurgus. Following the bridal party down the aisle, to pews reserved for them at the, front of the church, were their family and close relatives. In a few remarks Fr. Scharphoff congratulated this worthy couple, advocating prayers of thanksgiving for their many blessings, and exhorting them to prayers and patience in whatever trials and tribulations they might encounter in years to come. At communion time during the Mass their niece, Mrs. Alice Hand of Rapid City, S. D., beautifully sang "Ave Maria." Miss Mary Regan and Devillo A. Holmes were married at Mt. Mary's church, Lycurgus, Nov. 12th, 1895, by Father Norton. With the exception of a few months spent on a farm in Village Creek, the rest of their married life has been passed in Lansing, where he operated a harness shop and store until a couple of years ago, altho he still maintains a workshop for repair business. They are the parents of four children, Cornelius, St. Paul, Minn.; Daniel, Sioux Falls, S. D.; Mary (Mrs. Ray Gantenbein) and Joseph of Lansing. Both sons and their wives were here for the occasion, coming by car Saturday and leaving again yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are among Lansing's most estimable residents, and until recently were active in its social and civic affairs. To honor them and extend congratulations a large crowd called at their home Sunday afternoon and evening when "open house'' was held for several hour. Messages and gifts were received from far and near. Following the Mass on Sunday a fine turkey dinner, with all the trimmings was enjoyed in the Parish hall for the family, relatives and friends. About fifty in number were invited to hear an impromptu program, which was enhanced by the music of Mrs. Boyer and her daughter, Mrs. Alice Hand, an accomplished pianist as well as singer. The meal was prepared and served by Mrs. Katherine Asay, assisted by Mrs. Frank Plagge, Mrs. Elsie Teff, Miss Leona Aschom and a corps of capable waitresses. Tables and hall decorations were yellow and white traditional, with this occasion. Father Lawrence Craney capably filled the role of toastmaster. Father Schafphoff read a letter of congratulations to the jubilarians from His Grace Archbishop Rohlman, coadjutor bishop of Dubuque, a message so few are privileged to receive. Short talks were given by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schafer, Peter Whalen, Charles E. Regan, Mrs. W. H. Guider, Mrs. Nina Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. Devillo Holmes, and Cornelius and Dan Holmes. Songs and piano music were given by Dan Holmes, Mrs. Gantenbein, Devillo Holmes, Mrs. Boyer and daughter, Mrs. Hand. In expressive words, Mr. Holmes appeared deeply touched on this memorable occasion, and we hope and trust this most deserving couple may enjoy many years of health and comfort, the material reward for their long and exemplary life. Among other relatives from a distance present were Peter Regan and daughter Margaret, Great Falls, Mont.; Mary Kathleen Regan, Sturgis, S. D. ~newspaper clipping November 1945 ~contributed by Jim Fowler |
Mr. and Mrs. George
Olson Monday marked sixty years of wedded life for Mr. and Mrs. George Olson of Center township. On November 8,1888, they were married at Hemmingford, Nebr. Both are over 80 yearsof age, but in excellent health and with the best wishes of a host offriends, they observed the event Sunday with open house. Mr. and Mrs. Olson have made theirhome in this vicinity for over fifty years. He is a pioneer ofAllamakee, having been born on the old homestead in Center township on July 2, 1867. Mrs. Olson, as Inger Kaasa, was born Feb. 22, 1867, in Winneshiek county. When they first came to Centertownship they lived in a sod house, later occupying a log cabin untilthe present residence was erected. Father Time has dealt kindly with this couple and the entire family of seven children is still an unbroken circle, namely: William, Bangor, Wis., Mrs. Walter Huffy, Mrs. Almer Kolsrud, Center township; Evelyn, Lansing; Mrs. Fred Fiet, Ludlow, Mrs. Henry Kvammen, Decorah, and Hjalmer at home. ~Waukon Republican-Standard, no date ca1948 ~transcribed as printed by LA |
Mr. and Mrs. M.J.
Ryan To Celebrate Golden Wedding - Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ryan, well known residents of Union City township, will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary Sunday, February 22nd. The event will be held in Norton Hall of St. Patrick's school in Waukon, where a dinner will be served followed by a social afternoon. They are the parents of six daughters and one son, all of whom with their families, expect to be in attendance. Open house will be held from 2 to 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. ~Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, February 18, 1948, P 1 C 3) ~contributed by LA |